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  • #11034

    Just thought I’d start one of these practice type things now that I’m ensconced within the new site (at least until they kick me out).

    For those who know me from the old forum, this may differ slightly from my previous “journey to god knows where” thread, in that I don’t actually practice.

    Hell, I barely take heed of my score … I just tend to play for fun these days to tinker, and try out any new, or old stuff I can get my hands on.

    So this thread could be a real mixture of stuff going forward. Up until tomorrow I have had the immense pleasure of having access to a plethora of golfing equipment, both left and right handed, and have pretty much tried everything currently out on the market.

    Hopefully sometime in the very near future, virus restrictions permitting, I’ll be able to resume this wonderful existence of semi retirement, travelling and playing golf for the hell of it.

    In the meantime though since the courses in Vic have been closed, I’ve been hitting balls indoors, in places like Kauri Cliffs, Pebble Beach, Valderrama, and Bethpage, and using all manner of golf clubs ….. so time to kick off with a review a few of the newer golfing offerings I reckon. ……

    2 users liked this post.

    First up the newer drivers, to be known as the big 3 of 2020..

    Callaway’s Mavrik
    Taylormade Sim
    Cobra Speedzone

    Callaway’s Mavrik is their new “Rogue” …. forgiving, easy to launch, but with a horrible baby poo colour accent. Thankfully they haven’t put out a matching tour bag yet. The Mavrik for me is the real surprise driver of the year to date. It feels like it has no middle on it at all … it feels clunky, and like every hit misses the middle of the clubface by at least an inch …. but it goes. It is the longest club out of the three new offerings by a couple of metres, but if feels the worst by far. If however, distance is your driving force, it is the best option of the three I reckon.

    Taylormade “Sim” driver (Shape in Motion)> Well it had been 2 years since their last model so it was time. The SIM driver is slightly different to the previous M5/M6 in that the shape is indeed different. Taylormade have changed the shape of previous models on the sole, pulling the weight low and back in a very structured way they say improves aero dynamics. The club is certainly solid and is the easiest of the three to “square the face” mainly due to the colouring on top of the club which highlights the face position, and is a great feature. Its a very solid driver, but also comes with a very solid price tag.

    Cobra Speedzone .. this driver had a hard act to follow after the extremely successful F9 Speedback. Rather than a completely new design, this is merely supplying a few new tweaks to an already impressive offering. This club actually feels the best of the three, and not just out of the middle. The machined face gives plenty of grunt all over the face, so if you have variable strikes your miss hits won’t be penalised as much as you might think.

    So, just a few thoughts on some of the newer stuff ……… .

    2 users liked this post.

    Good shit Gaz. Look forward to more. You could become our version of Shields or Crossfield.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Commish.
    Can break 80

    Hi GAZ
    any news on what will happen with next years clubs from big OEM’s. Because most of components are made in China, there might be a big down turn in availability of shafts and component heads.


    Hi GAZ
    any news on what will happen with next years clubs from big OEM’s. Because most of components are made in China, there might be a big down turn in availability of shafts and component heads.



    Hi GAZ
    any news on what will happen with next years clubs from big OEM’s. Because most of components are made in China, there might be a big down turn in availability of shafts and component heads.

    I reckon by next year everything will be well and truly sorted.

    A fair few of the major golf companies have their products made in China, and going back about 8 weeks, we were already having issues getting stock from several OEM’s. They also had issues with boats from some Vietnamese suppliers being stopped for lockdown in Chinese ports, prior to heading towards us.

    It shouldn’t take long to get back to normal however … the good thing for the shaft makers etc is that, everyone is effected, everywhere. No clubs are being sold, so there is no need to produce anything new at the moment.

    Also, with China being the origin of all this crap, they should be the first ones through to the other side. They are of course, at the start of the supply chain for a lot of golf equipment, not to mention sports clothing (we also had issues there). One rather large golf clothing company has its manufacturing based right in Wuhan, so we were effected by non delivery almost immediately.

