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  • #10450

    “Yeet” first appeared in 2014. Back then, it was used as a noun to describe a dance move that went viral that year. According to Urban Dictionary, “yeet” as a verb means: “To make a violent motion of any variety, such as a ‘whip,’ or any motion that may be associated with violent camera shake or photo blur

    Therefore clearly a perfectly applicable use of this “word”

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    Ok…we’ve decided that in the current climate, it is better to cancel the game in April, and try to reschedule if possible later in the year.

    Our games are less about the golf, than the social aspect post-game. This is the most challenging part given the advice from all authorities to avoid the close group contact. And for those attending, this, we feel, is the most important part. Also, we don’t want to put people in the position of having to choose to play or not in the current environment. So as the most responsible position to take, we have taken the decision to cancel.

    Apologies to all who have committed and paid – money is in the bank for next time, and we will keep everyone updated as we get through this time of madness, and hopefully come out of it sooner rather than later and get back together as a group, without the spectre of disease hanging over our heads.


    Good call.

    Better to be safe than sorry.

    By the time you realise this part of my signature doesn't say anything it's too late to stop reading it.

    If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.

    Success is the ability to go from one failure to the next without any loss of enthusiasm.

    Good judgment comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement.

    Meditation makes doing nothing quite respectable.


    What would cause you to shake the camera ‘violently’ ?
    Asking for a partner… ?

    Incessant Threadjacker

    NSW Amateur 9hole Speedgolf champ 2019 & 2020 BTB ?


    Yeah Mick.

    I still don’t get it.

    But thanks, for you know, whatever that was.

    Winner Moonah Legends 2013 Nationals
    Winner The National 2013 Nationals
    Winner 4BBB 2013 Nationals
    Winner Stink's 3 Club Challenge 2015
    Winner C grade OOM The Sands 2016
    Hole-in-one Growling Frog 14/1/17 5th hole 137m TM RBZ 5 hybrid, Srixon AD333 ball
    Growling Frog GC Matchplay Champion 2017
    Winner B grade OOM Curlewis 2018
    Winner Yering Meadows Monthly Medal Dec 2020

    Low Handicap point 12.7 9/4/16

    Finally...and most importantly...
    Smoldy....when only the best will do

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    iRON MiCK

    Ok Boomer



    It seems that the entire world has now been cancelled. Well, all our golf anyway and there’s not much else.

    People say that nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
    No championships worth mentioning in recent years.
    Progress is man's ability to complicate simplicity.

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