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  • #17412

    Thanks XR

    I didn’t!

    Drove well mostly 8/14 but was poor on the greens and also on approaches
    5 GIR isn’t abysmal but they are saucers surrounded by patchwork rough and the greens were rocks that even wedges wouldn’t stay on
    88 net 77 and 30 points

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    Played Redcliffe today and the course was lovely with the greens especially being very smooth and fast

    Off 11 had a 9 over 80 for 38 points to win within our 3 groups

    Would have preferred to play that way last week in Club Champs but that’s golf for you!

    Drove as well as I ever have and didn’t drop a shot with driver – although could have on 15 but got lucky

    Hit a few wayward irons and hybrids which I’ll need to clean up

    Chipped ok and putted pretty well

    Nice day for it

    Pacific next week for round 3 of the club champs but I’m out of contention for those

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    That is more like our Weetbix! Well done that golfer.

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    That is more like our Weetbix! Well done that golfer.

    Thanks mate
    Hopefully the start of a run


    Hopefully the start of a the runs

    Why would you want to get diarrhoea?

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    Our Illustrious Leader ( aka Dan Andrews) is hinting that regional Victoria will be released from lock down this week. That is, the risk of contracting Covid 19 on an isolated golf course ( bugger all) is now acceptable enough to let u splay again. Thank you OIL!

    He is also intimating that he will use regional Victoria as a test bed for his strategies for opening up to 2X Vaxxed persons.
    Seeing that we have zero cases for the last 12 months, I question the value of such experiments being extrapolated to Melbourne.

    When can we expect a plan to stop intra-famaily infections from essential workers and rapid antigen test for transport workers?

    I would consider an sizable offer to come out of retirement to head the health dept. as long as I get the same indemnity cover that Dan et. al. have ( I can’t recall the details)

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by xrman.
    1 user liked this post.

    Hopefully the start of a the runs

    Why would you want to get diarrhoea?

    I’m a golfer
    AKA a glutton for punishment

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    Can break 80

    Played Redcliffe today and the course was lovely with the greens especially being very smooth and fast

    Off 11 had a 9 over 80 for 38 points to win within our 3 groups

    Would have preferred to play that way last week in Club Champs but that’s golf for you!

    Drove as well as I ever have and didn’t drop a shot with driver – although could have on 15 but got lucky

    Hit a few wayward irons and hybrids which I’ll need to clean up

    Chipped ok and putted pretty well

    Nice day for it

    Pacific next week for round 3 of the club champs but I’m out of contention for those

    Pleased to read that some are still enjoying the sun and fresh air
    enjoy it in QLD while you can.

    3 users liked this post.

    Meanwhile in Mexico, the mood is sullen.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by xrman.
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    Stab at Warra today. Just for handicapping, not a real ‘comp’.
    Three wipes, four 1-points, three 3-points, which leaves eight 2-points. I think that makes the total 29 points.
    32 putts.

    Great to be back on the course. A bit windy but 22° to start with.

    People say that nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
    No championships worth mentioning in recent years.
    Progress is man's ability to complicate simplicity.

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    Good to hear that you are on the course OB.

    29 points= almost a reasonable performance in my book ( C grade game) or like my school report used to say, ” could do better, if he applied himself”

    The non- competition handicap games ??? Really, what is the difference in risk of virus transmission? Bugger all! But what would I know, I spent 40+ years in applied infection control, I am not a Public Health expert.

    Reading between the lines, we will be back under house arrest very soon. The doubling of cases every two weeks will leak out to the Regional areas . Maybe Dan will do a double vaxxed concession, but I doubt it. He is a one trick pony.

    If you want a preview of the weather send me an e-mail and I will predict what you will get in 6 hours time by looking out my west side window. It is raining hard now and the wind has dropped a bit.

    Can break 80

    Golf booked for Tuesday. Northern client moved meeting to following week so will play Tuesday at the home of golf.
    seems like we need to get in as much golf as we can, lest it be banned.

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    Golf booked for Tuesday. Northern client moved meeting to following week so will play Tuesday at the home of golf.
    seems like we need to get in as much golf as we can, lest it be banned.

    It’s just a matter of time, CB.

    People say that nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
    No championships worth mentioning in recent years.
    Progress is man's ability to complicate simplicity.


    Played at Pacific with Brisbane Fairways off 9
    Driver was pretty good – 1 over
    Rest of long game wasn’t – 7 over
    Unexpectedly my pitching and chipping game was excellent – 1 over for the whole round
    Putting started well but came home poorly – 3 over

    44 39 for 83 net 3 over 74 and 33 points

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    Played at Pacific with Brisbane Fairways off 6.
    Had 28 points.
    Sometimes it’s fun when you have no idea where the ball will go when you’re addressing it.
    Had an absolute blast playing with Rusty Old Man as a Father’s Day gig.

    Highlight was a temporary par 4, playing about 245. The green was tucked on the left hand side behind a series of big trees. One bloke tees off with his 3 wood and perfectly slings it around the trees to be about 20 short of the fringe.
    I smashed my 3 wood, it started a touch right of the line I wanted and didn’t draw. It clattered into a huge tree, maybe 6m up and dropped back and right. Turns out that tree was pin high and if it didn’t hit the tree it was proper dead. Easy chip up and two putt par.

    I did have a run of 5 pars on the second nine, but there is still doubles that come from not knowing where the ball will go.

    Good times.

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