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    what number were you on the waitlist before you played golf with him?

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    Can break 80

    nice overcast day today slightly cooler at 18 deg, some rai forecast but never had any until later in day.
    golf today at Nanango. while Wife went to the local market..

    nice 9 hole course, they have 2 set of tees to give course variance.
    course completely run by volunteers and in good condition except for grass greens which were slow and sanded making putting anything over 1 m very difficult.
    played very well today hit ball well 4 GIR / 18 putts (inc 2×3 and 2×1 putts), quickly learnt that its better to miss the green and chip rather than be on green with a long putt.
    daily handicap was 6 = comp was only 9 holes for back 9 holes = 41 OTS = score was 15 points
    Toowoomba vets on Monday (weather and rain permitting)

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Can break 80.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Can break 80.
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    what number were you on the waitlist before you played golf with him?

    You don’t get onto the wait list until you’ve been assessed. First available appointment to get assessed is early July, set last Feb.
    I’m in for surgery on Tues to have a skin cancer cut out. Was assessed by a skin specialist in Feb and details sent to the hospital the same day and marked urgent (category 1). It took more than two months to get an appointment with the hospital, last Wed week. They took a biopsy. Next appointment was last Wed. They confirmed cancer, THEN put me on the urgent list.

    It’s all about list manipulation so things don’t look as bad as they are. Off to get a swab test this morning.

    Didn’t play yesterday. Vets game on Monday. Surgery on Tues.

    People say that nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
    No championships worth mentioning in recent years.
    Progress is man's ability to complicate simplicity.


    Hope the surgery goes well OB

    2 users liked this post.
    Can break 80

    what number were you on the waitlist before you played golf with him?

    You don’t get onto the wait list until you’ve been assessed. First available appointment to get assessed is early July, set last Feb.
    I’m in for surgery on Tues to have a skin cancer cut out. Was assessed by a skin specialist in Feb and details sent to the hospital the same day and marked urgent (category 1). It took more than two months to get an appointment with the hospital, last Wed week. They took a biopsy. Next appointment was last Wed. They confirmed cancer, THEN put me on the urgent list.

    It’s all about list manipulation so things don’t look as bad as they are. Off to get a swab test this morning.

    Didn’t play yesterday. Vets game on Monday. Surgery on Tues.

    Hope your surgery goes well OB and you make a full recovery.

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    Vets at Trafalgar yesterday.
    Whilst my hip wasn’t particularly painful, it produced just enough discomfort to bugger up my swing.
    Add to that the fact that the course had been set for MM on Sat with back tees and some difficult pin positions, freshly mown and rolled greens. You put your ball on the green and it would turn dowhill and run right off. Very frustrating. With 91 players, only a few managed 36 points. The weather was fine and the ground was mostly dry. My cart passenger and I both had 30 points. That was 15 each.

    As for today’s surgery, the bandages would suggest my head had come to grief in some farm machinery. But it was just some cancer removal from one ear. Back again next week then some restoration work to follow. Thanks for the good wishes.

    People say that nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
    No championships worth mentioning in recent years.
    Progress is man's ability to complicate simplicity.

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    Can break 80

    No golf for last 2 weeks as its been too wet and flooded courses in Toowoomba, Warwick and Bryon bay.
    last game was at Nanango on 7th May, so will be very rusty.
    on a happy note Fishing has been good at Nambucca heads and Newcastle as we turn south on our bay back to
    Danland for 2 grandkids birthdays and daughters birthday and check out progress of house build.

    hope to get in some winter golf this year, unless the chairman locks us down again.
    next scheduled game is with old boys at Leongatha next Monday, where I will be pleased with a score of over 30 points.

    back on the island till end July, with lots of meetings and catchups with friends, then we we are off again chasing the whales up the east coast for another 8 to 10 weeks. hope house will be finished soon.

    life is fun, as long as other people let us enjoy it.


    I finally got another game of golf in after some minor surgery a few weeks ago. More surgery on Tues will probably put me out of golf for another few weeks. My right hip is still interfering with my swing and it probably won’t get replaced until next year.

    So, how’d I play? Not well, but could’ve been worse.
    No wipes but lots of 1s, no 3-points. Total of 27 points. One 3-putt and only a couple of 1-putts for a 35 putt total.

    People say that nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
    No championships worth mentioning in recent years.
    Progress is man's ability to complicate simplicity.


    I am booked in for hip replacement on September 14th. With any luck I will get a caravan holiday in to Darwin prior to the operation.


    Hope you get your holiday and then that the operation is very successful and you recover quickly

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    Not making Nationals I presume

    I am booked in for hip replacement on September 14th. With any luck I will get a caravan holiday in to Darwin prior to the operation.

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    MM stroke at Warra yesterday.
    Played the front nine quite well with a nett 36, but the wheels fell off for the next 4 holes.
    Two 3-putts for a 30 putt total.
    Nett total of 79.

    We teed off at 1:00 and when we got back at 5:00 it was nearly dark.

    People say that nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
    No championships worth mentioning in recent years.
    Progress is man's ability to complicate simplicity.

    Can break 80

    first fine day we have had for 3weeks so decided to play yesterday at home of golf with a mate.
    very rusty. but enjoyable to be out there.
    2 x triples
    4x Double Bogeys
    8x Bogeys
    3 pars
    1 birdie.
    91 OTS.
    tee to scoring zone (50m) = 36 shots
    <50m took 55 more shots including 4×3 putts due to approach finishing in wrong place on green.
    If Albo changes the weather in next few weeks as he promised at the election, will be able to get out and practice on short game./ short game and short particular chipping and pitching which was not crisp.

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    Well done on your return to Vic golf.

    I know it early days for the new kids on the block in Canberra, but surely you didn’t believe that Albo could actually deliver much of what they promised, with the world on a roller coaster toward disaster. Fn Commies; first pestilence and now war. We had fire and flood the previous years!

    With the courses becoming slower and softer, I guess we have to expect a drop in scoring success. Still , playing badly and scoring around mid 80s to 90- ish isn’t terrible.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by xrman.
    1 user liked this post.
    Can break 80

    To quote John Fogerty in his famous song

    “And I wonder who will stop the rain” so we can play golf again.

    All the courses are sloppy and yuk. and we aren’t even fully into winter yet.
    Looks like a break in rain tomorrow, so can take grandson fishing, then cold and fine on
    Tuesday so Golf at the ranch, with a few friends, so should be a good test of game.
    next Monday vets game at Leongatha, so practicing towards this game.
    Leongatha is a course I have always played well in pennant.

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