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  • #17531
    Can break 80

    Dan has told police to put the ring of steel up again at Lang Lang roundabout, so Not sue OB could get down to Lang Lang even though he is country region.

    Nyora. Actually, I could just turn left at that roundabout and take a few back roads. But going via Nyora is simple.

    So much for Dans ring of BS in county region.
    this morning drove wife to doctor in our old suburb in metro region, On way home all we saw was a sign saying police enforcing CHO directive in regional. No presence at usual roundabout , so we sailed on through ,without a problem. Lots of caravans heading south today obviously to beat the rush and
    ring on Friday as melbournians start school holidays and attempt to flee the deadly virus.


    Ring on Friday? What’s that?

    Can break 80

    Ring on Friday? What’s that?

    the police seem not to bother to man the check point charlie stops during week.
    Lots of cars on road, and vans heading down to their holiday houses today.

    seems to be that “the ring” is Only on weekends when people head down to watch the penguins or have a surf at beaches. This week end is start of school holidays so suspect the ring will re appear.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Can break 80.

    Lock down light carries on. Boring!
    Function after function is being cancelled because of the overly restrictive measures the government has applied.
    I cut down about 20 Sweet Pittosporum trees this morning. Who needs a gymnasium?
    Ballarat is locked down again. No-one is surprised!

    Can break 80

    Police presence busy checking number plates on Thursday, then just as soon as they arrived they disappeared.
    probably back to CBD to stop the builders.
    all trades now have 2 weeks off.

    weather on weekend and next week will be better so holiday makers, already today those with holiday houses sneak down and a few more caravans arrived in the park probably while police are distracted on west gate bridge.


    So two weeks in protests on the way?

    Police presence busy checking number plates on Thursday, then just as soon as they arrived they disappeared.
    probably back to CBD to stop the builders.
    all trades now have 2 weeks off.

    weather on weekend and next week will be better so holiday makers, already today those with holiday houses sneak down and a few more caravans arrived in the park probably while police are distracted on west gate bridge.


    Oh, how things are conspiring to keep us at home. I travelled to Hamilton on Monday and now Covid cases have been found on building sites there. Today we were going to visit relatives in St. Arnaud and ditto, Covid is there too.
    Such is life (now). I think I need a dose of Vitamin D, not from a bottle.

    1 user liked this post.

    Police presence busy checking number plates on Thursday, then just as soon as they arrived they disappeared.
    probably back to CBD to stop the builders.
    all trades now have 2 weeks off.

    weather on weekend and next week will be better so holiday makers, already today those with holiday houses sneak down and a few more caravans arrived in the park probably while police are distracted on west gate bridge.

    Their idiotic actions are reminiscent of Norm Gallagher’s BLF. A pack of fools more intent on being disruptive than actually fighting for a cause.
    I would have given them until we get to 80% double dosed. But so few were wearing masks that a large number will have contracted covid-19 and will be off work anyway.

    People say that nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
    No championships worth mentioning in recent years.
    Progress is man's ability to complicate simplicity.

    1 user liked this post.
    Can break 80

    Oh, how things are conspiring to keep us at home. I travelled to Hamilton on Monday and now Covid cases have been found on building sites there. Today we were going to visit relatives in St. Arnaud and ditto, Covid is there too.
    Such is life (now). I think I need a dose of Vitamin D, not from a bottle.

    good move as many Leading medical experts are advising that Zinc, Vitamin D and fresh air are excellent ingedients to have to boost ones immune system. High doses of Vitamin C also seem safe and effective methods of maintaining good health.
    best source of Vit D is good old sunshine, and body can synthesis this vitamin itself.
    just need the cloudy to clear and sun to shine through,. looks like this will be on Monday.


    I was told that I had to wear a mask while chipping on the practice area ( solo) . The Police had called in twice in the morning in response to calls from the public seeing golfers not wearing masks on the course. It looks as if we must have some Dan fans ( wankers) left out here after all. Really it is virtue signalling at its worst and there is no evidence that wearing a mask outside is effective in reducing virus transmission. In fact, wearing a mask full time leads to the mask becoming saturated with water vapor and makes it less effective. Common sense would indicate that you would carry a mask for when you are not able to socially distance.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by xrman.
    2 users liked this post.
    Can break 80

    To put this in perspective just so other golfers understand the science behind the decisions the health minister (or someone) is making

    relative to the size of virus and the holes in mask this is a good analogy.
    wearing a face mask to stop the virus is same as using a fishing net to stop sand blowing in your face at the beach

    Can break 80

    What did we do in lock down .thanks for asking

    yesterday we drove 100km to Port Welshpool and went on a 6 hour whale cruise around Wilsons Prom.
    absolutely perfect day on the water, very slight breeze. spectacular scenery
    fantastic day saw heaps of dolphins, seals feeding birds, 2 Albatross and 15 + humpback whales who put on a fantastic display highlight of the day two of the really big ones even came over close to our boat (right to the edge) so we were able to get those magic photo and video opportunities.
    wife and i have done 6 whale cruises over time including Canada BUT today was our best ever,..

    we both asked ourselves in the car on way back to camp why did we ever live in the city for that long, when country air is clean.

    on move again with van tomorrow as we relocate to our next destination,(hope they wont lock us up again).

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Can break 80.
    1 user liked this post.

    As of tonight, what lock down?

    Well done all those from Melbourne! Your endurance is a thing of legend.

    When is the next election?


    As of tonight, what lock down?

    Well done all those from Melbourne! Your endurance is a thing of legend.

    When is the next election?

    The sooner the better.

    People say that nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
    No championships worth mentioning in recent years.
    Progress is man's ability to complicate simplicity.


    The metrognomes are celebrating ‘Freedom Day’ which gets them out of lockdown/curfew but little else. They can go to a bar if there’s only a handful of others there. They can’t go to a retail store that’s not selling food or pharmaceuticals, but they can stay in the street and window shop.
    I’m in regional Vic so I’m not allowd into metro to see my family (last seen last Xmas) and they aren’t allowed to visit me.
    We could all travel interstate and meet up there, then travel back to our separate sectors.
    At least I can now visit local mates (first BBQ on Sunday).

    Still no golf comps. WTF?

    People say that nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
    No championships worth mentioning in recent years.
    Progress is man's ability to complicate simplicity.

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