GOLF MONTH prizes awarded
There are going to be a lot of excited people at the Emirates Australian Open, but perhaps none more so than John Mazza.
Mazza has won the major prize of the recent GOLF MONTH “introduce a member” competition.
Having introduced a player who became a new member to his local Bunbury Golf Club in Western Australia, Mazza was thrilled to win the draw for a trip to Sydney and a money-can’t-buy experience at the Open.
Mazza, along with flights and accommodation, won a spot in the pro-am field on Wednesday, along with an inside-the-ropes experience during the tournament proper.
And all for bringing a mate down to Bunbury GC and so effectively spreading the golf gospel.
There were a heap of other great prizes won by clubs around Australia throughout GOLF MONTH – an October campaign to help bring new and lapsed golfers to clubs and other golf facilities throughout the nation.
The grand title of “Facility of the Year” was won by the regional Bairnsdale Golf club in eastern Victoria for gaining the most new members throughout GOLF MONTH.
Bairnsdale GC wins a $5000 grant for its efforts – a huge boost for the club.
Other category winners included “Innovation Awards” for the most innovative offering in each state and territory (with ACT included as part of NSW).
The winners were:
• NSW: Magenta Shores Golf and Country Club (par-3, nine-hole challenge)
• NT: Alice Springs Golf Club (members bring a non-member for free – nine holes)
• Qld: Gracemere Lake Golf Club (six-hole, two-person ambrose)
• SA: Blackwood Golf Club (family fun day)
• Tas: Prospect Vale Golf Club (open day)
• Vic: Glen Waverley Golf Club (neon night golf)
• WA: Chequers Golf Club (family fun day)
And typifying the effort put in by many clubs and facilities, the winner for the best PGA/ALPG/trainee professional involvement went to Victoria’s Ballarat Golf Club and PGA member David Wallis.
Ballarat won a Swing Fit kit for Wallis’ involvement in clinics, supplying equipment and provision of an all-day barbecue for all visitors.
Six visiting West Australian trainee pros helped conduct “relaxed clinics” on the driving range, chipping green and putting green as the large crowd took in a great atmosphere, with children as young as two taking part in a SNAG golf promotion.
And to top it all off, the local newspaper ran a story and images of Ballarat Golf Club’s big day.
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