Playgolf WEEK Gives Schools a Chance to Win!

Playgolf WEEK is giving all primary schools in Australia the chance to win a MyGolf Schools Kit valued at $550, a 1-hour clinic with a Golf Australia Rookie Squad Member; and a $500 Coles/Myer Voucher for the teacher.

Classes or schools simply need to design the ultimate mini-golf hole, with the entry judged the most creative winning!

The competition is all about celebrating Playgolf WEEK and MyGolf – Australia’s National Junior Golf Program.

Playgolf WEEK will be held from 17-23 November and is a week of golf activities, including Come & Try Days, Club Special Offers, and Prizes and Competitions. Nearly 300 facilities Australia-wide are taking part in the event.

MyGolf is Australia’s national junior introductory program to develop and promote participation in golf. A 10-week introductory program to the sport, MyGolf is the major driver of junior golf participation in Australia. MyGolf provides a fun, accessible and satisfying introduction to golf by promoting skills development, as well as the social and fun aspects of the sport.

Click here for more details about the competition

Click here for full story and source

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