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  • #5877

    Ok then, here goes… ?

    What was I trying to achieve again?

    ? … ?‍♂️

    By the time you realise this part of my signature doesn't say anything it's too late to stop reading it.

    If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.

    Success is the ability to go from one failure to the next without any loss of enthusiasm.

    Good judgment comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement.

    Meditation makes doing nothing quite respectable.

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    Ok then, here goes… ?

    What was I trying to achieve again?

    ? … ?‍♂️

    Hack to single digits?

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    Well, ok then, it seems this all started in April 2017, and to bring the journey to life, I had this on 15th April 2017:

    TL:DR – Hacks record of current swing change notes.

    For my own reference mainly, but, just in case some of you are interested, I’m going to write up my swing change notes.

    So, at the first club fitting, it was suggested I need the following “swing thoughts” to match the swing changes recommended:

    Grip – Left hand more knuckle, tuck thumb. Cover left thumb with right hand.

    Align – Shut shoulders. Tuck Elbow. Across arms at elbows align to target. Bring left should forward.

    Turn – shoulder away & right hip back.
    The grip change felt very different and made my hands “hold” the club a bit tight. I had to get my left hand further to the right, and my right hand further to the left. Result being a significant cup in the wrists, and a very ‘stiff’ feeling in left arm, making it feel more solid and very straight. This will feel more natural as I practice. Tension in hands, the tight hold on the club will ease off with repetition and practice.

    Then, I had to work on closing my shoulders, which the grip change did to a large extent. But, still had to ensure the line across my arms, at the elbows, was aligned to the target. This felt like I was really pointing to the right of the target.

    Make a turn back with my left shoulder properly turning under my chin was the next issue. This linked with getting my right hip to turn back and NOT SLIDE TO THE RIGHT.

    Known to hit it fat, often, and especially when fatigued toward the end of a round, it’s this last bit that’s now key to getting the swing consistent. I really need to work on the left shoulder under, right hip back, no slide, keep weight inside right leg (load it up).

    Impact of Changes?

    Well, at the first club fitting, swinging my old 7 iron, my old swing, grip, etc. the Trackman data showed clubspeed of around 70-75 mph, a roll out distance of 130m, which is what I would achieve ‘on course’. “Carry Distance” as I’ve now been informed is the key stat here, and it was, from memory around low 120m. So, a good baseline. As my old swing, it was fairly accurate, but inconsistent. Even with good club path, the face would open a bit due to the shaft, so I naturally closed it with my hands – a key aspect to unlearn now with the new clubs!

    With the grip change only, and it’s natural flow through impact to other parts of the swing, clubspeed jumped up to 85mph and resultant change in ‘carry distance’ saw it out to around 130m.

    Going through the club fit, the best irons for me ended up the AP1’s, and those saw my club speed around the same 85mph, but the ‘carry distance’ jumped up to around 140m.

    Next phase of swing thoughts:

    Pause at top of back swing
    Extend club and hands to the target.
    Hold your finish.

    These came from the Iron selection, but more so now with the new irons in my hands, yesterday.

    Impact of these Changes?

    Distance, not much. But accuracy and consistency massive.

    So, the new 7 iron, yesterday was showing the same data … clubspeed around 85mph, carry distance 140m.

    Working on the swing changes, the carry dropped a bit to 130 – 135m, but the club path and angle of attack both improved, with the club path essentially perfect, but the club face closing (due to my old habit of correcting it with my right hand – I have to work on stopping that) … but, when both were good, no surprise the shot was straight.

    BUT, my drop kick, fat hit, was well and truly in force yesterday. The “turn” and not slide was not taking hold, but the potential (when I stop that slide) is huge. Some serious accuracy and distance on the way. This will no doubt flow through to the Driver. I’m excited at the prospects.

    Having not practiced, a deliberate decision until the new irons arrived (I did not want to be confused with swing vs club issues using my old irons) the grip change is still feeling weird and making the hands tight, and obviously has a flow through impact to the overall swing.

    With the new irons now, I’m off to groove the changes over the next week or two.

    Plan is to have the changes grooved so that when the new Driver arrives, the grip and hands change feels more natural, and the swing ‘turn’ and follow through are consistent.

    I have to stop myself from:

    Sliding hips. My hips must turn, right bum cheek back… not slide backwards from the target.
    Overly excessive back swing. Turn until comfortable. Load up inside of right thigh. It feels like back swing is really short, but, its actually not, it’s perfect when I turn until comfortable.
    Loading the inside of right thigh will produce power once I get turn sequence starting from legs up to start the forward swing. This will take some practice to get the correct feeling.

    By the time you realise this part of my signature doesn't say anything it's too late to stop reading it.

    If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.

    Success is the ability to go from one failure to the next without any loss of enthusiasm.

    Good judgment comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement.

    Meditation makes doing nothing quite respectable.

