
Breaking Down Golfing Barriers

London, England: England Golf is working with cultural groups to find ways to broaden the appeal of the game among black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) communities. Relationships are being developed with organisations such as Sporting Equals, which promotes ethnic diversity across sport, and the Muslim Women’s Sports Foundation. As a result, the Surrey and […]

Champion to Inspire Next Generation at Asia-Pacific Championship

Australian golfing legend Ian Baker-Finch will discuss his experiences in winning and competing in major championships with the next generation of top golfers at next month’s Asia-Pacific Amateur Championship at Royal Melbourne. The 1991 Open Champion will speak to the event’s competitors during a private reception at Melbourne Cricket Ground and will follow in the […]

Who is your champion?

I’ve been fortunate over my career to work with a variety of facilities, companies, and people and in different countries. A question came to mind in recent times about all these experiences I had – why did some facilities and companies have huge booming businesses and programs and others did not? The answer: There was […]

Video golf more popular than ‘real’ golf, study shows

Some interesting new research released from the US on a very good potential new golfer market segment- video “gamers”. It fits in perfectly to the golfer segments identified in this region that we are wanting to target- juniors and women. “Since 1986, the National Golf Foundation (NGF) has surveyed a representative sample of 40,000 Americans […]

How to connect your members so they stay longer

Member retention is always a hot topic in the golf industry as we are seeing a continued reduction in total members annually, along with a drop in the frequency of member play. This is due to a variety of reasons, some of which you can control. If a new member doesn’t feel fully ‘connected’ within the first […]

Looking for family values

I’m constantly on the look out for various ways to improve golf operations for my clients, so I tend to look outside to other service industries to find inspiration. The hotel, airline, and car hire industries have it down to a science on how to generally market to get our business. I’m someone who is […]

Just one focus – new golfers

A basic management philosophy I tend to follow, especially when you have limited resources is something I call “The Domino Effect”. In a nutshell, what is the one thing I can focus on that will have the biggest flow-on impact for the rest of my operation? As an industry, our No. 1 KPI should be […]

Growing the game through the power of referral

How were you introduced to the game of golf? I’ve been asking this same question over the past several months to the attendees of the various golf marketing presentations I’ve been conducting nationally. This would include golf managers, Boards, and players. The results have been pretty consistent in this informal poll – approximately 80% are […]

Is your facility women friendly

A big part of our market base that always seems to get overlooked is the woman golfer. Our sport has generally been male dominated over the years, but times have been changing. The facilities that take a proactive approach to welcoming this market segment will not just grow their female member base, but will also […]

Growing the Game: What does that actually mean?

I have heard the term “growing the game of golf” bantered around a lot in recent times. For some parts of the industry, a growth in tournaments and tournament prize funds is a solid indicator. Other parts of the industry an increase in golf travel or an increase in retail sales is the barometer used […]