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  • #18746

    After a crazy year of wet weather, the gods…PJ ..decided to give us a break and turn on a superb day for the 7th running of the PJ Memorial event

    It was great to be on the course again for just my 3rd game of the year, playing with Blacksnake and Greywolfe. A thoroughly enjoyable round, even though I still need the L plates for the remote buggy…note to self, do not leave remote in pocket when bending down to look at putting line. Special thanks to Blacksnake for his distance guidance…110m was it? And of course it was fantastic to have the SOI operating again…Nationals look out!

    Thank you to all that played and contributed to this years funds, a total of $685.00 raised. Thank you Chris for keeping our company on the day as usual and for bringing such an amazing cake…now who was it that took home the balance of leftovers? You were very naughty in arranging the lunch!!

    Results for the day: Yes Francie…Golflinked! πŸ˜›

    Winner: Schmuck 42pts
    R/Up: Barenski 38
    3rd: Greywolfe 35
    4th: Zookeeper 31
    5th: Commish 30
    6th: Snorkelguru 27
    7th: Peppas 26
    8th: Blacksnake 25
    9th: Rami (N/Score)

    2nd: Commish
    4th: Zookeeper
    6th: Barenski
    9th: Peppas (Nearest in 2)
    17th: Commish

    Snorkelguru invited his mate, Rami, who is new to golf and hopefully we will see him at future L4G event, even though he went through the Blacksnake interrogation process at lunch…”So, which call centre do you work at?” Absolute classic Blacksnake…and Rami took it well, firing back “How ironic that you have BLACK in your name!” πŸ™‚

    Inaugural L4G NSW OOM Round Winner
    First Eagle in L4G (NSW) history
    2020 Inawgrial L4G NSW OOM Winner
    In a past life:
    2012 National Championships...Inaugural Supreme Putting Champion
    2013 Brass Yacht Winner (Inaugural)
    2014 Brass Yacht Winner
    2015 Brass Yacht Runner-up
    2016 Brass Yacht Winner
    2017 Brass Yacht Winner
    2018 Brass Yacht Winner
    2019 Brass Yacht Winner
    2022 Brass Yacht Winner
    2023 Brass Yacht Runner-up

    5 users liked this post.

    Again other PJ golf day done and dusted.Thanks to all who attended.As said in other posts thanksThe Cpt for organising a great day.
    But a very special thanks Chris for the wonderful cake and paying for lunch great lady.To my playing partners The Cpt & Mr Wolf.
    thanks for the great walking. To The Cpt for supplying the good laughs with the electric buggy in the 17th bunker & covering himself with drink from his drink bottle. Snorkelguru could you pass on to your mate Rami it was great to meet him.As some of my remarks to him could of been taken the wrong way.But then again he is a chooks supporter. Peppas hope some of that cake made it back home.It was great to catch up with everyone & really looking forward to the Nationals in a few weeks.
    Say No More.


    After a crazy year of wet weather, the gods…PJ ..decided to give us a break and turn on a superb day for the 7th running of the PJ Memorial event

    It was great to be on the course again for just my 3rd game of the year, playing with Blacksnake and Greywolfe. A thoroughly enjoyable round, even though I still need the L plates for the remote buggy…note to self, do not leave remote in pocket when bending down to look at putting line. Special thanks to Blacksnake for his distance guidance…110m was it? And of course it was fantastic to have the SOI operating again…Nationals look out!

    Thank you to all that played and contributed to this years funds, a total of $685.00 raised. Thank you Chris for keeping our company on the day as usual and for bringing such an amazing cake…now who was it that took home the balance of leftovers? You were very naughty in arranging the lunch!!

