Golf Australia announces Cancer Council partnership for The Longest Day

Golf Australia is excited to announce a major charity partnership with Cancer Council for The Longest Day, a brilliant initiative which raised $3.1 million for cancer research in 2020.

The longest day

The Longest Day is an endurance golf marathon designed to test skill, strength, and stamina. The challenge is to complete up to four rounds of golf from dawn to dusk and raise funds for Cancer Council’s research, prevention, and support services.

Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world and two in three Australians are diagnosed with skin cancer by the age of 70.

Fundraising from the Longest Day last year went towards protecting two million young Australians through the SunSmart school program, investing in research across Australia and funding Cancer Council’s services which were used almost 250,000 times by Australians impacted by cancer.

To raise more money and have an even greater impact for those suffering from cancer, this year the challenge is open to more golfers than ever before.

On course, participants can challenge themselves to:

  • The Long Day – 36 holes (2 rounds)
  • The Longer Day – 54 holes (3 rounds)
  • Or the ultimate challenge: The Longest Day – 72 holes (4 rounds)

Off course, participants can embrace one of the game’s many formats to complete the challenge. For example, participants may complete the challenge by playing 36, 54 or 72 holes of mini golf, pitch & putt, simulator golf or one of golf’s other formats.

Golf Australia will provide marketing and promotional assistance for Cancer Council as part of the agreement announced today.

“We’re thrilled to be partnering with Cancer Council for The Longest Day,” said James Sutherland, Chief Executive of Golf Australia.

“It’s an initiative that encourages more people to play more golf, which is the foundation of what we do, but in addition it increases awareness and raises money for the prevention of skin cancer.

“This is also something that means a lot to us in the golf industry, because golfers spend long hours in the sun, and need to be reminded about the dangers of skin cancer in a country like Australia.

“We look forward to the day and encourage golfers to get in behind the campaign. We’re rapt to be partnering with Cancer Council and are proud of the positive impact the golf community has had over recent years.”

“The wonderful sport of golf delivers positive physical and mental health benefits to many people,” said Cancer Council Victoria Chief Executive Officer Todd Harper.

“By participating in The Longest Day, the ultimate golf endurance challenge – and by being SunSmart, you’ll be helping people continue to fund life-saving research, prevention and support services to Australians affected by cancer.

“We’re very excited to be able to tee-off with Golf Australia for The Longest Day and to continue working towards a cancer-free future.”

How to register

The official Longest Day event takes place on Monday, 13 December, but participants can choose whichever day suits them in December to run their marathon.

The registration process is easy to complete – talk to your golf club, favourite course or golf facility to arrange a suitable day and time in December, register the details on , spread the word amongst your golf mates, family and friends and get set for one of the most rewarding golf experiences you will have.

For more information, please see:

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