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  • #12244

    Far from me being one to tar many with the same brush, but fark me there were some stupid individuals protesting in Melbourne today.
    It really does go a long way in limiting any further sort of intelligence banter in their favour, for the long foreseeable future

    And here is my public retraction.
    There are dumb people in Brisbane too.

    The couple of protesters today in Brisbane against 5G, lockdown and vaccines show that there ridiculously stupid all over and state borders are no barrier to dumbness.

    What is really scary is that some of those stupid individuals seem to have positions of power.

    History is full of scarily stupid individuals who help positions of great power. Nero, Napoleon, Hitler, Kim whatsisname from Nth Korea, Trump, just to name a few.

    The scary part is that so many people supported them,

    People say that nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
    No championships worth mentioning in recent years.
    Progress is man's ability to complicate simplicity.

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    Far from me being one to tar many with the same brush, but fark me there were some stupid individuals protesting in Melbourne today.
    It really does go a long way in limiting any further sort of intelligence banter in their favour, for the long foreseeable future

    And here is my public retraction.
    There are dumb people in Brisbane too.

    The couple of protesters today in Brisbane against 5G, lockdown and vaccines show that there ridiculously stupid all over and state borders are no barrier to dumbness.

    What is really scary is that some of those stupid individuals seem to have positions of power.

    Hey Pom, welcome back to the fold. Glad you found the new homestead. AND yep, we are going to over politically correct ourselves into obscurity. A loud minority of opinionated, over zealous, self effacing no it alls with Uni degrees as a Master in ” Who Gives A Fuck” will always lead a silent majority by the nose. Because we allow it to be so.

    Can break 80

    Far from me being one to tar many with the same brush, but fark me there were some stupid individuals protesting in Melbourne today.
    It really does go a long way in limiting any further sort of intelligence banter in their favour, for the long foreseeable future

    And here is my public retraction.
    There are dumb people in Brisbane too.

    The couple of protesters today in Brisbane against 5G, lockdown and vaccines show that there ridiculously stupid all over and state borders are no barrier to dumbness.

    What is really scary is that some of those stupid individuals seem to have positions of power.

    Hey Pom, welcome back to the fold. Glad you found the new homestead. AND yep, we are going to over politically correct ourselves into obscurity. A loud minority of opinionated, over zealous, self effacing no it alls with Uni degrees as a Master in ” Who Gives A Fuck” will always lead a silent majority by the nose. Because we allow it to be so.

    Yes looking through some of the top 100 courses in golf digest in other thread and thinking.
    Royal Melbourne golf club at Black rock in Victoria will be called “the golf club,sandy rock, new state.
    Royal sydney will become “invasion point golf club”
    The Australian will be named Gondwana golf club
    Black bull will be called lady cow or calf Golf club or better still The vegetarian golf club
    Capital golf club = is evil call it the freedom for all golf club
    Queensland Golf club will be Republic land Golf club

    and the list goes on, Commish, the list goes on ,where oh where will it end.

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