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  • #8082

    Are you still in the first job you took up after school and have you had a varied work life like me.

    I have worked in Timber and building supplies, dairy factory, cleaner, trades assistant, truck driver, courier before I fell into my current career in the turf industry. Been in this career now for 27 years.

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    Left school at 15 in 5th form, now year 11. (Alternative was getting kicked out after a metalwork teacher threw a cold chisel at me for not paying attention while he was talking to the class. Apparently it is not kosher to deck a teacher.) Worked as a general hand at Fielders Bakery for 10 months while I waited to join the Police Cadets. Did that on 6/12/70 at age 16 and there I remained until 16/8/13 when I was signed off. So yeah, pretty much a one stop shop for me.

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    Birdie Blitz

    Uni Job – Myer Sales Assistant in Bargain Basement and then Toys (Yo-yo exhibitor, Barbie expert you name it I pretended to be it)
    Post uni worked as – Biochemist in the world of Renal Physiology Research
    England worked as – Molecular Biologist, Gardener/laborer (pruning Topiary), Tea Packer, Aussie Rules Football Umpire (Barred from Wandsworth Walkabout Pub due to a decision that I paid against them “costing” them the GF)
    Spain worked as Research Biochemist
    Back in Melbourne – Managed a renal research lab
    Disillusioned and needed a career change and fell into
    – Researcher in Palliative Care and Advance Care Planning
    Which led to my most recent
    – Researcher in Ageing

    Have never had a contract more than 18 months in all that time.

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    My first job was stacking shelves at the local bottle-o over Christmas when I was 16.
    Then I was a server at Sizzler for 18 months before I got my first real job as a public servant, I was there for 14 years and now I have been here in my latest job for a little over 3 years.
    Civil design and engineering is what the ladies love, so I am there as the exception to that rule.

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    My first job was stacking shelves at the local bottle-o over Christmas when I was 16.
    Then I was a server at Sizzler for 18 months before I got my first real job as a public servant, I was there for 14 years and now I have been here in my latest job for a little over 3 years.
    Civil design and engineering is what the ladies love, so I am there as the exception to that rule.

    ooooh you had me at “my first job”

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    My first job was stacking shelves at the local bottle-o over Christmas when I was 16.
    Then I was a server at Sizzler for 18 months before I got my first real job as a public servant, I was there for 14 years and now I have been here in my latest job for a little over 3 years.
    Civil design and engineering is what the ladies love, so I am there as the exception to that rule.

    ooooh you had me at “my first job”

    Being 16 and not knowing a lot more than the Olds will surely have to start realising that their vodka was 7/8ths water by now, I remember one bloke coming in as I was filling up a fridge asking me what bourbon was on special and I said “umm, these Johnny Walker cans are pretty cheap, I think, they are on special”
    He repeated he wanted bourbon, I said yep, and he walked away

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    I worked in the family business – woodworking from when I was a little tike, helping sweep floors, and other odd jobs. Did delivery driving once I turned 18 but really found it wasnt the industry I was passionate about.

    at 21 got my first job at a golf course picking up range balls fro $4.75 an hour and all the free-range balls and golf I wanted!

    Havent looked back on the industry that has done so much for me personally and professionally for 30 years. Only downside is that I met all you fuckers! lol

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    are we allowed to say fuckers too?

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    not that I ever would, but it’s just good to know

    2 users liked this post.

    not that I ever would, but it’s just good to know

    fuck if I know oops

    1 user liked this post.

    Hahaha that’s so funny Bump!!!!!

    My first job was stacking shelves at the local bottle-o over Christmas when I was 16.
    Then I was a server at Sizzler for 18 months before I got my first real job as a public servant, I was there for 14 years and now I have been here in my latest job for a little over 3 years.
    Civil design and engineering is what the ladies love, so I am there as the exception to that rule.

    ooooh you had me at “my first job”

    Being 16 and not knowing a lot more than the Olds will surely have to start realising that their vodka was 7/8ths water by now, I remember one bloke coming in as I was filling up a fridge asking me what bourbon was on special and I said “umm, these Johnny Walker cans are pretty cheap, I think, they are on special”
    He repeated he wanted bourbon, I said yep, and he walked away


    That’s LAF!!!!!

    ‘Loose as fuck’

    not that I ever would, but it’s just good to know

    fuck if I know oops

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    Funny how some people react when you make a decision. I once gave one of our best players out plumb LBW, bowled by a left handed over the wicket.
    This player was abusing me as he walked from the field, I got dragged from umpiring straight away, then knocked out a 50 from down the order to rub salt into his wounds. Quickly was overlooked for future games….

    Uni Job – Myer Sales Assistant in Bargain Basement and then Toys (Yo-yo exhibitor, Barbie expert you name it I pretended to be it)
    Post uni worked as – Biochemist in the world of Renal Physiology Research
    England worked as – Molecular Biologist, Gardener/laborer (pruning Topiary), Tea Packer, Aussie Rules Football Umpire (Barred from Wandsworth Walkabout Pub due to a decision that I paid against them “costing” them the GF)
    Spain worked as Research Biochemist
    Back in Melbourne – Managed a renal research lab
    Disillusioned and needed a career change and fell into
    – Researcher in Palliative Care and Advance Care Planning
    Which led to my most recent
    – Researcher in Ageing

    Have never had a contract more than 18 months in all that time.

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    Helped my Dad & Brother as a teenage brickies Labourer, decided that wasn’t for me. 1st job was in Sporting goods at Mick Simmons, then spent a few decades in industrial sales / marketing / management – Conveyor belting, Oil industry, Road transport Cap equipment mainly. Now I’m finding semi-retirement as a cafe owner isn’t a breeze… You meet & learn from some great people if you’re lucky.

    I feel lucky

    Punk ?

    Incessant Threadjacker

    NSW Amateur 9hole Speedgolf champ 2019 & 2020 BTB ?

    9 users liked this post.
    Birdie Blitz

    Helped my Dad & Brother as a teenage brickies Labourer, decided that wasn’t for me. 1st job was in Sporting goods at Mick Simmons, then spent a few decades in industrial sales / marketing / management – Conveyor belting, Oil industry, Road transport Cap equipment mainly. Now I’m finding semi-retirement as a cafe owner isn’t a breeze… You meet & learn from some great people if you’re lucky.

    I feel lucky

    Punk ?

    It’s funny where you end up. It seems like most paths are long and twisty. After 20+ years in the workforce I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. I figure as long as I enjoy what I do, and I continue to learn things it has to be the right place for me.

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