In partnership with the European Golf Course Owners Association, will be releasing a sneak peak of the EGCOA’s VISION 2020 project in the 5 week run up to the 2014 European Golf Business Conference. This year’s event will be hosted on the outskirts of Barcelona at Real Club de Golf El Prat from 4-6 November.

The EGCOA together with its national golf course owners associations have developed the VISION 2020 project to create a roadmap to guide golf course owners in the development of a sustainable and profitable future for their businesses and the European Golf Course industry at large until 2020.

The results of the project have been categorized into five key opportunities.

The 2014 conference will provide an interactive platform in which to explore each of these opportunities with leading industry speakers. Keep an eye on Friday’s edition of for the first release of the five future opportunities of European Golf.

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