Playgolf WEEK a national hit

The first national Playgolf WEEK ended on Sunday with hundreds attending Come & Try Days and other activities throughout the week at nearly 200 golf facilities across Australia.

Kids, women, casual golfers, families – everyone was catered for in Australia’s biggest week of golf activities.

One of the unique events was held at Links Lady Bay Golf Club in South Australia, with more than 200 people at Golf on the Beach on Saturday and a Kangaroo Safari on Sunday. In addition to the 200 participants, more than 1000 spectators took in the action from the sidelines.

There were prizes and competitions on offer for those who could not attend events, with Queensland’s Victoria Pralane driving away in a brand new Audi A1 valued at $36,000.

Primary schools around Australia got involved by designing the ultimate mini-golf hole, with St Anthony’s Edwardstown in South Australia winning first prize.

Some creative photos were also posted in the Playgolf WEEK Photo Contest, with NSW’s Anthony and Sonia Ursino taking the glory.

Golf Australia’s golf development manager Therese Magdulski said “initial indications” proved the week had been a great success.

“We hope everyone who has ever wanted to try the game got the opportunity to do so at one of the venues,” she said.

“Golf Australia sincerely thanks those facilities who opened their doors to the community and we look forward to doing it all again in 2015.”

Playgolf WEEK is an initiative of Golf Australia, supported by Drummond Golf, aiming to increase participation and engagement with the sport.

Further information about the facilities’ Playgolf WEEK activities and prize winners can be found at

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