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  • in reply to: Mail notification #9358

    I actually don’t get notifications for quotes. And I got a steady ping of notifications from this post. Thank you all.

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    in reply to: How long are you? #9352

    My first OOM I watched Stink absolutely top one off the tee (at Slakes I think?) which went about 20 metres. Awesome introduction to the group.

    I bet you he said a rude word?

    I simply can’t believe that of him.

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    in reply to: Deege – Chasing 9.9 #9351


    Did manage to get my practice in this week with a visit to the range (albeit after the poor performance on Saturday). I was working on some drills from the Strike Plan, and in particular practicing hitting bad/not centred shots. So hit 10 out of the toe deliberately then similar number out of the heel and so on.

    Made for some mild embarrasment at the range hitting shanks and so on. I did find that when I was trying to hit it out of the heel I was actually striking it pretty well, which is weird particularly as I had a couple of half shanks on Saturday in my forgettable round. I did enjoy having particular things to work on at the range as I tend to find hitting balls pretty boring.

    Then I went to the putting green to finish off the last couple of items from my level one putting challenge. I had passed the first four sets of drills even though I still had some items left in the fourth set. So I finished those up, and then I just had two drills of lag putting, with the pass requirement to leave 70% of the putts from 35 and 45 feet within 3 feet of the hole. I got 8 out of 10 from 35 feet, and then totally tanked the 45 feet drill, leaving me two putts outside the standard.

    It was an interesting exercise in putting under pressure, cause I had in my mind the whole time the response. But it was illustrative that my lag putting from long distance is pretty poor, when compared with my general putting. And that actually does show up in my game – mainly by leaving long putts short. So I have to repeat the level 1 drill, but my plan for this next week is to try and get through the level 1 chipping challenge and see how I measure up there.

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    in reply to: Deege – Chasing 9.9 #9350

    Played stroke on Saturday for the medal and was very confident going in. Had some good practice on the range and was hitting them well. Playing focus was once again post-shot routine with only positive or neutral reactions.

    And played just awful. Hit the sand on the first 5 holes, with multiple dropped shots along the way. Ball striking was very poor to begin with but improved as the morning went on. Playing with one of the most annoying people I have had the misfortune to come across but that wasn’t the explanation. I think I had 56/52 for the day.

    The good thing about the round ironically was the mental game was strong. The golf was super difficult and I just couldn’t turn it around all day, but it never degenerated into headcase territory. I was pretty focussed on the shot in front of me and pretty philosophical about the fact that it just was one of those days. Add in the most annoying playing partner and I thought that the good mental game was a real upside from the day.

    Apart from that, not much to take away as it just wasn’t a good representation of where I am at.

    in reply to: How long are you? #9251

    My first OOM I watched Stink absolutely top one off the tee (at Slakes I think?) which went about 20 metres. Awesome introduction to the group.

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    in reply to: Mail notification #9250

    Mind you, since posting this I have had a bunch of people liking the post about how I don’t want to get notifications for people liking my post and so I get notified. Which I realise is just encouragement for everyone to like this post about preferring not to get notificaitons about liking posts.

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    in reply to: Mail notification #9228

    How do I turn off email notifications?

    For thread notifications?

    Go into your MY ACCOUNT and at the top is a list of your subscribes- just tick them to off

    Or for people messaging you?

    Go into your private Messages – same options for notifications change the settings.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Madam.

    I am getting email notifications that people have liked my posts – ie someone has liked your post X. I am not subscribed to any posts or forums and I can’t see a setting to manage my email notifications to remove this. There is nothing in my account or in the wordpress profile settings.

    Any ideas?

    Not subscribed to a specific thread? Are LIKES coming from same thread?

    No, just anything that I have posted which gets a like

    3 users liked this post.
    in reply to: Mail notification #9219

    How do I turn off email notifications?

    For thread notifications?

    Go into your MY ACCOUNT and at the top is a list of your subscribes- just tick them to off

    Or for people messaging you?

    Go into your private Messages – same options for notifications change the settings.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Madam.

    I am getting email notifications that people have liked my posts – ie someone has liked your post X. I am not subscribed to any posts or forums and I can’t see a setting to manage my email notifications to remove this. There is nothing in my account or in the wordpress profile settings.

    Any ideas?

