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  • #17255

    I think CB80 has been travelling outside the Melbourne metro area for a while. Why would you go home at this time?

    In rural areas the compliance with ” rules” is a bit less stringent. Should we start to see cases arise closer than 380 km to us , we would start taking the lock down seriously.

    And I wonder how it would happen if there are cases in your hood, from someone travelling there perhaps?

    Just as long as those disease ridden city folk stay out of our healthy countryside.
    It’s bad enough not being allowed to do anything, let alone taking it seriously.

    People say that nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
    No championships worth mentioning in recent years.
    Progress is man's ability to complicate simplicity.


    And I wonder how it would happen if there are cases in your hood, from someone travelling there perhaps?

    That happened last year. We dealt with it locally and had it contained in a few days. That was per -Delta though.

    I wonder what the authorities would do if the only ” cases” we had were in a rural town. My guess is a ring fence and life would go on in Melbourne as usual.

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    That happened last year. We dealt with it locally and had it contained in a few days.

    Will they ever find the grave??

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    That happened last year. We dealt with it locally and had it contained in a few days.

    Will they ever find the grave??

    Well stranger things have happened. It was one of our local drug dealers who slipped up to Melbourne for a supply run.
    It would be a watery grave, either via cray pot as bait, or out near the seal colony for the white pointers. Then again, inland we have huge forests ,both softwood plantations and blue gums. Next to that, the National Parks from the S.A. border to 100 km east are a mass of over grown tracks and noxious weeds now. Think jungle! The N.P. sounded like a good idea 10 years ago just before the State election. To the inner city latte set, at least. We were not consulted! The shallow grave might be detected after the next major bush fire though.

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    News Flash! Golf is back on tomorrow.

    I am a bit excited to be able to use two different clubs in my bag. I have put a 45.5″ shaft in the Nike Vapor Speed driver and set it at 11.5 degrees open for fades off the tee. I have measured it on the PRGR launch monitor and it has gained 10 yards over the 44.5 and about 3 mph swing speed. I have fitted a 43.5 inch shaft to my 5 wood and set at 17 degrees it has done the 3 mph/ 10 yard increase too. It will be fun to see what that translates to on the course.

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    I warmed up before the game with some range time using the fade Driver and longer shafted 4W. Not bad, if i could get the start direction sorted.Then I did some chipping and putting.

    Maybe this warm up stuff works because I didn’t start with two double bogeys as I have of late. I did have issues with start direction on hole two, but recovered for a bogey. Then a par on hole 3 . Right side fade on 4 and 5, sightly better on 6, not too right on 7, but poor on 9. I hit a double on 9 after hitting my approach shots fat. I got a face full of mud twice. Just a little too far right on 10,. I got it right / correct on 12 with a 197 m power fade ( at last) . Too far right on 13, good on 15, poor on 16, good on 17 . It needs practice! I hit a lot of fairways, but not very well.

    I hit as many 4W shots as I could to evaluate the longer shaft. I think it is a a winner, giving me a higher fight and more carry.

    OTS I scored 90. Not bad with a ” new” driver and 4W and a iron game that was off. in windy and wet conditions. It can only get better.

    Can break 80

    We noticed that on drive down to Surf coast this morning, lots of water in paddocks and very flooded swollen rivers..
    next few days are going to be fine, but most of courses seem closed, due to flooding.

    Interesting that you found a way around the lockdown.. Can you share the secret???‍♂️

    We have a rural PO box as our address so can travel safely around regional Victoria
    left our P.O box last Tuesday and was in Geelong on Thursday when we heard from other people at park that Comandant Dan announced lock down at 8.00pm
    packed up van moved to Warnambool for 7 day.

    We figure the best way to be safe from the “virus”is to turn our phones off and have limited internet access to channel 7 & 9 news.
    anyway its opening up down here over next few days so will get some games in if courses dry out.
    hope to catch up with XR man on Saturday or Sunday for a game a Portland

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Can break 80.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Can break 80.

    Good to hear that you are doing well in the SW coast regions. It is dismal today for sure; cold, wet and windy! Have you had a game at Warrnambool?

    I am on baby sitting duty today, building rather tall towers with blocks . The two year old takes great delight in smashing them down. ABC kids channel can be a life saver. I was supposed to be cutting firewood today, but it was cancelled.

