
Kota Permai Shows Corporate Social Responsibility

Management and staff from Gamuda Land Clubs have joined hands in their Corporate Social Responsibility by organising a charity visit to the Persatuan Kebajikan Elijah in Johor Bahru. Gamuda Land Clubs include Horizon Hills Golf & Country Club, Jade Hills Resort Club, Botanic Resort Club and Kota Permai Golf & Country Club, a Golf Facility […]

Bringing Cheer to the Less Fortunate

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Gamuda and Gamuda Land Clubs brought festive cheer to the residents from the Malaysian Association of the Welfare of Mentally Challenged Children. The centre, also known as IQ70 Plus, was established in March 2012 and has 44 residents, aged between one and 51, all mentally challenged children and adults. They live with […]