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    Moderator lost me at “well….” 🙂

    Inaugural L4G NSW OOM Round Winner
    First Eagle in L4G (NSW) history
    2020 Inawgrial L4G NSW OOM Winner
    In a past life:
    2012 National Championships...Inaugural Supreme Putting Champion
    2013 Brass Yacht Winner (Inaugural)
    2014 Brass Yacht Winner
    2015 Brass Yacht Runner-up
    2016 Brass Yacht Winner
    2017 Brass Yacht Winner
    2018 Brass Yacht Winner
    2019 Brass Yacht Winner
    2022 Brass Yacht Winner
    2023 Brass Yacht Runner-up

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    Hi Hack. Been out with the AP’s? Or surf too good or back too bad?

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    Hi Hack. Been out with the AP’s? Or surf too good or back too bad?

    Hey Topher. You finally decide to pay us a visit here!:)

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    Hi Hack. Been out with the AP’s? Or surf too good or back too bad?

    Well, now that you ask, the golf clubs have collected dust.

    And, with that, I feel this needs more content, so I think I need to give surf reports.

    So, the first comes from Tullamarine.

    Yes, all you Victoria wannabe golfers need to think surf check. Get out there, it’s goin’ off

    He’s a couple of links to the waves on offer:

    By the time you realise this part of my signature doesn't say anything it's too late to stop reading it.

    If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.

    Success is the ability to go from one failure to the next without any loss of enthusiasm.

    Good judgment comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement.

    Meditation makes doing nothing quite respectable.

    1 user liked this post.

    My youngest daughter’s boyfriend has a job there as a lifesaver. Starts in January I think.

    Winner Moonah Legends 2013 Nationals
    Winner The National 2013 Nationals
    Winner 4BBB 2013 Nationals
    Winner Stink's 3 Club Challenge 2015
    Winner C grade OOM The Sands 2016
    Hole-in-one Growling Frog 14/1/17 5th hole 137m TM RBZ 5 hybrid, Srixon AD333 ball
    Growling Frog GC Matchplay Champion 2017
    Winner B grade OOM Curlewis 2018
    Winner Yering Meadows Monthly Medal Dec 2020

    Low Handicap point 12.7 9/4/16

    Finally...and most importantly...
    Smoldy....when only the best will do

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    My youngest daughter’s boyfriend has a job there as a lifesaver. Starts in January I think.

    Perhaps his training should have started earlier, sooner, so he could have saved this fella from embarrassment.

    By the time you realise this part of my signature doesn't say anything it's too late to stop reading it.

    If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.

    Success is the ability to go from one failure to the next without any loss of enthusiasm.

    Good judgment comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement.

    Meditation makes doing nothing quite respectable.


    Impending charity golf day next Monday, so thought I’d better start warming up the golf muscles. Been hitting 30-50 balls with wedges then walking a few holes at the home track. Started Friday afternoon.

    It’s been ugly and a mixed bag.


    I walked 9 holes yesterday and shot 2 over OTS. Front 9, back markers.

    I still don’t know what I did different or why the swing was so much better. I just know I felt more relaxed, have no back pain and seemed to feel easy swing with freely hinging wrists that just flowed with the body swing. Very surreal still.

    Wasn’t all FIR and GIR either. Sand saves, and chips to easy one putt distance helped the par results tick along.

    Greens are rough as they recover from coring and renovations. I honestly think there were a couple of putts that would have had a chance if the green wasn’t so rough and slow.

    Luck was also on my side with no ugly lies and even when I hit one a bit ugly, I still had a shot and managed to recover.

    If only I could bottle the feeling, sensation, swing sequence and easy effort to pull it out at will every time I play.

    Mentally I was relaxed. Focus was on shot at hand and errant shots forgotten quickly. Almost like I was in a ‘it doesn’t matter, move on, focus on the next shot” mindset but at the same time was focused on execution of each shot when at the ball. I recall this feeling when I shot my PB round and even back 9… A very surreal feeling with no tension or anxiety. Just calm and focussed. I need to work out how to turn that on.

    By the time you realise this part of my signature doesn't say anything it's too late to stop reading it.

    If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.

    Success is the ability to go from one failure to the next without any loss of enthusiasm.

    Good judgment comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement.

    Meditation makes doing nothing quite respectable.

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    Would be great to be able to turn that on whenever we stepped onto the course

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    Plugged the shots etc into mScorecard from the 9 holes yesterday to see the stats. Here’s a screenshot:


    By the time you realise this part of my signature doesn't say anything it's too late to stop reading it.

    If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.

    Success is the ability to go from one failure to the next without any loss of enthusiasm.

    Good judgment comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement.

    Meditation makes doing nothing quite respectable.

    2 users liked this post.

    Plugged the shots etc into mScorecard from the 9 holes yesterday to see the stats. Here’s a screenshot:


    Hack, What apps is this?

    Carpe Diem


    Plugged the shots etc into mScorecard from the 9 holes yesterday to see the stats. Here’s a screenshot:


    Hack, What apps is this?

    By the time you realise this part of my signature doesn't say anything it's too late to stop reading it.

    If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.

    Success is the ability to go from one failure to the next without any loss of enthusiasm.

    Good judgment comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement.

    Meditation makes doing nothing quite respectable.

    1 user liked this post.
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