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  • #17258

    It was perfect golfing weather today, if only we had been allowed out to play.

    People say that nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
    No championships worth mentioning in recent years.
    Progress is man's ability to complicate simplicity.


    We have missed a lot of ideal golf days through restrictions. Little wonder our handicaps are not improving! ( good excuse)
    Cold dense air at sea leve= 10 m less carry, wet soft fairways = no run/ pugged balls ,sponge like verges= bump and run shots are unpredictable, greens that are either slow or so wet that you gets a water trail off the ball. Bogged golf carts and deep ruts as evidence that you drove in a silly location. Such is golf in coastal Victoria during winter.

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    It was perfect golfing weather today, if only we had been allowed out to play.

    ditto for today

    People say that nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
    No championships worth mentioning in recent years.
    Progress is man's ability to complicate simplicity.


    It was perfect golfing weather today, if only we had been allowed out to play.

    ditto for today

    Great day in the garden though. Brownie points from “her indoors”! She said,” It is probably dry enough to cut the lawns in a hour or so”. I offered to start the mower for her. Apparently, that was not what she had in mind. I had my second Covid shot today, so I am resting in front of the TV now. The nurse said not to tax my myself physically today.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by xrman.
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    Spring tomorrow. When watching the weather on tv tonight (alright I was doing the dishes), I didn’t take any notice of what’s happening elsewhere. But here in Vic, it will be a lovely mid 20s almost everywhere. Great for golf.

    But that man in black says we aren’t allowed out to play, the bastard!

    People say that nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
    No championships worth mentioning in recent years.
    Progress is man's ability to complicate simplicity.

    Can break 80

    It was perfect golfing weather today, if only we had been allowed out to play.

    yes it was 25 yesterday and a lovely sunny day, too nice to be inside watching Dans press conference
    the beach is 5.5 km from home base so went for a drive with dogs
    There were lots of locals at the beach and some not locals and lots of Melbourne surfies (who are also tradies) out surfing and all were enjoying them selves and getting their Vitamin D.

    10 people were fishing on the pier (no one had caught any Rona’s, )

    country living is good.


    As is usual our weather has changed. I went for a walk on a few holes on the golf course yesterday in the sunshine, but today it is pouring down. The good thing is the rain is extending up north to the Wimmera/ Mallee region, where they really need it. Who knows , Broken Hill might also get some rain.


    It’s expected to piss down this arvo, still warm and sunny atm but the temp has dropped a couple of degrees to 24°.
    The rain will drench everything all weekend so we won’t feel so bad about not playing.

    People say that nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
    No championships worth mentioning in recent years.
    Progress is man's ability to complicate simplicity.

    1 user liked this post.
    Can break 80

    As is usual our weather has changed. I went for a walk on a few holes on the golf course yesterday in the sunshine, but today it is pouring down. The good thing is the rain is extending up north to the Wimmera/ Mallee region, where they really need it. Who knows , Broken Hill might also get some rain.

    Isnt it the height of stupidity, you can walk safely around the course, but if you swing a club thats not allowed .


    As is usual our weather has changed. I went for a walk on a few holes on the golf course yesterday in the sunshine, but today it is pouring down. The good thing is the rain is extending up north to the Wimmera/ Mallee region, where they really need it. Who knows , Broken Hill might also get some rain.

    Isnt it the height of stupidity, you can walk safely around the course, but if you swing a club thats not allowed .

    Well, yes it is silly. I can imagine in busy clubs in the metro area, even solo social gold might lead to small congregation/ crowd in the car park/ club house vicinity ( similar to the walking tracks in town at present) , but with on line booking/ payment as we have in SW Vic clubs ( Bookatee) it would not be an issue. I guess those in planning have not ever been to a country golf course?

    I rode my bicycle for exercise yesterday, using a section of the Lagoon exercise path and passed about 20 people in two minutes. That would never happen at the golf course.

    I also struggle with the mandatory mask wearing outside too. If I can’t socially distance near others I put one on, otherwise I don’t. There is no evidence to support mask wearing outside, yet adopted by our government as a visible compliance with ” rules”. Wearing a mask while playing golf solo? Stupid. All it does is wet the mask and make it useless when you might need it .

    1 user liked this post.
    Can break 80

    I also struggle with the mandatory mask wearing outside too. If I can’t socially distance near others I put one on, otherwise I don’t. There is no evidence to support mask wearing outside, yet adopted by our government as a visible compliance with ” rules”. Wearing a mask while playing golf solo? Stupid. All it does is wet the mask and make it useless when you might need it .

    Like when drinking red wine. really need a dry mask for that


    High Wind warning. If you have not had the gales yet, they are coming east.


    High Wind warning. If you have not had the gales yet, they are coming east.

    Yeah, got ’em.

    People say that nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
    No championships worth mentioning in recent years.
    Progress is man's ability to complicate simplicity.


    They haven’t made their way up here yet

    Can break 80

    High Wind warning. If you have not had the gales yet, they are coming east.

    Thx for sending to us.
    we had heavy rain and hail and rough seas, so no fishing this week.

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