Autistic Tampa boy swings to life thanks to golf

Maverick Steiner has spent most of his five years in and out of the hospital. The Tampa boy was born with Congenital Bone Marrow Transplant Syndrome and needed surgery as a toddler. The bones in his left forearm are joined in an unusual place and he has short, curved pinky fingers.

Yet, he wants to play golf.

“For about six months now,” said his mother, Monique. “It’s quite amazing how much he has transformed.”

Out of the blue, Maverick asked to play the game. His family had taken him to play putt-putt golf only a few times.

He was diagnosed with autism and tended to keep to himself. After picking up some clubs, he suddenly came out of his shell.

“All because of golf,” said his mom. “No, we don’t play golf. We’ve gone mini-golfing like twice and I don’t know where it came from. I really don’t. It’s pretty amazing.”

via Autistic Tampa boy swings to life thanks to golf.

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