Tiger to support Bridgestone America’s Golf Cup in Mexico City

Unable to compete due to recent back surgery, Tiger Woods will still travel to Mexico City to support the second annual Bridgestone America’s Golf Cup presented by Value at Club Campestre. He originally committed to partner with good friend Matt Kuchar in the 72-hole, best-ball event, Oct. 22-25, which features 28 teams from around the continent.

While deeply sorry that unforeseen health issues have prevented him from playing this year, Woods will meet with government officials Oct. 20, then team with Kuchar to host a golf clinic in the afternoon. Kuchar will do the heavy lifting, as Tiger cannot swing a golf club yet. Both will attend a gala dinner that evening.

The following morning, Tiger will host a private breakfast with all of the sponsors.

Woods is a strong supporter of the tournament, which is striving to promote golf in Latin America, and is very appreciative of the support and understanding he has received from all involved. He has already committed to play in the event in 2016, 2017 and 2018.

via Tiger to support Bridgestone America’s Golf Cup in Mexico City | TigerWoods.com.

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