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  • #17849

    Hi everyone,

    Last year I had my first proper seniors moment: chatting with mate at the pub I was adamant that I hadn’t played at Kooindah Waters. He then proceeded to show me a photo of me at Kooindah Waters on his phone (ball about 6 inches from the cup on 17th which I thought I’d hit on the 4th at Hunter Valley). So I decided that I really needed a way to remember the courses that I had played, and decided to start collecting the ball markers for each of the clubs.

    I’ve collected a few since, and decided to make a display for them. So I made a thing.


    Now I’d like to go back and collect some of the markers of courses that I’ve played (that I can remember) and that I’m unlikely to get back to. So just wondering if any of you are members or play at any of the courses listed below and would be willing to send me one, I’d be eternally grateful. I can Paypal you the cost of the marker, postage and a beer for your troubles.

    Terry Hills
    Macquarie Links
    Twin Creeks
    Stonecutters Ridge
    St Michaels
    Riverside Oaks
    The Coast

    Palm Meadows
    Noosa Springs

    Albert Park

    Many thanks in advance.


    Hi everyone,

    Last year I had my first proper seniors moment: chatting with mate at the pub I was adamant that I hadn’t played at Kooindah Waters. He then proceeded to show me a photo of me at Kooindah Waters on his phone (ball about 6 inches from the cup on 17th which I thought I’d hit on the 4th at Hunter Valley). So I decided that I really needed a way to remember the courses that I had played, and decided to start collecting the ball markers for each of the clubs.

    I’ve collected a few since, and decided to make a display for them. So I made a thing.


    Now I’d like to go back and collect some of the markers of courses that I’ve played (that I can remember) and that I’m unlikely to get back to. So just wondering if any of you are members or play at any of the courses listed below and would be willing to send me one, I’d be eternally grateful. I can Paypal you the cost of the marker, postage and a beer for your troubles.

    Terry Hills
    Macquarie Links
    Twin Creeks
    Stonecutters Ridge
    St Michaels
    Riverside Oaks
    The Coast

    Palm Meadows
    Noosa Springs

    Albert Park

    Many thanks in advance.

    Cool have you contacted the courses directly and see if they will help?


    So just wondering if any of you are members or play at any of the courses listed below and would be willing to send me one

    Can help you out with the Stonecutters one. Join us for the Nats in October and you can collect the Terrey Hills one yourself.

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    Thanks to both of you.

    I imagine that none of them would be particularly bothered with the hassle of posting a ball marker for a couple of bucks profit. I figured I try crowd-sourcing first.

    that sounds great, never thought I’d get another chance at Terry Hills (was a coporate day last time and I’m no longer in that world). Do I need a proper handicap to play? DM me your payment details and I’ll send you some cash and the my deliver address.


    Thanks to both of you.

    I imagine that none of them would be particularly bothered with the hassle of posting a ball marker for a couple of bucks profit. I figured I try crowd-sourcing first.

    that sounds great, never thought I’d get another chance at Terry Hills (was a coporate day last time and I’m no longer in that world). Do I need a proper handicap to play? DM me your payment details and I’ll send you some cash and the my deliver address.

    I’ll worry about that when I get it. Might be able to scramble up the Twin Creeks one as well and if your really lucky RSO.


    Awesome, many thanks for your help!


    Awesome, many thanks for your help!

    Rain has stopped for a short time, so a nice day for a drive. 120km round trip and ball makers from RSO, Twin Creeks and Stonecutters obtained. PM me with your postal details and they shall find there way to you.

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    I should be able to help with Palm Meadows and Brookwater

    I’ll let you know

    3 users liked this post.

    Awesome, many thanks for your help!

    Rain has stopped for a short time, so a nice day for a drive. 120km round trip and ball makers from RSO, Twin Creeks and Stonecutters obtained. PM me with your postal details and they shall find there way to you.

    Wow thanks Commish you didn’t need to do that! I’m DM you now 🙂

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    I should be able to help with Palm Meadows and Brookwater

    I’ll let you know

    Awesome, many thanks Weetbix!


    So I couldn’t figure out a way to edit the original post, so I’ll have to do this as an update. With the assistance of the wonderful Commish, the display is starting to fill up a little bit now. Thanks so much Commish, really went above and beyond the call.


    The list of outstanding courses is as follows:

    Terry Hills (possibly acquiring playing in a L4G event)
    Macquarie Links
    St Michaels
    The Coast

    Palm Meadows (possibly acquiring from Weetbix)
    Noosa Springs
    Brookwater (possibly acquiring from Weetbix)

    Albert Park

    Thanks again to everyone, really appreciate it!


    Hi geo

    I have Brookwater and Palmy
    Let me know where to send them

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    Thanks so much Weetbix, I’ve shot you a DM

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    Thanks so much Weetbix, I’ve shot you a DM

    If you speak to Comrade Barneski nicely, he may be able to get you Terrey Hills (if you can’t wait until October) and Monash, his workplace isn’t too far from either of those.

    1 user liked this post.

    Thanks Commish, happy to wait for Terry Hills, I should have taken that off the list. I thought I saw somewhere in here about playing at Elanora, that course is on my bucket list so if that happens I’ll pick up Monash whilst I’m in the area.

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