    I had better get out and have some practice if we are laying on the weekend. My eyes still feel scratchy after the flying mud incident yesterday.


    I played 9 holes in the slush at Portland today, mainly to test whether the 2 driver concept is worth it for me. I hit a draw with the Cleveland HB Launcher Turbo driver and a fade with the Nike Driver off every tee to compare the outcomes. On some holes I hit fades with both.

    Why bother, you may well ask? Well our course has a few holes that are dog leg right shape and ideally you want to hit down the left edge for as long as possible so you can get around the bend, even if you are short. Too close to the right side and you don’t have a clear shot at the green. I was trying set up the Nike Driver to be able to hit down the left tree line and fade back, not go left at all. In the past when I tried this with the Cleveland it would turn over and my ball would end up in the trees ( left side).

    To cut a long story short, it was disappointing. The Nike either was too short off the tee or faded a little too far. I could close the face back to neutral I guess and try again, but for now I will go back to just using the Cleveland driver. I found the Cleveland I try and fade and it either goes low and straight left side or fades back just a bit. ( 10 m further than the Nike). The Nike sounds really powerful when you hit it well though.

    The other good thing I found was the Cobra ” 4 wood” I have built is doing the job well for second shots on par 5 holes, carrying consistently mid 160m distances. I have married a 5 wood head ( 17 degree loft) and a 44 inch fairway wood shaft. I can fade and draw the shots. The slightly longer distance means I am hitting into the green with mu 9 iron or PW ( two off my most accurate clubs) . I got 6/9 GIR today.

    I will tell you that I hit a few Mulligans while waiting for the group in front of me to play. I hit the second shot from where the Cleveland driver shot landed, and with the exception of a fat shot with the 6 Hybrid on hole 4 , I was pretty pleased with them.
    I even put a 50% swing LW shot on hole one near the pin ( duff -free!) . Lag putting went well and I think I only missed one short putt. Not that is is 100% accurate but Arccos recorded 38 strokes, showing that I can break eighty if I can keep it on the fairway and stop doing dumb shots. ( take my time/ think it through/ a couple of practice strokes)


    How many Par 5’s do you have that are more than 480M. or Par 4’s that are more than 340M.??? What is the average distance to the corner of your dog legs??


    How many Par 5’s do you have that are more than 480M. or Par 4’s that are more than 340M.??? What is the average distance to the corner of your dog legs??

    I will look that up. I guess it matters how far I can hit the ball too and which way the wind is blowing and how hard.

    The other day I struggled to get either Drive to reach the corner on hole #1 with the wind conditions, yet other days I have gone past the corner and run out into the right side rough. Now there is no run at all , unless you hit a low trajectory shot with Driver. The ground is soft.

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    The other good thing I found was the Cobra ” 4 wood” I have built is doing the job well for second shots on par 5 holes, carrying consistently mid 160m distances. I have married a 5 wood head ( 17 degree loft) and a 44 inch fairway wood shaft. I can fade and draw the shots. The slightly longer distance means I am hitting into the green with mu 9 iron or PW ( two off my most accurate clubs) . I got 6/9 GIR today.

    I only ask because of the above statement. If you are hitting these well and can consistently get the shape you require, they should leave you in a position to use your favoured 9i/PW more often than not to set up par putts with a bogey worst case scenario. Placement off the tee seems to be the key, so the less times the big dog needs to come out and only a 50/50 chance of success with it, why not stick with the higher loft woods off the tee and put the ball in close proximity to where you want it more often than not.

    One day I will learn to take my own advice. When I can play again of course.

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    One day I will learn to take my own advice. When I can play again of course.

    I always say about my Rusty Old Man, he can’t putt for shit, bit I’ll back his read in every day of the week.


    On a windless day I could reach a position that I could get a clear shot at the green with higher lofted club off the tee on a few of the dog leg holes. Then again, a still day in Portland? not often.


    On a windless day I could reach a position that I could get a clear shot at the green with higher lofted club off the tee on a few of the dog leg holes. Then again, a still day in Portland? not often.

    So practice hitting a 15deg 3W with a decent shaft in it off the tee with the shape you want. Should still give you that 180m+ with a good strike instead of trying to bash a driver 200 and only getting 190 all over the place.

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