    Results for the day: Yes Francie…Golflinked! πŸ˜›

    Winner: Schmuck 42pts
    R/Up: Barenski 38
    3rd: Greywolfe 35
    4th: Zookeeper 31
    5th: Commish 30
    6th: Snorkelguru 27
    7th: Peppas 26
    8th: Blacksnake 25
    9th: Rami (N/Score)

    2nd: Commish
    4th: Zookeeper
    6th: Barenski
    9th: Peppas (Nearest in 2)
    17th: Commish

    Snorkelguru invited his mate, Rami, who is new to golf and hopefully we will see him at future L4G event, even though he went through the Blacksnake interrogation process at lunch…”So, which call centre do you work at?” Absolute classic Blacksnake…and Rami took it well, firing back “How ironic that you have BLACK in your name!” πŸ™‚

    Ha….wish I was there to see his remote buggy disaster but I can imagine…..I’ve had a few close calls myself. I’m paranoid with mine any time we play a course with water. I’ve seen a few go in the drink and being rendered useless.

    Looking forward to getting up to NSW in October and challengiing you to a buggy race. ?

    β€’Inaugural Victorian OOM Putting Champion - Long Island 2011
    β€’Inaugural ... National champ
    β€’Hole In One - 7th Hole Portsea GC - 9/10/2012
    Best ever score off the stick - 74 (Gardiners Run 10/12/2020)
    Masters Champion 11/4/2022

    5 users liked this post.

    Again other PJ golf day done and dusted.Thanks to all who attended.As said in other posts thanksThe Cpt for organising a great day.
    But a very special thanks Chris for the wonderful cake and paying for lunch great lady.To my playing partners The Cpt & Mr Wolf.
    thanks for the great walking. To The Cpt for supplying the good laughs with the electric buggy in the 17th bunker & covering himself with drink from his drink bottle. Snorkelguru could you pass on to your mate Rami it was great to meet him.As some of my remarks to him could of been taken the wrong way.But then again he is a chooks supporter. Peppas hope some of that cake made it back home.It was great to catch up with everyone & really looking forward to the Nationals in a few weeks.
    Say No More.

    Before I could, he texted me and said he had a great day out. I was surprised he thought so after our lunch banter. I did ask him, what he was smoking and could I get some. He told me he just got some from your stash when you weren’t looking.

    Also, forgot to thank komrade kapitan barenski and madam of the nuthouse for organizing kooindah waters. Great course and a great day. Next time I’ll know to carry all my shit balls.

    4 users liked this post.
    Mrs Chook Norris

    After a crazy year of wet weather, the gods…PJ ..decided to give us a break and turn on a superb day for the 7th running of the PJ Memorial event

    It was great to be on the course again for just my 3rd game of the year, playing with Blacksnake and Greywolfe. A thoroughly enjoyable round, even though I still need the L plates for the remote buggy…note to self, do not leave remote in pocket when bending down to look at putting line. Special thanks to Blacksnake for his distance guidance…110m was it? And of course it was fantastic to have the SOI operating again…Nationals look out!

    Thank you to all that played and contributed to this years funds, a total of $685.00 raised. Thank you Chris for keeping our company on the day as usual and for bringing such an amazing cake…now who was it that took home the balance of leftovers? You were very naughty in arranging the lunch!!

    Results for the day: Yes Francie…Golflinked! πŸ˜›

    Winner: Schmuck 42pts
    R/Up: Barenski 38
    3rd: Greywolfe 35
    4th: Zookeeper 31
    5th: Commish 30
    6th: Snorkelguru 27
    7th: Peppas 26
    8th: Blacksnake 25
    9th: Rami (N/Score)

    2nd: Commish
    4th: Zookeeper
    6th: Barenski
    9th: Peppas (Nearest in 2)
    17th: Commish

    Snorkelguru invited his mate, Rami, who is new to golf and hopefully we will see him at future L4G event, even though he went through the Blacksnake interrogation process at lunch…”So, which call centre do you work at?” Absolute classic Blacksnake…and Rami took it well, firing back “How ironic that you have BLACK in your name!” πŸ™‚

