Bionic leg: Golfer becomes first to wear ‘Bluetooth’ brace allowing him to walk, cycle and tackle the stairs

A man who has been unable to walk since contracting Polio as a young child is able to walk naturally again after becoming the first person to be fitted with a lower limb bionic exoskeleton.

John Simpson, 63, said his life had been “revolutionised” by the Bluetooth-controlled leg brace that monitors his steps 50 times a second.

The brace contains computers and sensors on his thigh, intuitively moving as he moves.
Made of carbon fibre, it is stronger than steel and powered by a simple battery that he charges at night “like a phone”.

Mr Simpson, a father-of-three from south west London, said the toughest challenge was putting his full trust in the technology and allowing himself to put his entire weight onto the brace without fear of injury.

via Bionic leg: Golfer becomes first to wear ‘Bluetooth’ brace allowing him to walk, cycle and tackle the stairs – Telegraph.

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