Teen golf wonder Ko plans to retire at 30

Teenage world number one Lydia Ko revealed Wednesday she plans to retire at 30 and is about to start a psychology degree to prepare for life after golf.

The 17-year-old New Zealander, who smashed Tiger Woods’s record of reaching the top ranking when he was 21, said she wanted a second career later in life.

“I say my plan is to retire when I’m 30 so I’m not just going to go to the beach and hang out for the rest of my life,” Ko told reporters ahead of the Australian Open at Royal Melbourne starting on Thursday.

“There’s always a second career that comes along with it and I’m trying to build up towards it and, because I’m playing a sport, psychology links well with it.

“You just never know what’s going to happen.”

via Teen golf wonder Ko plans to retire at 30 – Yahoo New Zealand Sport.

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