    So in short, yeah it should be fine by then.


    Had a couple of rounds in the Sim at work today, and the driver was well and truly on song. What wasn’t were my irons, I was missing greens, and as I said to my playing partners, missing way too many greens for my handicap.

    The irons I’m using are the new Wilson Staff Model Irons. They are so nice to look at and soooo nice to hit, but way too many greens missed of late.

    So, to find out why, out came the impact tape, the lie tape, and the lie board, and lo and behold, everything was off the face slightly towards the toe, and on the underside of the club the lie board marks were also out towards the toe ……. bugger!!

    How so, I hear you ask?

    Good question, and its one that I grudgingly asked myself too. The same marks were present throughout the iron set (from long to short iron), which means its my bloody swing that is to blame.

    To hit out towards the toe a touch must mean that I am pulling back from the ball through impact, and to hit out towards the toe on the ground means that I am also lifting the heel off the ground at the point of impact.

    So, that would mean I’m pretty much rising up out of my stance, and moving back from the ball at the same time through impact, and I’m doing it consistently with every swing. So what to do about it?

    I could try to retrain my swing to stay in posture, as well as to get my hands lower so that the clubhead comes in flatter…… or I could bend the toe of the clubs up more to try and short cut my way to a partial resolution.

    Out comes the loft and lie machine and cue the music ……. A short while later and a degree or two more upright lie angle across the iron set, and then re-tape the clubs and try again.. A slight improvement across the set, some better than others, but its a small step in the right direction.

    No doubt though, my swing will continue to change, particularly as I hit so many different clubs these days. Some of the irons at work are half an inch over, some are half an inch under, some flat 2 degrees, some upright 2 degrees, some standard. with all manner of different shafts and flexes, and lofts.

    I may go back to the good old days of a couple of years ago, where I had each of my iron sets at a different lie angle spec, and then I’d just swap and change between Saturday and Sundays rounds. That was fun back then, and I managed to get then to work okay for the most part

    One thing that I have learned over time is that ….. give anyone any club, and they will eventually find a way to make it work for them. Give them a stiff shaft or a ladies flex, and within a month they’ll have it under control more often than not ……

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    Quick update.

    I’m officially booked in for golf for Thursday and Saturday, so I’ll get the feel of real grass under my feet for change (and grass that I don’t have to mow.)

    It should be interesting, seeing the swings of my regular playing partners after a couple of months hiatus. I’m sure there will be a few stiff bodies, post our first round back.

    I’ve been lucky in that I’ve probably played at least “a round of golf a day” during this enforced shutdown, and my only real concern should be my putting …. but putting doesn’t effect your score much does it????

    Having had no shortage of actual golf swings, the good bit for me really will be in “getting the band back together” and to continue the fun, banter, and sledging. That’s where the real enjoyment has always been, and I reckon I’m not alone in that.

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    Played this morning on my day off, in just slightly less than ideal conditions.

    A touch of cold air, and more than a drop or two of precipitation throughout the round. Some good shots were struck, but they were few and far between and were interspersed with too much rubbish.

    I’ve tweaked the Cobra F9 driver a touch of late and am getting used to its differences. It’s a touch shorter now, the grip has also been on a diet, and the clubs loft setting is down to about 7.5 or 8.

    I’ve also introduced a bit more body tilt when hitting off the tee, and gone with the 3 1/4 inch tees, rather than my usual 4 inch tees for the driver.

    The reasons being, previously without much body tilt away from the target, I was hitting closer to the low point of my swing, swinging flatter, losing loft, and adding sidespin (hence previously using 4 inch tees to try and alleviate that issue and force myself to hit on the up).

