Golf for Seniors program proving to be a hit

The Golf NSW- Get into Golf for Seniors program is proving to be a hit across the State with participant numbers climbing and more clubs signing up as venue hosts.

Launched by Golf NSW in 2016, over 625 people have got a taste for the game at some 65 affiliated clubs. Participants have learned about the fundamentals involved in all aspects of the sport from hitting the ball, chipping and putting, to the etiquette of the sport and some of the rules involved as well.

Interest in the sport by those aged over 50 is increasing, with over 40 percent of people taking part in the program have never played before.

Feedback from those who have completed the program has been overwhelmingly favourable, with a massive 98 percent saying they will continue to play golf, while 84 percent said they were now even considering joining a club.

“It’s wonderful to read the positive responses from the hundreds of golfers who have completed the program,” Mr. Graeme Phillipson, General Manager of Golf, Golf NSW, said.

“It’s clear they have enjoyed the program, enjoyed learning about the game, and will continue to enjoy the health benefits the sport delivers in later life.”

Some of the key findings of the participant survey were:

  • People who had played golf before taking part in the program:
    • Never played – 41%
    • More than 10 years ago – 31%
    • 5 – 10 years ago – 28%
  • 69% came alone to the program, 14% came with a husband/wife/partner, while 17% came with a friend
  • 97% of participants overwhelmingly satisfied with the professionalism of the deliverer, the ability of the deliverer to understand their needs, the length of the program, the length of each session, the quality of the clinics, and the increase in skills and knowledge as a result of completing the program
  • Over 97% agreed that it met their expectations and was value for money
  • 47% of participants found out about the program through the newspaper, 19% through word of mouth, 17% through social media and the balance through a mix of other means
  • 71% indicated they would go out of their way to recommend the program to others, 27% said they would recommend it if asked.
  • 98% indicated they will continue to play golf having done this program
  • 84% indicated they will now consider joining a club.

For Steve and Karen Moore, enjoying a round of golf while roaming around Australia is one of the main reasons the Gerringong couple signed up for the Golf NSW Get into Golf for Seniors program.

“We retired, bought a caravan, and will be travelling around Australia.

“We want to take the golf clubs with us because we know that just about everywhere you go there is a golf course.

“It will give us something else to enjoy as we go around,” Steve said.

The Moores had little interest in the sport until retirement day, but with plenty of time now on their hands, felt they were ready to learn how to play.

“I didn’t feel I had the time to devote to really learning how to play properly while I was working, but lately, I have been,” Sharon added.

The next Golf for Seniors Program is due to run in October 2018. For details on dates and your nearest centre, please visit

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