Golf Growth In China Makes Sense — Dollars And Cents

China will soon become the largest economy in the world. It has one of the planet’s most dynamic middle classes, and already the largest mobile market on the planet. Now add the fact that video content is rapidly moving from traditional television and cable to mobile devices.

What does that mean for golf in the United States?

That question must have occurred to the PGA TOUR because they now have PGA TOUR CHINA, joining their existing expansions into Canada and Latin countries. It means more than just a fan base growth with the discretionary income to golf. There can also be enhanced video programming to connect dots of profitability to that very same king of the mobile market.

Golf associations are part of the same video movement that has motivated Google GOOGL -0.82%, Apple AAPL -0.19%, Samsung, inter alia to acquire or pursue smaller tech and content provider companies. The goal is to achieve more vertical integration; to put each essential component of the digital content spectrum under one conglomerate. As a result, the organization can more autonomously become a content provider. Economies of scale are achieved and in an industry that is entirely scalable.

via Golf Growth In China Makes Sense — Dollars And Cents – Forbes.

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