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  • #10187
    Birdie Blitz

    Hi All,

    Just be interested if those on committees have implemented plans with regards to Coronavirus at their clubs. What is the general feeling, what precautions, what measures are to be put in place, what is the communication with the members etc.




    common sense by the individual

    if ya got flu like symptoms stay at home or the symptoms of corona virus show for that matter

    show no symptoms then play golf

    not rocket science

    stupidity is spreading quicker then the corona virus

    When we had the ebola virus a few years back that was suppose to wipe the world out did we carry on like sissies like we are to much a lesser virus?

    or did we man up and get on with living?

    feel crook stay home it is just that simple , you dont need your golf commitee to tell you that

    do you get your golf committee to make up some plan for the common cold that also can kill you

    Sorry , i am taking the virus seriously but i do not think we have to be told how bad this is, people should be thinking for themselves and not take the selfish road saying she’ll be right its only a flu i’m right to play

    stay at home

    Birdie Blitz

    Oz it is not quite that simple. There have been cases of asymptomatic transfer-that is people not displaying symptoms transferring the virus, also with the peak of the virus predicted to be around May it is also coming into peak flu/cold season many exhibiting potentially mild symptoms will simply right it off as a cold potentially passing it to someone more susceptible to the virus. Let’s face it a majority of golf memberships would fit into the at risk category.

    I’m not saying cancel golf because I believe outdoor exercise is highly beneficial in promoting a healthy immune system but should golf clubs be putting in precautions such as hand sanitizer available, discouraging hand shaking, maybe cancelling or rescheduling some events etc.

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    Here is some info from epar that is being sent to their clubs in Australia re-washing hands properly.


    So far, 14,000 people have died and 250,000 people have been hospitalized during the 2019-2020 flu season, according to preliminary estimates from the CDC.Feb 14, 2020.

    People say that nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
    No championships worth mentioning in recent years.
    Progress is man's ability to complicate simplicity.


    So far, 14,000 people have died and 250,000 people have been hospitalized during the 2019-2020 flu season, according to preliminary estimates from the CDC.Feb 14, 2020.

    how many in China? How many in Aus?


    Ah, sorry, but this thing, COVID-19, is a lot worse than the common ‘flu.

    Most people think the ‘flu is their winter head cold. Runny nose, sore throat, bit of a cough. That’s not the ‘flu that kills people.

    This Coronavirus, COVID-19 has major differences due to how it spreads and the impact on health systems. It’s a numbers game.

    At present about 10% of people need acute health care (so, yes, that leaves 90% with mild symptoms). But, when over half our population ends up infected at the peak (current forecast), that’s say 10 million people, at 10%, so 1 million needing acute care, our health system can’t cope.

    With usual illness, accidents, emergency,
    etc the hospitals are likely to face tough decisions on who to treat. People will die from other illness, accident, etc because of the capacity blocked by Coronavirus patients.

    If your kid gets sick and the hospital is full of old people with covid-19, where do you go? And, would you want to be in the same hospital?

    At around the 3.5% mortality rate, with a large infected population, say we only get to 20%, so 5 million, we’re looking at 175,000 deaths. That impacts health system, and death system because it will all come at same time. We don’t have the capacity.

    The biggest impact is when the population is forced into lock down. Whether by large numbers in self isolation or by imposed area wide lockdown. Things stop. Deliveries are slowed to a crawl. Food supplies dwindle due to slow deliveries. Economic activity grinds to a halt. Businesses will go bust because they do not have the cash or access to funds to trade through. You can’t stop the grind of economic trade slowing right down due to population wide lock downs. That is what the governments want to stop, but once covid-19 takes hold, it’s a quick slope to lock down.

    You don’t need alarmist BS, but equally a flippant nonchalant attitude won’t help either. We all need to be prepared for a lock down and economic, financial, impacts.

    And we can all help to stop the spread of this thing. Washing hands regularly while out in the community is one step. Stopping usually body to body contact like shaking hands and even sharing things (pens, phones, computers, cars, etc) can help slow the spread.

    The ideal is a long slow peak. So longer impact but without the peak crisis. This could be a 12month thing if a long slow peak, or a 6 month thing if a large peak. Either way, we’re in for a lot of disruption.

    By the time you realise this part of my signature doesn't say anything it's too late to stop reading it.

    If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.

    Success is the ability to go from one failure to the next without any loss of enthusiasm.

    Good judgment comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement.

    Meditation makes doing nothing quite respectable.

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    Worth a read:

    By the time you realise this part of my signature doesn't say anything it's too late to stop reading it.

    If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.

    Success is the ability to go from one failure to the next without any loss of enthusiasm.

    Good judgment comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement.

    Meditation makes doing nothing quite respectable.

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    Bit of info here on the capacity of hospitals:

    By the time you realise this part of my signature doesn't say anything it's too late to stop reading it.

    If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.

    Success is the ability to go from one failure to the next without any loss of enthusiasm.

    Good judgment comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement.

    Meditation makes doing nothing quite respectable.

