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  • #12645

    Yeah, no doubts those blokes were absolute muppets


    I suppose the burning question on this one is……… how far in front were the group in front of them?? If they had clear fairways to the green, then no excuse, they were absolute muppets. If they had to wait on every fairway (apart from thinking they could land 250m bombs on the green on par 5’s) then it may have been partially acceptable. But still, you play ready golf in consideration of those behind you. I also generally find that if the group in front notice that you are constantly waiting they try and quicken pace of play. Well I know I do and that generally filters through the group.

    If that doesn’t happen, I will occasionally mention in a polite manner,, “Excuse me gentlemen, but I was wondering if there was the slim prospect of you taking your shots just a tad quicker to facilitate a smooth round for those that are stranded behind us.” Problem is, even though that is what I am thinking of saying, it generally comes out as ” Hey fuckwits, any chance you can extract ya digit so the poor bastards behind us can finish before the sun goes down.”

    Yes I am much loved among some of our slower member groups that I have had the privilege of playing behind.

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    Some times it is the group in front of the group that seems to be the slow payers that is dictating the pace of play. It happened to us last week. It wasn’t our fault that the following group was inconvenienced, but that didn’t stop one of the following group letting fly with pointed comments post game. I told him to pull his head in, which seemed to only make him angrier for some reason. There are times when players capable of varying distance shots play together. I can recall an occasion when I had to wait to play my shot from 170m out from the green until the previous group cleared the green. The other guys in my group could safely play, but I was reluctant just in case I nutted the shot. As it was it landed 10 m short of the pin. Was I wrong to wait?


    Was I wrong to wait?

    Nope… Even if you only manage the 170m once in every 5 attempts, you can bet if you hadn’t waited, that once would be that occasion.


    Ever have those days where you feel like you are playing really well but your score indicates you played like a big bag of shit?

    I had one of those today.. scored -8 in par playing off 18. But for the first time I actually felt like I was playing to my hc but the score did not reflect it whatsoever. I was in pretty much every hole but a game of inches, marginal mistakes were turning par opportunities into doubles.

    Putting and bunker play was the worst I’ve been for quite some time, couldn’t get out of a couple of bunkers and picked up and 3 putted honestly about 6 times. Had some birdie putts turned into bogies and par putts turned into wipes. Also had a lost ball on 2 holes despite being in a good position and just completely miss hit one into the thick bush.

    But I’ve always been most concerned with the long game and today the driver performed well which was nice. Was in most holes and just blew it around the green and the sand so positive is I’m normally not too bad in that area of the game, so if I can keep striking it like that it will come together. I could have so easily been 0 today as it turned out I had -8.



    That sounds like playing golf in the winter. It happens. Soft surfaces, wind and wet greens of variable speed = poor scores.

    Can break 80

    Ever have those days where you feel like you are playing really well but your score indicates you played like a big bag of shit?

    I had one of those today.. scored -8 in par playing off 18. But for the first time I actually felt like I was playing to my hc but the score did not reflect it whatsoever. I was in pretty much every hole but a game of inches, marginal mistakes were turning par opportunities into doubles.

    Putting and bunker play was the worst I’ve been for quite some time, couldn’t get out of a couple of bunkers and picked up and 3 putted honestly about 6 times. Had some birdie putts turned into bogies and par putts turned into wipes. Also had a lost ball on 2 holes despite being in a good position and just completely miss hit one into the thick bush.

    But I’ve always been most concerned with the long game and today the driver performed well which was nice. Was in most holes and just blew it around the green and the sand so positive is I’m normally not too bad in that area of the game, so if I can keep striking it like that it will come together. I could have so easily been 0 today as it turned out I had -8.


    Never focus on your score, it builds tension, focus on the process of how you go about playing..

    look back almost certainly your poor bunker shots came about not because of technique, but because you tried to get close instead of just getting out.

    dont put a value on the putt, ie its for a par or birdie, as each putt is same value its just on shot.

    How do you define a birdie putt.? realistic anything more than 10 ft 3m is at best a good chance for 2 putt.
    bet your 6x 3 putts came about because you tried to make the putts for birdie, ran first on 2m past then missed next one, Yes.
    instead of lagging close when putting from more than 3m.


    Ever have those days where you feel like you are playing really well but your score indicates you played like a big bag of shit?

    I had one of those today.. scored -8 in par playing off 18. But for the first time I actually felt like I was playing to my hc but the score did not reflect it whatsoever. I was in pretty much every hole but a game of inches, marginal mistakes were turning par opportunities into doubles.