    The new method does show some promise, I hit a few nice launching ones today, and they flew nice and long (there is no run on the course at all with it being very damp underfoot). I have a few issues with the clubface at impact in getting it set just right (a couple of big draws), but its a visual thing at address. I need to set the angle of the clubface correctly at address and good things happen . if I have it closed a touch, then look out hook …… so its just getting used to that visual cue of the clubface and how it should sit at address in order to make it repeatable and predictable.

    My irons were not too bad today, I hit some nice ones despite the conditions, but I got penalised on at least 3 approach shots where I flushed them onto the green by a few metres, only to see them spin back off and down the sloping front fringes. In fact the only time they didn’t spin back was when I put a couple past the pin ……… much to my annoyance.

    Pro V1X …… nice balls though despite spinning a lot or not at all.

    Putting and chipping were just woeful today, and led to at least 4 wipes from memory. I wasn’t that fussed though, I was just happy to be out there having a hit on my day off. I’ve long since stopped worrying about my score, preferring just to enjoy a round and the fun or challenging shots it might occasionally offer up.

    In other news though, my regular playing partner and I may be looking for a different home of golf later on in the year when the membership is up for renewal.

    I reckon I’m starting to get over the soft wintery conditions and will possible be looking for firmer, greener pastures, particularly a landscape which has maybe more than 7 bunkers and is truly playable all year around.

    Having been at Beacy for around 8 or 9 years, I reckon its time for a change, but where to go …. that’s the question. I had thought of Cranbourne but I see that’s in the news this very evening, as someone has carved swastika’s into some of their greens. I don’t mean to cast nasturtiums at anyone, but a few former Beacy members have moved to Cranny recently, so if I were the boys in blue, they would be a good place to start!!.

    That being said, its not a course I’d really entertain. We are sussing out the memberships of various other courses, and there is not much between a few of them, notably Keysie, Sandhurst, Settlers Run in terms of cost etc. (A Keysie membership does come with some baggage I believe), as well as being a bugger of a spot to get to.

    One of the things I’m used to, is pretty much getting to play when I want, eg early morning etc, so that is a factor to consider.

    Other possible courses involve more of a drive, and that being the case, that may get a tad annoying or monotonous, so at this stage there is no preferred option leaping out of the pack. The old membership doesn’t run out til about October anyway, so we have plenty of time to consider all of them, and try a few.

    Anyway, that’s enough to ponder for one evening, time to go load some decent music clips on the tube of you, whilst the Beloved’s busy watching Home and Bloody Away ……..

    1 user liked this post.
    Can break 80

    Played this morning on my day off, in just slightly less than ideal conditions.

    A touch of cold air, and more than a drop or two of precipitation throughout the round. Some good shots were struck, but they were few and far between and were interspersed with too much rubbish.

    I’ve tweaked the Cobra F9 driver a touch of late and am getting used to its differences. It’s a touch shorter now, the grip has also been on a diet, and the clubs loft setting is down to about 7.5 or 8.

    I’ve also introduced a bit more body tilt when hitting off the tee, and gone with the 3 1/4 inch tees, rather than my usual 4 inch tees for the driver.

    The reasons being, previously without much body tilt away from the target, I was hitting closer to the low point of my swing, swinging flatter, losing loft, and adding sidespin (hence previously using 4 inch tees to try and alleviate that issue and force myself to hit on the up).

    The new method does show some promise, I hit a few nice launching ones today, and they flew nice and long (there is no run on the course at all with it being very damp underfoot). I have a few issues with the clubface at impact in getting it set just right (a couple of big draws), but its a visual thing at address. I need to set the angle of the clubface correctly at address and good things happen . if I have it closed a touch, then look out hook …… so its just getting used to that visual cue of the clubface and how it should sit at address in order to make it repeatable and predictable.

    My irons were not too bad today, I hit some nice ones despite the conditions, but I got penalised on at least 3 approach shots where I flushed them onto the green by a few metres, only to see them spin back off and down the sloping front fringes. In fact the only time they didn’t spin back was when I put a couple past the pin ……… much to my annoyance.

