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  • #5923

    I’ve wondered over from ISG.
    I was formally known as wOzz.
    I use to read the ISGers playing the game threads and got so much out of it without really contributing.
    So, I’m left handed, l make no apologies for it, we have a better looking swing than those people who stand on the wrong side of the ball anyway.
    I’m currently off 5.6, lowest GA ever, so far.
    Having smashed my way through 40+ years of golf, l’ve learnt many things.
    Have a good supply of popcorn when on golf forums. Obviously.
    If you want to really put your opponent off, pee on his ball once he’s taken his address.
    l learnt that little gem early on in the piece, my uncle used it to great affect on my father…….many times.
    There’s no better learning for a 10 year old, than sitting in a car with your 3 uncles, at Yarra Bend at 4.00am, ball in the race and name on the board, with 15 balls and names ahead of you……….commitment.
    Dad got the bug from my ball peeing uncle and in turn, l was bitten.
    My 1st set was a collection of bits and pieces dad got me.
    Swilken and bobby locke, golden bear 7 iron, l was flat out getting the ball in the air, but hey, one thing at a time.
    By 1980 l saved for my 1st full set of clubs.
    I was an honest 20ish handicapper, mid 90’s was normal.
    Blades of course, PGF Aristocrat MB’s. Driver, 3 and 4 wood, 3-sw.
    I shot 80 with them 1st game out, easily my best score to date.
    Nice easy swing, let the club do the work.
    It was all down hill from there.
    Swing speed went up, scores went further up.
    But l shot 80 with these same clubs, what’s going on.
    Just call me AlbertfuckingEinstein.
    I was your classic lefty, sliiiiiced the shit out of it. If only l could slow down that swing.
    The harder the wind blew the harder you swing……..
    Anyway, continued to jar the shit out my hands with those clubs for several years, getting down to 15ish.
    It would’ve been mid 90’s and we were living in the Latrobe valley, wife, daughter and son.
    My wife asked what l wanted for our 10th anniversary, l got to spend alot of time with Marty in the Traralgon proshop over the coming months.


    When did you get bald?
    Word on the street is that you started out that way.

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    When did you get bald?
    Word on the street is that you started out that way.

    You will find out if full bald in a couple weeks in the frat house at Nats.

    Sleep with one eye open mate!

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    Gonna be a Nathan fest in that house.
    Time to shave that bonce Ink
    One of us… of us… of us………..

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    When did you get bald?
    Word on the street is that you started out that way.

    Ink- how come you have a picture of Ghetto G as your avatar?

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    iRON MiCK

    Hi Wozz


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    Hi dunny ?

    Dr Bob's no. 1 fan


    Hi Wozz, wow golfing 40+ years, before I was born. Your hcp is currently the lowest, sound like a fine red wine aging: Elegant and Flamboyant. Well done Wozz!

    Carpe Diem

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    That’s a beautiful sledge Della

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