
Roof top golf is a big hit at Birkdale!

Golf went through the roof at Birkdale Primary School during part of a ‘Blue Peter’ nationwide scheme to widen children’s participation in sport and inspire their friends to try them out. The venture was unique because when the school ran out of play space a roof system was designed to allow the pupils to operate […]

Youth programme helps Ramsdale Park earn international sustainability award

A youth sponsorship initiative at Ramsdale Park Golf Centre, Nottingham, has helped the public pay-and-play facility earn the prestigious international sustainability ecolabel, GEO Certified®. Viewed as the global mark for sustainability in golf businesses, GEO Certified® is administered by the Golf Environment Organization (GEO) according to strict codes set by ISEAL, the global leader in defining […]

Oman junior golf development programme receives a boost

(MENAFN – Muscat Daily) The Oman Golf  Committee’s (OGC) efforts to give the sport a boost in the sultanate has received a shot in the arm with Volkswagen Oman extending its support towards the fast-improving junior development programme by signing an agreement on Monday. The move has come at a time when the OGC is […]

‘Growing Golf in the UK’ – free summary report published

‘Growing Golf in the UK’, a comprehensive market research study that aims to help clubs and courses retain, attract and grow their customer base, is published today. Commissioned by Syngenta and undertaken by GfK, one of the world’s largest market research firms, a summary report is available to download free of charge A total […]