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  • #13266

    Can’t believe no one has mentioned wearing sandals!

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Ink.
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    6. High handicappers can get cleaned up by even higher handicappers who wear slippers

    Winner Moonah Legends 2013 Nationals
    Winner The National 2013 Nationals
    Winner 4BBB 2013 Nationals
    Winner Stink's 3 Club Challenge 2015
    Winner C grade OOM The Sands 2016
    Hole-in-one Growling Frog 14/1/17 5th hole 137m TM RBZ 5 hybrid, Srixon AD333 ball
    Growling Frog GC Matchplay Champion 2017
    Winner B grade OOM Curlewis 2018
    Winner Yering Meadows Monthly Medal Dec 2020

    Low Handicap point 12.7 9/4/16

    Finally...and most importantly...
    Smoldy....when only the best will do

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    Funny, sound all like me LOL

    Carpe Diem

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    Can break 80

    just passing on observations of mistake I see High Handicappers make.

    1 in a typical round of golf a high handicap player will have more 3 putts than 1 putts= most high markers I play with have 38 to 40 plus putts. One high handicapper I know regularly has 40 to 42 putts and says often its the fault of greens being too slow or too fast when really the main one reason for poor putting is he has no speed control.on putts.(but never practice putting either)

    2 High handicappers use too much loft on chip shots = how many times from 10 m off green do you see a player grab the LW, and try to hit the Phil flop. Result chunk 2ft in front or belly over back, high markers should use a club such as hybrid or 8 iron for chipping.

    3 Dont know what the bounce is on a SW or how to use bounce to get out of bunkers= high handicappers usually leave in sand or hit over back,followed by an expletive which often blames the sand as too hard or not enough sand in bunkers.

    4. Have high expectations about the result= have a day where first two or three tee shots they hit nice shots which fade into RHS rough and then proceed to fiddle with swing having Doubles and wipes all way round course in order to get the perfect shot up last hole.. Low markers dont hit perfect shots either, but they learn to put a score together with the game they have on day

    5. High handicapper play Pro V’s/. How do we know this to be true, because one always finds at least 1 ProV’s in bushes and not a lot of low marker go in the bushes. High Markers I talk to think that if they play a premium tour ball their game will improve,especially short game as they will be able to get more spin around the greens(see mistake number 2) and they feel they don’t putt as well with other balls (mistake number 1).

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Can break 80.
    Can break 80

    Another BIG mistake that high handicappers make is they tend to not take golf lessons, rather they watch the editors cut highlights of PGA tournaments see players hit fantastic shots and then go on You tube.for the newest and latest swing tips and “secrets” to perfect the same shot them selves..

    I regularly play with an 18 marker, who is constantly trying a different swing thought he saw on You tube in very game we play.
    what happens is, he walks around the course with a head full of swing thoughts and swing positions trying to hit perfect golf shots rather than playing the game of golf.

    Low markers, as a rule tend to take face to face lessons and / or build a long term relationship with a pro /coach, who gives them drills to develop new skills, which are specific to the student.
    The advantage of having some one look at swing is because if a player slices, the player thinks he slice because he doesnt transfer his weight correctly,when really the pro will pick up that player is poorly aligned at set up.

    A really good golf coach will help his playa lower their scores and play better golf without necessarily changing their golf swing because he or she knows players game and or works more with the player on the course not on the range. This on course instruction and interaction is invaluable way to learn new skills and hitting shots in actual playing situations and thus building shot repertoire for playa.


    Biggest mistake high handicappers make is coming to the course – IM

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