    We need to see the photos again. wish there had been photos when Paul’s brand new West Coast Eagles cart decided to have a swim in one of the ponds at Wyong πŸ™‚

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    A very early start on the only potential day I have available to sleep in (past 6am) was of course worthwhile. A great day to reconnect and remember after so few chances over recent years.
    Chris, thank you for continuing to share such a special day with crazies like us. Very naughty re lunch, but thank you! Amazing Cake!
    JB, as always you smoothly steer these days for us all. Also thanks for negating the need for music on the trip up & back. Joking
    Zooey & Commish, I appreciate your company anytime on or off the golf course, yesterday was even more special through your presence. My shout 1st in October
    Dave, oops, thanks for checking my score, sorry that I gave myself 4 points for a bogey on 18 & we both missed error (2shot hole). At least the correct gross (5) was signed for… ?
    Blacky, apart from drinking my beer, it was an honour to receive your bespoke trophy in addition to PJ’s Shield. BTW You need to get your filter cleaned. Nice to meet Rami
    Thanks to all including those who couldn’t join us. ❀️

    Incessant Threadjacker

    NSW Amateur 9hole Speedgolf champ 2019 & 2020 BTB ?

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    Dave, oops, thanks for checking my score, sorry that I gave myself 4 points for a bogey on 18 & we both missed error (2shot hole). At least the correct gross (5) was signed for…

    My bad… obviously looked at the score with 2 shots and forgot about looking at what par it was. Never mind, was still you and daylight.

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    Great to catch up with everyone as usual. Thanks Sid and Rami for the walk around Kooindah Waters, there certainly was plenty of water found, especially when Chris decided to tag along with our group! Still, lots of fun was had.

    Thanks Chris for coming, and for lunch and cake. Very unnecessary but thank you all the same. Thanks Barnesy for organising the day with the course, your efforts are always appreciated. BS, great efforts in the shed as well, hope there are some council pickup days coming up before Nats.

    Congrats to Schmuck for shooting the lights out, well deserved winner. Hopefully see you all at Nats, or the next one!


    Photos and Videos for the day from my phone.

    Mrs Chook Norris

    Thanks for those x It’s times like these when I wish for a lotto win or spakfilla for the crinkles lol

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    Mrs Chook Norris

    WHat can I say…..PJ didn’t send any way so thought maybe I needed to help you πŸ™‚

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    Mrs Chook Norris

    Hi Everyone
    Hope your golfing has been great and not washed out too often.

    I just wanted to check which charity we decided to donate too as I can’t recall and wanted to let Paul’s mum know.

    Have a great day



    Hi Everyone
    Hope your golfing has been great and not washed out too often.

    I just wanted to check which charity we decided to donate too as I can’t recall and wanted to let Paul’s mum know.

    Have a great day


    Hi Chris Id check with @barnesy – Usually Beyond Blue


    Hi Everyone
    Hope your golfing has been great and not washed out too often.

    I just wanted to check which charity we decided to donate too as I can’t recall and wanted to let Paul’s mum know.

    Have a great day


    Hi Chris…and all,

    Sorry I missed this…the end of last year was a blur for me, tied up in sorting out dad’s estate and clearing out his unit. I must admit I had overlooked the payment to charity.

    The original PJ donation page was not able to be accessed but it has been done, $685.00 to Beyond Blue, in memory of PJ.

    Barenski xx

    Inaugural L4G NSW OOM Round Winner
    First Eagle in L4G (NSW) history
    2020 Inawgrial L4G NSW OOM Winner
    In a past life:
    2012 National Championships...Inaugural Supreme Putting Champion
    2013 Brass Yacht Winner (Inaugural)
    2014 Brass Yacht Winner
    2015 Brass Yacht Runner-up
    2016 Brass Yacht Winner
    2017 Brass Yacht Winner
    2018 Brass Yacht Winner
    2019 Brass Yacht Winner
    2022 Brass Yacht Winner
    2023 Brass Yacht Runner-up

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