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    in reply to: How long are you? #9215

    /ignoring all the penis talk

    The thing I find interesting about these stats is that the average for low handicap players is still pretty reasonable and achievable. My average is less than those figures for low handicap women but not by much, and my average has significantly been impacted by my driving woes over the last few years. I can certainly drive the ball as far as that average regularly.

    So there is *something else* stopping me from becoming a less than 6 handicap.

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    in reply to: Deege – Chasing 9.9 #9208

    The plan

    So apart from the round, the other stuff I have been working on. Chalked up a fail to the practice this week – I had the opportunity to get out to the range but just didn’t bother. I did purchase a copy of the Strike Plan by Adam Young, which is a really interesting approach to practice which works on actual skill improvement trying to improve your strike patterns rather than changing your swing. So I watched several of his videos and will plan to use that for my range practice, but need to watch a few more times to make sure that I understand the drills correctly.

    And I have been reading a couple of golf books. This week I read “Every Shot has a Purpose” which is about a mental approach to the game and practice. It actually lines up very closely with the practice plans I have purchased, so that’s good.

    There is a bit focus on pre-shot routines and the other sorts of things you can control in the round. One of the messages was that for each round you should be having a golf focus which is not a swing thought. So something that you are looking to achieve in the round. I think I already have a pretty good pre-shot routine, but I identified two places I want to improve. First, once I have decided on the shot, I spend too much time over the ball before I pull the trigger. They warn that once you are in the “play box” or the mental and physical place to play the shot, you should just move instinctively through the shot. Pausing over the ball allows other thoughts to come into the shot and ruin it.

    Secondly was the idea of a “post-shot routine”. This is the idea that you have a way of thinking about a shot afterwards and filing it away so that it doesn’t infect the rest of your game if it were bad, but taking a moment to enjoy and acknowledge it if it is a good shot. So yesterday my golf focus was only having positive or neutral reactions to shots. I did okay with it (except for on the 9th which was a real brain fade). And I don’t know if it was because of this or not, but I spent less time thinking about the score and more time just reminding myself that the only thing that I could control was the shot in front of me.

    Will be interesting to see how I go with it during a stroke round on Saturday.

    I can see what it’s talking about, when you get on a roll your not really thinking about your score you can get to a run of pars and think gee that seemed easy. Alternatively if your struggling your thinking of what your doing wrong what swing thought can I try next!

    Well a great example was my meltdown on the 9th on the weekend. 30 feet away from the pin on the green. I left the first well short which I got annoyed at because I had been leaving putts short all morning. My second was makeable but not a gimmie, and it rolled past to 3 feet. So far so normal. When I missed the 3 footer is where things really fell apart – I was so mad at myself for stuffing up a good chance. I really should have marked my ball and let someone else putt while I got out of the headspace. But I stepped right up and slammed the ball at the cup for a power lip out and a wipe.

    It was a complete mental escalation just because I was getting progressively angry with myself for each poor putt and not allowing myself to let it go before stepping up to the next one. It was really the only occasion that I lost my golf focus on avoiding negative thoughts. So, while I don’t want to dwell on negative outcomes, I think the memory of that hole will be a little reminder when I get into that kind of spot. Maybe I will write a little reminder on my stats card “Step away from the ball before you five putt”.

    I’m a big believer in the mental aspects of the game. Totally get where you’re trying to reduce yourself from “reacting” and letting the emotions impact following shots.

    However, out of curiosity, can you recall your thought on the PSR for the first putt. Standing over that 30 foot putt… What were you thinking?

    I don’t recall exactly what my thoughts are when over that putt. I am pretty happy with my mental and pre putt process on long putts. I generally stand behind the ball and try and pick a line – a point to aim at close to the hole. Then if it is a longer putt and I have time, I will often go to the other side of the putt and see whether I see the same thing. Once my line is chosen, I stand over the putt, look at the ball, look at the aim point, repeat and then just putt. I try to keep distance control pretty instinctual like the feeling of tossing a ball, but if it is downhill I might adjust the aim point to be short of the hole or past the hole on an uphill putt.

    I have read Dr Bob’s Putting out of my mind many times (probably due for another read) and I lean pretty heavily on it for putting attitude and mental approach. It is the short putts where I am occasionally inclined to turn into a headcase because I can’t always bring myself to adopt the same mental approach that the outcome of the putt is secondary to going through the right approach.

