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  • #13062

    I think I have solved the spectacles fogging up when wearing a face mask.

    We used to use a solution called ” Clear Dip” by Butler when I worked in dental surgery. It kept the mouth mirror clear of fog and also my spectacles. It isn’t easy to source. It works.

    An alternative idea I heard of but haven’t tried yet is to dip your lends in a weak solution of pure soap and let it dry. I have some Lux flakes ( pure soap) so I will give this a try. The flakes dissolve in very hot water. You can also use this idea as a lube for changing motorcycle tyres, rather than buying tyre grease.

    Another option I saw on Face Book is to fold a facial tissue in on both edges to reduce the width, then fold it over in thirds. The idea is that you line the bridge of your nose with the tissue and overlay the mask to hold it in place.I tried it and it works, especially with fabric home made masks.


    Practising in wild weather is good training for those days when the elements make golf difficult.

    Two steps forward
    1) Tee shots into the wind ; I teed the ball a little lower and further back in my stance and got a low penetrating drive.
    2) I have added 11 gm of weight ( lead tape) to the heel side of my driver, Now I am getting my Driver’s face closed at impact. No more right sided push/ fade shots.

    One step back.
    1) can’t think of one.

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    No steps back is a step forward!

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    I think the joy from the Driver finally behaving and becoming a reliable tight draw/ straight shot made other minor issues, minor!

    I could have been slightly critical of my fades with Driver being too” spinny” and fading too much/ short. They were still playable and some of the excess movement right was probably wind effect. I should have launched them more left to allow for the wind, but I wasn’t sure if the weight adjustment would lead to no fade at all.


    A practice session yesterday in kind weather conditions, between cold fronts.

    I started off hitting three balls off the tee, using Bogey Golfer’s idea to see which club suits each hole. I hit 4W first, then my GX-7( 3 wood) and then Driver . It was a bit of a fizzer of an idea as I wasn’t hitting well enough to make it valid. To make it more game like I scored the rest of the hole with the 4W ball. Score 86. ( 7 pars ;much better, 10 bogeys, 1 double on hole one again)

    Two steps forward
    1) My alignment for tee shots got a good work out. It became obvious that my push right shots are due to poor alignment now.
    2) My decision not to carry the 3W as a back up Driver was re- inforced.
    3) I know more than two, but this is important ( to me anyway). My approach shots misses were equal in all 4 directions ( long, short, left, right) rather than mostly short. I found out what happens when you hit a 19 hybrid from 160 m out with a little wind assist onto a downhill slope. Answer: 172m and a LW shot back on ( too short) and 3 putts for a double bogey.

    One step back
    1) While my line reading has improved, my putting speed control lead to three putts that rolled up to the lip and stop short=3 putts on three holes. When the putting area is open again, I will try to correct this . Mutter , mutter stupid ” rules” when a sign saying one player at a time would have worked .

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    Another 8 a.m. start for 18 holes. I am getting as much golf as I can, just in case our Illustrious Leader decides that rural Victoria needs to go to stage 4 lock ( no golf/ board up your windows). I started playing with a lady club member off the forward tees. It makes the course completely different. Today I was trialing a new Driver set up for fade. In their wisdom, authorities have closed all our practice areas, so I had no opportunity to work out the new Driver. I played the back tees on the last 9 holes.

    Two steps forward
    1) I got the Nike Vapor Speed driver to work eventually, hitting several ‘ mini-power” fades in the 190-200 m range. This is about 20 m further than my other Driver when fading.
    2) I was getting good approach shots to hit the green today

    One Step back

    1) short putt misses by two. I hate three putting.

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    I broke 80 for the first time today. I am one happy golfer!
    Two steps forward
    1) I broke 80
    2) I putted really well today
    One step back
    1) I am still trying to master my new Driver to get consistent fade shots off the tee. They are either not fading, or too much.

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    Can break 80

    I broke 80 for the first time today. I am one happy golfer!
    Two steps forward
    1) I broke 80
    2) I putted really well today
    One step back
    1) I am still trying to master my new Driver to get consistent fade shots off the tee. They are either not fading, or too much.

    well done you have achieved something which very few players get to experience, the magic number.
    enjoy your moment.

    there are Not many steps back if you can break 80.
    think what you meant to say is you managed to find a way to score even when driver didn’t do as well as you liked.
    but thats a positive not a negative.
    There will be days to come when you will hit driver well and crisp irons in and putter wont work and wont score as well.
    good golf


    I broke 80 for the first time today. I am one happy golfer!
    Two steps forward
    1) I broke 80
    2) I putted really well today
    One step back
    1) I am still trying to master my new Driver to get consistent fade shots off the tee. They are either not fading, or too much.

    congrats. Break a tough barrier. Keep it up. You have done it once so can do again

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    I broke 80 for the first time today. I am one happy golfer!
    Two steps forward
    1) I broke 80
    2) I putted really well today
    One step back
    1) I am still trying to master my new Driver to get consistent fade shots off the tee. They are either not fading, or too much.

