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  • #10215

    It feels like ages since I last posted anything about my golf and when i went and checked, it was 12 months ago. The handicap at that point was on its way down and was at 12 something.
    Fast forward a year and 2019 turned out to be a great year for my golf. Breaking 80 a few times, winning a Brisbane Fairways round, winning Brisbane Fairways A Grade club champs, and breaking into single figures, with a few other little things along the way.
    At the end of Jan just before the new handicap system came into effect I reached 7.9 and felt great. A few days later, I had an operation (planned) and had a six-week layoff with a return on Sunday. It wasn’t too bad but lacked touch and game fitness and concentration.

    So 2020 – continue to improve, Driver is my biggest issue, so that is the first thing.
    HC goal is to get to below 6.

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    It feels like ages since I last posted anything about my golf and when i went and checked, it was 12 months ago. The handicap at that point was on its way down and was at 12 something.
    Fast forward a year and 2019 turned out to be a great year for my golf. Breaking 80 a few times, winning a Brisbane Fairways round, winning Brisbane Fairways A Grade club champs, and breaking into single figures, with a few other little things along the way.
    At the end of Jan just before the new handicap system came into effect I reached 7.9 and felt great. A few days later, I had an operation (planned) and had a six-week layoff with a return on Sunday. It wasn’t too bad but lacked touch and game fitness and concentration.

    So 2020 – continue to improve, Driver is my biggest issue, so that is the first thing.
    HC goal is to get to below 6.

    Put it here…

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    It feels like ages since I last posted anything about my golf and when i went and checked, it was 12 months ago. The handicap at that point was on its way down and was at 12 something.
    Fast forward a year and 2019 turned out to be a great year for my golf. Breaking 80 a few times, winning a Brisbane Fairways round, winning Brisbane Fairways A Grade club champs, and breaking into single figures, with a few other little things along the way.
    At the end of Jan just before the new handicap system came into effect I reached 7.9 and felt great. A few days later, I had an operation (planned) and had a six-week layoff with a return on Sunday. It wasn’t too bad but lacked touch and game fitness and concentration.

    So 2020 – continue to improve, Driver is my biggest issue, so that is the first thing.
    HC goal is to get to below 6.

    Will you be updating us with detailed statistics like @weetbix or will you have a more ‘celebrate the victories, try and fluff over the shit’ style of reporting like @goldy?


    Do you subscribe to the fashion vs performance link prescribed by @bumpunrun?

    By the time you realise this part of my signature doesn't say anything it's too late to stop reading it.

    If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.

    Success is the ability to go from one failure to the next without any loss of enthusiasm.

    Good judgment comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement.

    Meditation makes doing nothing quite respectable.


    Driver is my biggest issue

    your driver is a cannon

    For those playing along at home, Pants would give the world long drive boys a run for their money

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    Will you be updating us with detailed statistics like @weetbix or will you have a more ‘celebrate the victories, try and fluff over the shit’ style of reporting like @goldy?


    Do you subscribe to the fashion vs performance link prescribed by @bumpunrun?

    Yet to be determined. I might try and draw inspiration from both. Maybe.

    Bump – the biggest issue is it goes sideways at the moment, however, 3 wood is going straight and long, so Im slowly working the driver again.

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    You can do it Pantsman

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    I played the monthly medal at Wantima yesterday. I had felt good all week with ball striking and short game, however, that didn’t transfer to game day. Started poorly and just struggled all day long. The biggest issue was off the tee with 3 topped 3 woods in 4 holes, and a thinned wedge from 50 that went 100m. The course was very wet so no run and slight miss-hits were worse than normal, but no excuses, I was poor for me.

    I managed to grind away and slowly find some rhythm and came home much stronger. 45 out 40 in playing off 8 so not a great day but as my second round back I took some positives out of it and got some more game fitness under my belt.

    3 FIR
    6 GIR
    32 putts – no 3 putts and nearly sunk 5 birdie putts that just missed.
    Didnt get up and down much either, but only hit one bad chip really.

    Time to get some range time in before Friday’s backmarker challenge at Nudgee and then Gailes on Sunday.

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    Pants you are killing it mate with your HC, you just need to work on your running style.

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    Well – like the last few years, work has taken over when I want to play more golf. Between the social distancing restrictions, renovations on a house and ever-expanding responsibilities at work, golf has taken a back seat along with writing about golf.

    Since March – I have played inconsistently and haven’t practised nearly as much as I both hoped and planned. But the good news, in the last month, I have been able to get more golf in, a little more practice and things are slowly turning around. My Handicap went from 8.3 out to 9.8 with the rubbish I’ve been playing.

    However, on Sunday, the little things I have tried to correct recently felt better and finally beat my HC. Played RQ and managed 80 off the stick (par 73) for 19/19 (should have been 20/19 but a group change and scoring issue) The driver was hot and cold, with 2 good drives and 3 rubbish.
    Stats for the round
    FIR – 10/14
    GIR – 9/18 missing right mostly, or where I missed fairways punching out, or out of position.
    Up and Down 4 / 9
    Putting – 34 putts

    Missed a few very gettable putts which are where most of my missed opportunities were. Rolled it well enough, just miss reading pace. The scores haven’t been sent to Golf Australia, so currently HC is the same, so not sure what happened there, but will follow up later in the week.

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    Welcome back to Golf Pants, keep chasing that goal of Sub 6.

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    You’ve joined there now haven’t you?


    You’ve joined there now haven’t you?

    Yeah mate, membership came through a few days before I had a 6-week layoff, super handy hahaha.

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    Yeah mate, membership came through a few days before I had a 6-week layoff, super handy hahaha.

    lucky it’s cheap …

    I’ll ask you properly next time I see you, but obviously everything is all healed and sweet from that lay off?

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    Yeah mate, membership came through a few days before I had a 6-week layoff, super handy hahaha.

    lucky it’s cheap …

    I’ll ask you properly next time I see you, but obviously everything is all healed and sweet from that lay off?

    Yeah mate. Be good to catch you out on a course one day


    Well done mate

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