“Swing Fever” – the Musical Way to Grow The Game

While reading a Sports Illustrated article on golf history by Dan Jenkins, Larry Nestor was intrigued when he learned that the game had been banned for a time during the 15th century by King James II of Scotland. The reason: his archers were busy practising their swing and not their marksmanship. Larry went straight to the local library and researched the matter.

Initially he wrote a short story entitled Hit It and Go Get It!,almost got it published, but when themagazine deal fell through he decided to try turning it in to a play. The first version was a one-act.

A play producer suggested he write songs for the show, and eventually it was expanded in to a full-length two-act with seventeen songs. Larry had been a songwriter since high school and adding solid songs to the script was something he relished, as it combined three of his greatest loves: golf and composing music and lyric.

There was a local production of the musical in his hometown of River Grove, Illinois, a small village less than two miles west of Chicago. The musical was well-received by young and old, golfer and non-golfer alike.

His present goal is to have the musical made into an animated film. To embark on this journey he contacted Sir Sean Connery. Knowing the great actor was an avid golfer and member of the R&A, he wrote to him c/o that ancient governing body using the name of a mutual friend he had met on his second trip to St. Andrews.  To his great joy and amazement, Sir Sean called him on the phone, expressing his interest in the script, but his inability to sing.

Larry is prepared to send a script, illustrations of the first three scenes, songs from the score and character sketches to parties interested in producing the animated film or investing in the production. Of course, involved parties will be given an equitable share of any and all gross profits generated by the film.

He feels that the movie will be hugely successful as it offers parents and grandparents a non-confrontational way to introduce their children and grandchildren to the game they love, and with talk of golf course closings in the US, he feels the PGA, USGA and NGF will do their best to promote the film and make it a hit, possibly even a classic. And maybe the R & A will become involved?

Interested parties can contact Larry Nestor at larryfranklinnestor@gmail.com or Michael Stoller at michael.stoller@stollerlawgroup.comClick for full story and source
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