    Well played sir, it seems all your effort is finally paying off. To break 80 is not really a goal of mine as I seriously doubt my golfing/physical capabilities would allow for that achievement, but well done to you fella. I gather your 16.3 handicap is a tad lower by now??


    I broke 80 for the first time today. I am one happy golfer!
    Two steps forward
    1) I broke 80
    2) I putted really well today
    One step back
    1) I am still trying to master my new Driver to get consistent fade shots off the tee. They are either not fading, or too much.

    Well played sir, it seems all your effort is finally paying off. To break 80 is not really a goal of mine as I seriously doubt my golfing/physical capabilities would allow for that achievement, but well done to you fella. I gather your 16.3 handicap is a tad lower by now??


    Unfortunately it was a social game, so it doesn’t really count towards handicap/ competition wins etc. In Victoria all competition is banned to reduce Corona Virus transmission risk, but out in the sticks we can still play social golf ( wearing masks) in pairs.
    For me breaking 80 was a personal goal. I wondered if I could do it and got close a few times . My game is far from great, but yesterday the putter worked well, the tee shots were reasonable, my approach shots got close and my short game got the ball close enough to one putt a few times. I think you call it hitting a purple patch; possibly never to be repeated.

    i was following Golf Sidekick’s 666 philosophy of aiming at getting 6 GIR pars, 6 up and down pars and 6 bogeys, or 5 and one double to break 80. I was thinking the fogging up of my mask/ spectacles might be a positive when putting maybe!

    I think I have solved the spectacles fogging up when wearing a face mask.

    We used to use a solution called ” Clear Dip” by Butler when I worked in dental surgery. It kept the mouth mirror clear of fog and also my spectacles. It isn’t easy to source. It works.

    An alternative idea I heard of but haven’t tried yet is to dip your lends in a weak solution of pure soap and let it dry. I have some Lux flakes ( pure soap) so I will give this a try. The flakes dissolve in very hot water. You can also use this idea as a lube for changing motorcycle tyres, rather than buying tyre grease.

    Another option I saw on Face Book is to fold a facial tissue in on both edges to reduce the width, then fold it over in thirds. The idea is that you line the bridge of your nose with the tissue and overlay the mask to hold it in place.I tried it and it works, especially with fabric home made masks.

    No I am still fogging up! Darn.

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    My purple patch of form didn’t last long. I played 9 holes this morning with a friend.
    No warm up, just straight into it. The tees have been moved up about 10 m behind the forward tee position, probably to allow the back tee area to recover from recent overuse. This has been done on several holes, making approach shots with shorter clubs easier.

    Two Steps forward
    1) I am more confident in my shots and making less mistakes in course management= more pars.
    2) Tee shots with draw shape are more reliable and have increased distance.

    One step back
    1) Other than I scored 43, which is normal for humans to do ( vary +/- up to 10 shots) my tee shots using a fade style shot were directionally challenged. Some went down the centre and faded too much, others went left and didn’t fade at all. Needs work still.
    Next to try: aim just left of centre and close the club face a tad more.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by xrman.
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    Another 18 holes practice session. I worked on the fade shot off the tee. I am using two Drivers. One set up for Draw and the other fade. I scored 84

    Two steps forward
    1) After trial and error I started to get a reproducible small fade shot off the tee. If it didn’t quite work, it was a straight shot slightly left of target line.
    2) The few draw shots off the tee worked well., allowing me to hit them with confidence

    One step back

    1) Chipping today was poor. I was trying to use the LW to work out an flaw. I think I have got it now, but the chips were either short/ long or left/ right of target.

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    Another 18 holes practice session. I worked on the fade shot off the tee. I am using two Drivers. One set up for Draw and the other fade. I scored 84

    Two steps forward
    1) After trial and error I started to get a reproducible small fade shot off the tee. If it didn’t quite work, it was a straight shot slightly left of target line.
    2) The few draw shots off the tee worked well., allowing me to hit them with confidence

    One step back

    1) Chipping today was poor. I was trying to use the LW to work out an flaw. I think I have got it now, but the chips were either short/ long or left/ right of target.

    There is a big difference between a chip and a pitch

    I’d suggest not chipping with a LW as it’s for lobbing:)

    Use an 9,8 or even 7 for your shots and get more roll happening versus air time and see how you go


    I was thinking that getting short sided in situation where I have to get up over a steep verge to a close pin position and not much roll out on the green to another bunker or steep verge on the other side, would require a high chip with the LW.
    When it works it is great, but I found it either didn’t go far enough ( too much finesse) or hit near the pin with too little spin and rolled off. Normally I do use lower loft bump and run shots, but I was trying to get a handle on the LW. Tried and failed. if in doubt I have been running that shot up with my single length hybrid using a putting style stroke. A poor shot is better than the LW poor shot.

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