    Pro V1X …… nice balls though despite spinning a lot or not at all.

    Putting and chipping were just woeful today, and led to at least 4 wipes from memory. I wasn’t that fussed though, I was just happy to be out there having a hit on my day off. I’ve long since stopped worrying about my score, preferring just to enjoy a round and the fun or challenging shots it might occasionally offer up.

    In other news though, my regular playing partner and I may be looking for a different home of golf later on in the year when the membership is up for renewal.

    I reckon I’m starting to get over the soft wintery conditions and will possible be looking for firmer, greener pastures, particularly a landscape which has maybe more than 7 bunkers and is truly playable all year around.

    Having been at Beacy for around 8 or 9 years, I reckon its time for a change, but where to go …. that’s the question. I had thought of Cranbourne but I see that’s in the news this very evening, as someone has carved swastika’s into some of their greens. I don’t mean to cast nasturtiums at anyone, but a few former Beacy members have moved to Cranny recently, so if I were the boys in blue, they would be a good place to start!!.

    That being said, its not a course I’d really entertain. We are sussing out the memberships of various other courses, and there is not much between a few of them, notably Keysie, Sandhurst, Settlers Run in terms of cost etc. (A Keysie membership does come with some baggage I believe), as well as being a bugger of a spot to get to.

    One of the things I’m used to, is pretty much getting to play when I want, eg early morning etc, so that is a factor to consider.

    Other possible courses involve more of a drive, and that being the case, that may get a tad annoying or monotonous, so at this stage there is no preferred option leaping out of the pack. The old membership doesn’t run out til about October anyway, so we have plenty of time to consider all of them, and try a few.

    Anyway, that’s enough to ponder for one evening, time to go load some decent music clips on the tube of you, whilst the Beloved’s busy watching Home and Bloody Away ……..

    Lang Lang $835 per year, which is the best value course wise that you will find and 1/4 price of Cranbourne or Ranfurlie or any others you are considering,
    playable all year round,
    lots of bunkers,
    29 min from your house.
    flexible tee off times
    Reciprocal rights with Settlers run

    dont discount off list before you have played

    Do you want to have a hit next week or week after during week, to re acquaint yourself with the place..

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Can break 80.
    1 user liked this post.

    Played this morning on my day off, in just slightly less than ideal conditions.

    A touch of cold air, and more than a drop or two of precipitation throughout the round. Some good shots were struck, but they were few and far between and were interspersed with too much rubbish.

    I’ve tweaked the Cobra F9 driver a touch of late and am getting used to its differences. It’s a touch shorter now, the grip has also been on a diet, and the clubs loft setting is down to about 7.5 or 8.

    I’ve also introduced a bit more body tilt when hitting off the tee, and gone with the 3 1/4 inch tees, rather than my usual 4 inch tees for the driver.

    The reasons being, previously without much body tilt away from the target, I was hitting closer to the low point of my swing, swinging flatter, losing loft, and adding sidespin (hence previously using 4 inch tees to try and alleviate that issue and force myself to hit on the up).

    The new method does show some promise, I hit a few nice launching ones today, and they flew nice and long (there is no run on the course at all with it being very damp underfoot). I have a few issues with the clubface at impact in getting it set just right (a couple of big draws), but its a visual thing at address. I need to set the angle of the clubface correctly at address and good things happen . if I have it closed a touch, then look out hook …… so its just getting used to that visual cue of the clubface and how it should sit at address in order to make it repeatable and predictable.

    My irons were not too bad today, I hit some nice ones despite the conditions, but I got penalised on at least 3 approach shots where I flushed them onto the green by a few metres, only to see them spin back off and down the sloping front fringes. In fact the only time they didn’t spin back was when I put a couple past the pin ……… much to my annoyance.

    Pro V1X …… nice balls though despite spinning a lot or not at all.

