New drive to inspire women and girl golfers

England Golf has launched a drive to attract more women and girls to play the game and join golf clubs. It’s being led by Lauren Spray, the new Women and Girls’ Participation Manager, who is herself a keen golfer and huge enthusiast for the game. “There are so many reasons to play golf,” said Lauren […]

PGA Pros Smash Thousand Free Lessons Barrier

The Ryder Cup wasn’t just a roaring success for Paul McGinley and Europe with a team of PGA pros smashing through the one thousand free lessons barrier at Gleneagles. Indeed such was the demand for coaching that hundreds had to be turned away daily from the PGA Swing Zone as spectators eagerly sought the chance […]

Inspirational Graeme takes golf to disabled people

Golf has helped transform the life of Graeme Mazur after a serious road accident – and now he’s setting out to inspire more disabled people to follow him in to the sport. Graeme, now 29, almost died after the accident in 2000 which left him with brain injuries and semi-paralysis. But, thanks to his love […]

The Zen of Golf — Analytically Speaking

My standing joke about my golf game is that I’m lucky to have a close group of friends who keep inviting me back every weekend—regardless of how I play. A relative latecomer to the game about a decade ago, I like to think my unbridled enthusiasm makes up for any innate athletic shortcomings. Anyone hooked […]

R&A Plans New Equipment Testing Centre At Kingsbarns

The R&A has unveiled plans for a new equipment testing centre at Kingsbarns Golf Links near St Andrews. A planning application has been prepared by architects Wellwood Leslie and lodged with Fife Council. The new 22,750 sq. ft facility is to be located to the north of the practice area at Kingsbarns. Utilising the latest […]

Breaking Down Golfing Barriers

London, England: England Golf is working with cultural groups to find ways to broaden the appeal of the game among black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) communities. Relationships are being developed with organisations such as Sporting Equals, which promotes ethnic diversity across sport, and the Muslim Women’s Sports Foundation. As a result, the Surrey and […]

Australia’s Number 1 course joins MyGolf

The MyGolf team are thrilled to have tournament venue Royal Melbourne Golf Club join the MyGolf program. Royal Melbourne Golf Club will be hosting the 2015 Handa Women’s Australian Open in February. The MyGolf Coordinator at Royal Melbourne Golf Club, Daniel Whyley, believes the golfing bodies (Golf Australia and the PGA of Australia) coming together […]


In partnership with the European Golf Course Owners Association, will be releasing a sneak peak of the EGCOA’s VISION 2020 project in the 5 week run up to the 2014 European Golf Business Conference. This year’s event will be hosted on the outskirts of Barcelona at Real Club de Golf El Prat from 4-6 […]

Video golf more popular than ‘real’ golf, study shows

Some interesting new research released from the US on a very good potential new golfer market segment- video “gamers”. It fits in perfectly to the golfer segments identified in this region that we are wanting to target- juniors and women. “Since 1986, the National Golf Foundation (NGF) has surveyed a representative sample of 40,000 Americans […]

Playgolf WEEK Gives Schools a Chance to Win!

Playgolf WEEK is giving all primary schools in Australia the chance to win a MyGolf Schools Kit valued at $550, a 1-hour clinic with a Golf Australia Rookie Squad Member; and a $500 Coles/Myer Voucher for the teacher. Classes or schools simply need to design the ultimate mini-golf hole, with the entry judged the most […]