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  • #14205

    Yes, picked up four cartons of the good gear, just in case..
    no drama here in the deep south of Oz
    but we will be good stay home people

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    Can break 80

    It really was scary, how many golfers caught Covid from being on golf course and touching the flag stick and the rakes.

    Interesting…. I can’t recall seeing anything about golfers in NSW or anywhere else for that matter getting Covid from doing anything golf related. I think there may have been a couple that got it from the Clubhouse. Can you direct me to the area that has the stats for this. Would be interesting to do a comparative analysis against other open air sports that were being played but not in a confined bubble.

    I was talking cheek in tongue Dave. Of course there are no covid cases from playing golf, its one of the sports least likely to spread.


    Cheek in Tongue…. that’s different.

    There is absolutely no doubt that statistics show that having cup liners helped reduce the spread of Covid to golfers.

    So this part must have been cheek in tongue as well.. Or maybe that was meant to be ‘Tongue In Cheek’. One day I will catch on.

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    Yes, picked up four cartons of the good gear, just in case..
    no drama here in the deep south of Oz
    but we will be good stay home people

    4 cartons in 6 days… You are my kind of man.

    Mind you… a total state lockdown with 22 cases… WOW… talk about over reaction. Why not a 50km radius lockdown?? Same result me thinks, but with less economic impact.

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    Birdie Blitz


    Surely alcohol delivery is an essential service.

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    in South Oz, one person (per household) is allowed out to shop, there is no need to “stock up”
    I picked up a few extra beers so I didn’t have to go out. Wife and I do drink a Lot.
    Bit warm today but once it cools a bit, I’ve got lots to keep me busy till drink time.
    will just miss my three golf games a week and the practice days.

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    Birdie Blitz

    Could people in Victoria stop getting Covid. I’m booked on the Spirt of Tassie this week for some camping, wine tasting/drinking, and golf at Barny. Would hate for Tassie to shut the borders to us again.

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    Could people in Victoria stop getting Covid. I’m booked on the Spirt of Tassie this week for some camping, wine tasting/drinking, and golf at Barny. Would hate for Tassie to shut the borders to us again.

    Good luck with that BB. ☺

    People say that nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
    No championships worth mentioning in recent years.
    Progress is man's ability to complicate simplicity.

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    Could people in Victoria stop getting Covid. I’m booked on the Spirt of Tassie this week for some camping, wine tasting/drinking, and golf at Barny. Would hate for Tassie to shut the borders to us again.

    mate Tassie your free to roam as you pleased which i am surprised as tassies premier is like W.a premier shut the borders yesterday..

    as long as you have permit in place ya still would be good to go..

    i cant wait till middle of feb as i havent seen none of my family now for nearly 2 years as i want to head home

    1 user liked this post.
    Birdie Blitz

    Could people in Victoria stop getting Covid. I’m booked on the Spirt of Tassie this week for some camping, wine tasting/drinking, and golf at Barny. Would hate for Tassie to shut the borders to us again.

    mate Tassie your free to roam as you pleased which i am surprised as tassies premier is like W.a premier shut the borders yesterday..

    as long as you have permit in place ya still would be good to go..

    i cant wait till middle of feb as i havent seen none of my family now for nearly 2 years as i want to head home

    On our way down there on the Spirit as we speak. Barnbougle here I come.

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    I am spending a week in Adelaide. Heaven help them if the Covid gets loose, they have no idea of social distancing. Perth is the same I am told. Little wonder their Illustrious Leader is closing borders at the least hint of an Eastern states outbreak. When is his election date? March?


    That Dastardly Dan is a complete fuckwit, isn’t he?
    Yes, there’s the possibility of the contagion spreading from the few escaped cases. But why strangle the entire State of Victoria? Over 90% of the population is nowhere near the danger zone, but we all have to stay at home for a week.
    All production ceases, no one earns their wages, businesses have to close.
    Dan’s salary won’t be deducted for the week, no skin off his nose.

    Ah, but his Big Tennis goes on regardless. Wouldn’t do to let the rest of the world know that we all live in a police state prison.

    He could have just declared a zone or two, like other states have done. But he’d much rather big note himself.

    People say that nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
    No championships worth mentioning in recent years.
    Progress is man's ability to complicate simplicity.


    It’s not like you to have missed the point, but here we are.

    Can break 80

    next week is going to be hot, in Victoria, so lots of people will flock to the beaches, and or get outside in sun and fresh air and enjoy them selves, the ingredients for health living, instead of being cooped up in side.

    Anyone want to bet against the lock down extending to end of February, even into March.…….


    Do you want to know what else is an ingredient for healthy living??
    No having Covid or giving it to you family and friends is what is.

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