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ParticipantDevon,Jack…Happy New Year to you both and your famlies ,dev,i enjoyed the video re right side control etc,i actually look for his videos as they imo arent staged,,,,he isnt a super golfer,he is more like us,,,,,im I was actually going to stert again and concentrate on Left Arm straight etc,but will have a kook into this R/sided golf thing,i will let you know how i fare… totally dejected after yesterdays round,so,back to the books lol,although it was mainly putting,…………catch up in next couple of days…cheers
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ParticipantHi Devon,they should call us the 3 musketeers lol…….I purchased 101 and encheridion too,im back to enjoying the learning process……as you know ,im heavy into hitting and 101 has given me new lease on golf life….101 lesson 74 the piston…..i seem to have been doing it wrongly but still having powerful hit,lesson 74 tell of proper use of piston…its the UPPER part of arm doing the work,I have been using right shoulder and elbow…….using swing engineers teachings has given me more power and accuracy,still work in progress…….hope you both are well and also family cheers B
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ParticipantHope this place takes off,I returned to isg and began a thread about TGM,I will see how it progresses as to which way i go with it,
Why o why did I leave,,,,,,,,,,,,lol
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Participantstuck in mud lol
ParticipantThank you cb80,so,there isnt a distinct ‘mud rule perse?……..
ParticipantHope this place takes off,I returned to isg and began a thread about TGM,I will see how it progresses as to which way i go with it,
ParticipantBeautiful day,sunshine belting down all day,i have 4 p3s,average length –50-metres,longest 140 mt….,I chipped all day with rest in between…..had a ball……about 800 balls chipped using the 3 hinges and their variying angles……
ParticipantNothing here for TGM at all,I have had more input back at ISG so I shall return there until it shuts down completely (not far off) when it does,can still message those followers…….live 4 good place..just not for TGMer so good wishes to all,hope we ALL get through this monster virus
I looked into the TGM stuff but found it too confusing and technical. Hence, no contribution from me in this thread.
Don’t be put off by lack of interaction, reply posts, or others posting about TGM. You never know when someone may stumble on something you post and it ignites a discussion. Maybe? instead of a TGM thread, you do your own journal / journey thread?
In the meantime, I’m sure you get get lots if feedback posting on GolfWRX … they do seem quite forthright in their opinions and discussions on that forum at times.
Thanks for input Hack,it sound advice,i shall think on format,I will be trying to make it simple as i can cheers
ParticipantThanks MIKE?…or Madam if Im wrong about name lol……i agree,he was gifted,but he never really lived up tp his potential did he?
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ParticipantNothing here for TGM at all,I have had more input back at ISG so I shall return there until it shuts down completely (not far off) when it does,can still message those followers…….live 4 good place..just not for TGMer so good wishes to all,hope we ALL get through this monster virus
ParticipantI have been injured for some time and just started to get back in the groove so to speak,in the meantime the cap has drifted out to double figures especially now the new h/crap has been thrust upon us,..but just using 3/4 swings (aquired motion) and no other force than centrifugal i have finally got back into singles –just,…i did find that even using a very simple swing that if one doesnt take care of essentials,swing can still go astray,,i made a big effort to actually see the clubhead take dirt of the ground,boy that made a big difference to get back on track…….and im swinging with nearly no pain….i love this system,it allows one to concentrate on different sections of the swing ,then intergrate in again……easier.
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ParticipantWould any of you learned golfers ever hear if mac o grady ever put a book out
ParticipantI see some familiar faces here, what’s the attraction?
ISG has been overtaken by SILENCE
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ParticipantWell put Hack……..Where the bloody hell are you ?…..
ParticipantAs a matter of interest,exactly what is it you dont understand,by that,i mean can you give me an example what it is you cannot follow? im not on a recruitment drive ,just wanting to know what bothers people so much about TGM,im hoping its not just handed heresay,but actual proplems reading the yellow peril cheers
The last part of your last sentence sums it up pretty well. My responses are definitely not a dig or misguided attempt at rubbishing the teaching of TGM. I guess it all boils down to “I’m too farkin lazy to take the time to try and truly understand all the technical components of the book.” Obviously a brilliant mind, but one that I gave up on trying to match. Plus, as stated before, I simply do not have the mindset to put in the practice that TGM requires. I guess if I truly wanted to be a single figure golfer I may exert the extra effort, but I fear I would be dead before that remarkable achievement could take place. I shall remain a happy hacker attempting to play a consistent form of golf off my current 15 Hcp. My goal is to try and get back to where I was
40+ years ago playing off 12. That will do me.That is not to say that I am not open to golfing tips that may improve various parts of my game. Provided, for me, if they are simple in explanation and come with a visual description as well for ease of comprehension. I feel I learn better from being shown how something works and having the stages explained to me as they take place. That way I can at least attempt to mirror that which is being shown and explained. The one thing I do understand and try to keep in my game is the Flat Left Wrist concept.
All good commish,I knew you werent taking a dig,I fully understand where your coming from.I am also on the back nine of golf life being 71 and still on singles.(just),your well on your way when you follow FLW concept,,it doesnt belong to TGM,,,add straight plane line (im sure you know that) and have a lag pressure and you can play solid golf imo,…we all try so hard to get the ball “out there”,we forget about accuracy,…..we could no doubt play a much better round or two by taking 1/2 swings (AQUIRED MOTION), for practice,i only use s/wedge 20-40 yds,and can look at my swing without too much effort,……..Anyhow,thats another story,i wont bore you with it,thanks for the yack mate
All good Brownman. You obviously have your swing sorted. Totally agree with your comment of “get the ball out there”. I play generally with gents quite younger than myself and yep I try and get it out there way too often. I have one thought over the ball these days and that is simply, “Keeping it in play, is the only way.” To accommodate that, I usually use a 3/4 swing, but at times find myself trying to force that extra bit with a push out of the right hand. This of course frequently leads to disaster and a total disbandment of FLW which breaks down badly. A mental work in progress. Yep, understand the straight plane line and creation of lag pressure at commencement of downswing and try and hold to impact. Get it occasionally, but not often enough. Love the results when it happens though.
Good to hear your thoughts as well bud. Happy golfing….. be it good or bad, better than no golf at all.
Been there done that with right hand.