As it was in that other place, so shall it be here. An area to sit back and listen to the chosen songs of others to help relax after a long day on the course. Try and post the video clip if one is available, adds that visual element to enjoy. Especially with some of the female singers.
The Rules are simple:-
1. Barnesy is always right. (Some things just don’t change)
2. Use the LAST word or ANY derivative of that word from the previous song anywhere in your song. IE..sing = song, sung, sang, singing, singer.
3. Plurals are accepted.
4. Thou shalt not up thyself.
5. Brackets do not count. ie whatever is in brackets is valid
6. If there is any confusion refer to Rule 1.
Weeti had the honour of having the last song title on the other site for 2019, so only fitting he kicks of the L4G version for 2020.
Sound of silence
Simon & Garfunkel