    Putting and chipping were just woeful today, and led to at least 4 wipes from memory. I wasn’t that fussed though, I was just happy to be out there having a hit on my day off. I’ve long since stopped worrying about my score, preferring just to enjoy a round and the fun or challenging shots it might occasionally offer up.

    In other news though, my regular playing partner and I may be looking for a different home of golf later on in the year when the membership is up for renewal.

    I reckon I’m starting to get over the soft wintery conditions and will possible be looking for firmer, greener pastures, particularly a landscape which has maybe more than 7 bunkers and is truly playable all year around.

    Having been at Beacy for around 8 or 9 years, I reckon its time for a change, but where to go …. that’s the question. I had thought of Cranbourne but I see that’s in the news this very evening, as someone has carved swastika’s into some of their greens. I don’t mean to cast nasturtiums at anyone, but a few former Beacy members have moved to Cranny recently, so if I were the boys in blue, they would be a good place to start!!.

    That being said, its not a course I’d really entertain. We are sussing out the memberships of various other courses, and there is not much between a few of them, notably Keysie, Sandhurst, Settlers Run in terms of cost etc. (A Keysie membership does come with some baggage I believe), as well as being a bugger of a spot to get to.

    One of the things I’m used to, is pretty much getting to play when I want, eg early morning etc, so that is a factor to consider.

    Other possible courses involve more of a drive, and that being the case, that may get a tad annoying or monotonous, so at this stage there is no preferred option leaping out of the pack. The old membership doesn’t run out til about October anyway, so we have plenty of time to consider all of them, and try a few.

    Anyway, that’s enough to ponder for one evening, time to go load some decent music clips on the tube of you, whilst the Beloved’s busy watching Home and Bloody Away ……..

    Lang Lang $835 per year, which is the best value course wise that you will find and 1/4 price of Cranbourne or Ranfurlie or any others you are considering,
    playable all year round,
    lots of bunkers,
    29 min from your house.
    flexible tee off times
    Reciprocal rights with Settlers run

    dont discount off list before you have played

    Do you want to have a hit next week or week after during week, to re acquaint yourself with the place..

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Can break 80.

    SPAMMM lol 😉

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    Growling Frog.

    Lock thread.

    Winner Moonah Legends 2013 Nationals
    Winner The National 2013 Nationals
    Winner 4BBB 2013 Nationals
    Winner Stink's 3 Club Challenge 2015
    Winner C grade OOM The Sands 2016
    Hole-in-one Growling Frog 14/1/17 5th hole 137m TM RBZ 5 hybrid, Srixon AD333 ball
    Growling Frog GC Matchplay Champion 2017
    Winner B grade OOM Curlewis 2018
    Winner Yering Meadows Monthly Medal Dec 2020

    Low Handicap point 12.7 9/4/16

    Finally...and most importantly...
    Smoldy....when only the best will do

    2 users liked this post.

    Royal Melbourne……I’ve heard they do a great Lamb Shank. 😉

    •Inaugural Victorian OOM Putting Champion - Long Island 2011
    •Inaugural ... National champ
    •Hole In One - 7th Hole Portsea GC - 9/10/2012
    Best ever score off the stick - 74 (Gardiners Run 10/12/2020)
    Masters Champion 11/4/2022

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    20 minutes.

    Winner Moonah Legends 2013 Nationals
    Winner The National 2013 Nationals
    Winner 4BBB 2013 Nationals
    Winner Stink's 3 Club Challenge 2015
    Winner C grade OOM The Sands 2016
    Hole-in-one Growling Frog 14/1/17 5th hole 137m TM RBZ 5 hybrid, Srixon AD333 ball
    Growling Frog GC Matchplay Champion 2017
    Winner B grade OOM Curlewis 2018
    Winner Yering Meadows Monthly Medal Dec 2020

    Low Handicap point 12.7 9/4/16

    Finally...and most importantly...
    Smoldy....when only the best will do

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