    Putting and bunker play was the worst I’ve been for quite some time, couldn’t get out of a couple of bunkers and picked up and 3 putted honestly about 6 times. Had some birdie putts turned into bogies and par putts turned into wipes. Also had a lost ball on 2 holes despite being in a good position and just completely miss hit one into the thick bush.

    But I’ve always been most concerned with the long game and today the driver performed well which was nice. Was in most holes and just blew it around the green and the sand so positive is I’m normally not too bad in that area of the game, so if I can keep striking it like that it will come together. I could have so easily been 0 today as it turned out I had -8.


    Never focus on your score, it builds tension, focus on the process of how you go about playing..

    look back almost certainly your poor bunker shots came about not because of technique, but because you tried to get close instead of just getting out.

    dont put a value on the putt, ie its for a par or birdie, as each putt is same value its just on shot.

    How do you define a birdie putt.? realistic anything more than 10 ft 3m is at best a good chance for 2 putt.
    bet your 6x 3 putts came about because you tried to make the putts for birdie, ran first on 2m past then missed next one, Yes.
    instead of lagging close when putting from more than 3m.

    2 of them were probably 2-3 meters but a bit down hill that i rolled another 2-3 meters past.. was cringe worthy stuff… In saying that I was playing around with different styles for gripping the putter and each had a different feel on how hard i would hit the ball..

    I played a practice 9 tonight after work and the rest of my game is really coming together. I shot 45 which for my goal of breaking 90 is close. Just need to be a bit cleaner.. approach shots sticking on the green and not going off the back or in a bunker etc…

    practiced putting and bunker shots on the 18th after.. putting a bit better..

    I really struggle with the bunker shots that are really deep in a bunker and a long way back.. the ones that you have to lift a lot higher and further in the air to get out.. my bunker shots don’t tend to get awfully high they more kind of spit out lower, so I’m ok when I’m closer to the edge but struggle with the one I described… any tips for these ones guys??


    Special, from your description of “spitting out low”, I assume you are de-lofting the club considerably and trying to blast the ball out with a large handful of sand. While that can be made to work, it has its problems.
    I’d recommend Phil Mickelson’s bunker CD for good guidance.

    You haven’t t told us anything about the loft and bounce angle of the club you usually use and about the consistency and texture of the sand.

    People say that nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
    No championships worth mentioning in recent years.
    Progress is man's ability to complicate simplicity.


    Special, from your description of “spitting out low”, I assume you are de-lofting the club considerably and trying to blast the ball out with a large handful of sand. While that can be made to work, it has its problems.
    I’d recommend Phil Mickelson’s bunker CD for good guidance.

    You haven’t t told us anything about the loft and bounce angle of the club you usually use and about the consistency and texture of the sand.

    I try keep the face open and hands central, i use a 60 degree for sand shots..

    I think it is probably taking too much sand.. the bunkers are reasonably soft and deep with sand.. wetter weather make them a bit more condensed and harder to get under however.. If i miss i do one of 2 things… scoot through the sand and thin the ball out or take too much sand and it doesn’t get out.

    The longer further back ones I tend to take a larger swing that takes way more sand where as the closer ones I have a comfortable tempo and it gets out ok.

    Can break 80

    Special, from your description of “spitting out low”, I assume you are de-lofting the club considerably and trying to blast the ball out with a large handful of sand. While that can be made to work, it has its problems.
    I’d recommend Phil Mickelson’s bunker CD for good guidance.

    You haven’t t told us anything about the loft and bounce angle of the club you usually use and about the consistency and texture of the sand.

    I try keep the face open and hands central, i use a 60 degree for sand shots..

    I think it is probably taking too much sand.. the bunkers are reasonably soft and deep with sand.. wetter weather make them a bit more condensed and harder to get under however.. If i miss i do one of 2 things… scoot through the sand and thin the ball out or take too much sand and it doesn’t get out.

    The longer further back ones I tend to take a larger swing that takes way more sand where as the closer ones I have a comfortable tempo and it gets out ok.

    Talk with your coach and learn the correct technique,which is same as hitting over a bunker.
    As Old bogey says talk with your coach about the bounce on your wedge.
    do you have a 56 deg with 10 to 12 deg bounce will hit ball higher out of soft sand than a 60 deg which it sound like you are digging in.
    at Cranbourne the bunkers are deep, so try and avoid them.


    Special, from your description of “spitting out low”, I assume you are de-lofting the club considerably and trying to blast the ball out with a large handful of sand. While that can be made to work, it has its problems.
    I’d recommend Phil Mickelson’s bunker CD for good guidance.

    You haven’t t told us anything about the loft and bounce angle of the club you usually use and about the consistency and texture of the sand.

    I try keep the face open and hands central, i use a 60 degree for sand shots..

