Bangers & Birdies initiative set to bring some relief to drought affected communities

With much of New South Wales gripped by a severe drought, and with many feeling its effects daily, Golf NSW is reaching out to clubs in affected areas with an opportunity to do their bit for the community.

Golf NSW is urging regional golf clubs to host a Bangers & Birdies Community Golf Day this October or November.

The Bangers & Birdies Community Golf Day is a chance for communities to come together, grab a bite to eat, and enjoy a few holes of golf whether they play or not.

In many areas across the state, golf clubs are the hub of the region; a place to socialise, catch up with friends and neighbours, and to play golf.

Stuart Fraser, CEO of Golf NSW, said the initiative was a small way the sport could give back to the community where it was needed most.

“The drought has touched many peoples’ lives across the state for such a long time now,” Mr Fraser said.

“Golf clubs are an essential part of regional communities across New South Wales. The Bangers & Birdies Community Golf Day is an opportunity for our sport to give back; not only to golfers who may be on the land but to those whose livelihood is impacted by this insidious drought.”

The Deputy Premier, Mr John Barilaro endorsed the initiative and re-iterated how important golf clubs were to their local towns and regions.

“The flow-on effects of this unprecedented drought are becoming more and more apparent, and we know golf clubs in regional NSW are doing it tough, which is why it is fantastic to see this initiative from Golf NSW.”

“Golf clubs encourage a great sense of community, and are a place where people can come together for a range of activities like parties, functions and of course, sneaking a few holes in between jobs,” the Deputy Premier said.

The initiative will see Golf NSW contribute $300 to each club in the state’s most severely drought-affected areas who agree to run a Bangers & Birdies Community Golf Day.

Participating Clubs will be offering a game of golf for free, with members on-hand to assist non-golfers play the game. Clubs and balls will be available, there will be plenty of post-round hospitality and a sausage sizzle for anyone who attends.

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