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    Just received this from my home track:

    Message to Members

    As you are no doubt aware, COVID-19, or the Coronavirus as it is more commonly known, has created global health concerns regarding the disease and its infection rates.

    The Club is monitoring advice from the Australian Government’s Department of Health as well as the Australian Government ‘Smartraveller’ website.

    At this time, the Club requests that if you or any person you have been in close contact with has recently returned from China, Iran or have returned from a cruise holiday in the past 14 days, we respectfully request that you do not visit the Club – including use of the golf course, bowling greens and pool only – until the 14 day period has elapsed.

    We further request at this time that if you or any person you have been in close contact with has recently returned from South Korea, Japan, Italy or Mongolia and who are experiencing flu-like symptoms, please do not visit the Club, including use of the golf course, bowling greens and pool only, for 14 days.

    When attending the Club, it is requested that Members ensure that excellent personal hygiene is maintained at all times. Please wash and sanitise your hands thoroughly and regularly during your visit.

    Please be assured that the Club will be trading as normal and members are encouraged to continue to support your Club by participating in the fantastic activities and events we have to offer.

    This situation is changing rapidly, we will continue to monitor implications and advise Members accordingly.

    By the time you realise this part of my signature doesn't say anything it's too late to stop reading it.

    If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.

    Success is the ability to go from one failure to the next without any loss of enthusiasm.

    Good judgment comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement.

    Meditation makes doing nothing quite respectable.

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    Birdie Blitz

    nt’s Depart

    Common sense message – received something similar from my Tennis club. Nothing from my golf club as yet though.


    Just received this from my club:

    As advertised in the news over the past week the coronavirus is a real concern although we don’t see KGC as a a threat to your health, the club needs to be mindful of how we can prevent the virus from spreading. We should all recognise the responsibility we have to the club, members, staff and the wider community and do all we can to stop this disease from spreading..

    If you’ve recently travelled from or visited those countries known to have serious outbreaks (which currently includes China, Iran and South Korea and subject to change) or you’ve been in close contact with someone who has COVID-19, you will have been required to undertake a period of self-quarantine for 14 days. If this condition applies to you, or any intended guest, you are requested to exercise all due caution and not attend the Club until the applicable quarantine period has expired.

    The use of hand sanitiser is encouraged and the club will be trying to source stocks for members to use at the club ASAP.

    Please read the following advice
    The following correspondence was received from Greg Hunt, Federal Member for Flinders & Federal Minister for Health.
    Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update

    Australia is not immune to the Coronavirus, but there is no country in the world better prepared for this health challenge. We will and are continuing work to keep Australians safe.

    We all have a role to play to ensure Australia comes through the Coronavirus outbreak by staying calm, following the advice of the medical experts and supporting each other.

    An important factsheet about Coronavirus prepared by the Department of Health can be downloaded by clicking the button below:

    CLICK HERE to download the latest Coronavirus fact sheet.

    If you have returned from an area at risk of COVID-19 or come into contact with someone with COVID-19, it is important to be aware of the best way to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

    Practice good hygiene, such as frequent hand washing, coughing or sneezing into your elbow, and avoiding shaking hands.

    People should monitor for symptoms such as fever, coughing, shortness of breath or tiredness. If you are unwell or concerned that you may have been exposed to COVID-19 (Coronavirus), you should self-isolate and call your GP for advice before you visit your doctor. Do not visit public places.

    If you have recently returned from or transited through China, Iran or South Korea in the last 14 days, you must self-isolate for 14 days from the day of your departure from that country.

    If you have been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 (Coronavirus), you must self-isolate for 14 days from the date of your last contact with the confirmed case.

    CLICK HERE to download the Coronavirus isolation guide

    Human to human transmission has been detected in Australia, so even if you have not travelled, please exercise caution.

    Some groups are more vulnerable to COVID-19 (Coronavirus) than others, including over-65s and people with pre-existing health conditions, particularly auto-immune diseases or respiratory issues. If you or a family member fall into this category, use extra caution and ensure that all members of the family are practicing good hygiene.

    A 24/7 National Coronavirus Health Information Line is available on 1800 020 080 for health and situation information on Coronavirus. If you require translating or interpreting services, call 131 450.

    I will continue to keep the community informed on information regarding this virus. For daily updates, visit:

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    From Golf Australia

    Golf Australia is closely monitoring all developments of the Covid-19 virus.

    After the World Health Organisation officially declared this corona virus a global pandemic, the mandate is clear for all governing bodies to make decisions based on communal health and safety.

    It is Golf Australia’s protocol that all events necessarily involving crowds or large-scale interstate travel are now under strict review.

    A formal decision will be made – and announced – soon on a series of national events scheduled for April, including the Australian Junior Amateur Championships in South Australia (girls) and the ACT (boys) and the subsequent Junior Interstate Series tournaments.

    The Australian Interstate Series, scheduled for May in Sydney, is also under review with a separate decision expected shortly afterwards.

    Other key events will be addressed as necessitated by future developments.

    Golf Australia will, along with its partners in the Australian golf industry, continue to make decisions based on the welfare of all involved in the sport.

    Anyone seeking additional advice is encouraged to email questions to where specific information can be offered.

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