    I think it is probably taking too much sand.. the bunkers are reasonably soft and deep with sand.. wetter weather make them a bit more condensed and harder to get under however.. If i miss i do one of 2 things… scoot through the sand and thin the ball out or take too much sand and it doesn’t get out.

    The longer further back ones I tend to take a larger swing that takes way more sand where as the closer ones I have a comfortable tempo and it gets out ok.

    Talk with your coach and learn the correct technique,which is same as hitting over a bunker.
    As Old bogey says talk with your coach about the bounce on your wedge.
    do you have a 56 deg with 10 to 12 deg bounce will hit ball higher out of soft sand than a 60 deg which it sound like you are digging in.
    at Cranbourne the bunkers are deep, so try and avoid them.

    I’ve got a sand wedge but I don’t really know anything about bounce so no idea… I’ll try the SW see if i feel any better with it.. it’s really just those further back ones that worry me.. sometimes feels it’s about 5 meters or more back that I’ve gotta lift it, carry it, then stop it which is the shot I find intimidating at the moment.

    You are right, they are deep and everywhere and it’s probably the difference on a lot of holes if I just miss slightly I find myself in one and under real pressure to stay in the hole.. The good news is I’m making it up there to them (which earlier wasn’t always the case) and if I improve marginally I’ll start missing them and make more pars!


    It sounds like you need to use a range finder to help select a club that will either clear the bunker, or fall short of the bunker. Try to plot a zigzag course , avoiding trouble (aim a way from it). At this stage try to score bogey on every hole, but accept a par if it happens as a bonus. Give yourself 5 stokes on every hole to get down the hole. The bogey score on par 3 and 5’s will average out at a 5. Have fun!

    Can break 80

    Special, from your description of “spitting out low”, I assume you are de-lofting the club considerably and trying to blast the ball out with a large handful of sand. While that can be made to work, it has its problems.
    I’d recommend Phil Mickelson’s bunker CD for good guidance.

    You haven’t t told us anything about the loft and bounce angle of the club you usually use and about the consistency and texture of the sand.

    I try keep the face open and hands central, i use a 60 degree for sand shots..

    I think it is probably taking too much sand.. the bunkers are reasonably soft and deep with sand.. wetter weather make them a bit more condensed and harder to get under however.. If i miss i do one of 2 things… scoot through the sand and thin the ball out or take too much sand and it doesn’t get out.

    The longer further back ones I tend to take a larger swing that takes way more sand where as the closer ones I have a comfortable tempo and it gets out ok.

    Talk with your coach and learn the correct technique,which is same as hitting over a bunker.
    As Old bogey says talk with your coach about the bounce on your wedge.
    do you have a 56 deg with 10 to 12 deg bounce will hit ball higher out of soft sand than a 60 deg which it sound like you are digging in.
    at Cranbourne the bunkers are deep, so try and avoid them.

    I’ve got a sand wedge but I don’t really know anything about bounce so no idea… I’ll try the SW see if i feel any better with it.. it’s really just those further back ones that worry me.. sometimes feels it’s about 5 meters or more back that I’ve gotta lift it, carry it, then stop it which is the shot I find intimidating at the moment.

    You are right, they are deep and everywhere and it’s probably the difference on a lot of holes if I just miss slightly I find myself in one and under real pressure to stay in the hole.. The good news is I’m making it up there to them (which earlier wasn’t always the case) and if I improve marginally I’ll start missing them and make more pars!

    If you dont understand bounce angle on SW and Lob wedges, go to your coach and have a lesson where he explains what bounce is and how to use it on wedge shots including lobs over bunkers and including sand shots and hitting off hard pan lies.

    this will save you more shots quicker than trying to fix your slice. Xrmans suggestion is a good one, hit short of bunkers until you can play out of them.
    Another way to think about it is, you can break 90 if you can play bunkers and pitches even if your slice your irons and tee shots.
    But its going to be very difficult to break 90 if you cannot pitch over bunkers or get out of bunkers first time every time.


    I probably haven’t done a great job of explaining.. overall I’m pretty comfortable in bunkers and also chipping over.. occasionally will stuff one up but more often than not get out well.. it’s just a type of bunker shot that makes me a bit nervous but my explanations don’t really seem to translate so one day when I remember I’ll take a picture that can illustrate it haha.

    -4 in par today, my first time in the 30s in points since I got my HC. Out to 18.5 at the moment which is getting closer to where I should be. Today was a nearly round, quite a few lipped putts or approaches that just slightly missed and rolled off the back back off the front etc, buggered up some good positions by just being slightly off.

    Didn’t slice a single drive today but was pulling them left a bit.. hope I can meet somewhere in the middle. It’s getting closer!!

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