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  • #10647

    If everyone was isolated for two weeks, there should be no new cases beyond that. Then effective quarantine of those infected should insulate the greater population from the virus.

    Wishful thinking.

    People say that nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
    No championships worth mentioning in recent years.
    Progress is man's ability to complicate simplicity.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by OldBogey.

    What’s the situation in Qld? As o see it I’m still able to and very safe to drive to a golf range and practice for an hour or two not getting within many feet of someone else. I’m allowed to go and get exercise by myself everyday am I not?


    What’s the situation in Qld? As o see it I’m still able to and very safe to drive to a golf range and practice for an hour or two not getting within many feet of someone else. I’m allowed to go and get exercise by myself everyday am I not?

    Not sure Toph, but I think because it is a venue, the no more than 2 people scenario applies.


    Official: All NSW courses to close as of midnight tonight.

    Recommended by the National bodies even though government will still allow 2 pax to exercise

    1 user liked this post.

    I went to Aldi today. Carpark and store nearly empty.
    I took my own antiseptic wipes for the trolley.
    Adequate supplies of everything, except still no toilet paper or tissues.
    Polo shirts advertised for last week (Wed) @ $7.99 but hadn’t arrived. Only small sizes left this week. Non-essential.

    Filled the car petrol tank on the way @ $1.17 / litre. Streets almost deserted.
    Do I miss ‘normal’?

    People say that nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
    No championships worth mentioning in recent years.
    Progress is man's ability to complicate simplicity.


    I went to Aldi today. Carpark and store nearly empty.
    I took my own antiseptic wipes for the trolley.
    Adequate supplies of everything, except still no toilet paper or tissues.
    Polo shirts advertised for last week (Wed) @ $7.99 but hadn’t arrived. Only small sizes left this week. Non-essential.

    Filled the car petrol tank on the way @ $1.17 / litre. Streets almost deserted.
    Do I miss ‘normal’?

    Did you wipe down the bowser handles before using and your hands after shopping?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Madam.

    1 user liked this post.

    I went to Aldi today. Carpark and store nearly empty.
    I took my own antiseptic wipes for the trolley.
    Adequate supplies of everything, except still no toilet paper or tissues.
    Polo shirts advertised for last week (Wed) @ $7.99 but hadn’t arrived. Only small sizes left this week. Non-essential.

    Filled the car petrol tank on the way @ $1.17 / litre. Streets almost deserted.
    Do I miss ‘normal’?

    Did you wipe down the bowser handles before using and your hands after shopping?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Madam.

    Yes, I held the handle with a wipe under my hand. While using it, I noticed a small sign on the pump saying dispoable gloves were available in the shop.
    Yes I wiped my hands again on completion of the shop (supermarket) and before driving home.
    Only 3 cases reported in this district, so far. It will get worse.

    People say that nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
    No championships worth mentioning in recent years.
    Progress is man's ability to complicate simplicity.

    1 user liked this post.

    An excellent video, mads. I urge everyone to watch it.

    People say that nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
    No championships worth mentioning in recent years.
    Progress is man's ability to complicate simplicity.

    1 user liked this post.

    An excellent video, mads. I urge everyone to watch it.

    Im surprised our Public Announcements arent more focused on the ways we catch it ie what we touch and how that gets spread so easily such as examples in the video.

    Its a great visual for us simpletons;)


    An excellent video, mads. I urge everyone to watch it.

    Im surprised our Public Announcements arent more focused on the ways we catch it ie what we touch and how that gets spread so easily such as examples in the video.

    Its a great visual for us simpletons;)

    Agree. I can’t speak for the other States, but in NSW it may help some of these idiots (won’t mention the specific age groups) that believe the self isolation and social distancing doesn’t apply to them because, “It won’t affect us as badly cause we are younger.” Or have the “I live on the beaches, it interferes with my lifestyle” syndrome.

    2 users liked this post.


    I’m confused
    Say no more



    I’m confused
    Say no more

    . Yep just happened in Qld as well. People are pissed off at GA!


    Hi guys, new member here, just spirited myself across from the other side.
    Just curious as to what is happening in other clubs as of today, april 1st.
    Our course remains open from last competition last Friday but restricted to two family members only.
    Which means 2 mates cannot go out for a social hit.
    Today I heard from a mate in a Perth metropolitan club that, as from tomorrow, they can go out in 2’s and they don’t have to be in the same family.
    My club (regional WA) is adamant that we CANNOT do this.
    Hope to get some clarification on this. I know Golf Australia keep changing things.


    Hi guys, new member here, just spirited myself across from the other side.
    Just curious as to what is happening in other clubs as of today, april 1st.
    Our course remains open from last competition last Friday but restricted to two family members only.
    Which means 2 mates cannot go out for a social hit.
    Today I heard from a mate in a Perth metropolitan club that, as from tomorrow, they can go out in 2’s and they don’t have to be in the same family.
    My club (regional WA) is adamant that we CANNOT do this.
    Hope to get some clarification on this. I know Golf Australia keep changing things.

    hey wombat

    When you say the other side. WA?? Lol

    I’d check the site on Covid 19. Then check the WA info. State gov sets the laws so need to see what they show.

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