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    in reply to: KEGS INCONSISTENCIES #9093

    Thought you had a good round with very few errors. Really enjoyed watching you off the tee.

    Nice round.
    The hit ups were a bit annoying.

    in reply to: Deege – Chasing 9.9 #9091

    The plan

    So apart from the round, the other stuff I have been working on. Chalked up a fail to the practice this week – I had the opportunity to get out to the range but just didn’t bother. I did purchase a copy of the Strike Plan by Adam Young, which is a really interesting approach to practice which works on actual skill improvement trying to improve your strike patterns rather than changing your swing. So I watched several of his videos and will plan to use that for my range practice, but need to watch a few more times to make sure that I understand the drills correctly.

    And I have been reading a couple of golf books. This week I read “Every Shot has a Purpose” which is about a mental approach to the game and practice. It actually lines up very closely with the practice plans I have purchased, so that’s good.

    There is a bit focus on pre-shot routines and the other sorts of things you can control in the round. One of the messages was that for each round you should be having a golf focus which is not a swing thought. So something that you are looking to achieve in the round. I think I already have a pretty good pre-shot routine, but I identified two places I want to improve. First, once I have decided on the shot, I spend too much time over the ball before I pull the trigger. They warn that once you are in the “play box” or the mental and physical place to play the shot, you should just move instinctively through the shot. Pausing over the ball allows other thoughts to come into the shot and ruin it.

    Secondly was the idea of a “post-shot routine”. This is the idea that you have a way of thinking about a shot afterwards and filing it away so that it doesn’t infect the rest of your game if it were bad, but taking a moment to enjoy and acknowledge it if it is a good shot. So yesterday my golf focus was only having positive or neutral reactions to shots. I did okay with it (except for on the 9th which was a real brain fade). And I don’t know if it was because of this or not, but I spent less time thinking about the score and more time just reminding myself that the only thing that I could control was the shot in front of me.

    Will be interesting to see how I go with it during a stroke round on Saturday.

    I can see what it’s talking about, when you get on a roll your not really thinking about your score you can get to a run of pars and think gee that seemed easy. Alternatively if your struggling your thinking of what your doing wrong what swing thought can I try next!

    Well a great example was my meltdown on the 9th on the weekend. 30 feet away from the pin on the green. I left the first well short which I got annoyed at because I had been leaving putts short all morning. My second was makeable but not a gimmie, and it rolled past to 3 feet. So far so normal. When I missed the 3 footer is where things really fell apart – I was so mad at myself for stuffing up a good chance. I really should have marked my ball and let someone else putt while I got out of the headspace. But I stepped right up and slammed the ball at the cup for a power lip out and a wipe.

    It was a complete mental escalation just because I was getting progressively angry with myself for each poor putt and not allowing myself to let it go before stepping up to the next one. It was really the only occasion that I lost my golf focus on avoiding negative thoughts. So, while I don’t want to dwell on negative outcomes, I think the memory of that hole will be a little reminder when I get into that kind of spot. Maybe I will write a little reminder on my stats card “Step away from the ball before you five putt”.

    2 users liked this post.
    in reply to: Setting Achievable Goals. #9064

    Madam 5.4/4.0/3.0
    Tochakka 7.9/7.0/6.0
    Goldy 16.4/15.5/15.0
    Francie ​ 11.2/7.5/6.0
    OldBOgey 15/16.5/17
    Ink 17.2/18.0/14.2
    jrg 14.8/14.2/12.8
    Aligolfing 10.1/9/8.5
    koiom 3.6/3.8/3.0
    Hack 15.2/14.5/14.0
    Dellavedova 14.2/12.0/11.0
    The Butler 6.9/5.5/4.7
    iRoNmIcK 20.6/18/16
    Benno_r 7.7/7.4/7.0
    Commish 14.5/13.6/12.5
    Peaksy 7.6/8/6
    Turfers 17.9 / 16.9 /15.9
    Xrman 18.9 /18.0 / 16.0
    Can Break 80 10.3/8.5 /7.3
    BarnEsy05 15.4/15.0/13.5
    Deege 16.7/14.0/13.0
    Halfer 5 4.5/4.3/3.2
    Birdie B 12.6/11.0/10.5
    Pyl. 7.5/5.6/ 5
    The Great Egg. 4.5/4.0/3.0
    Schmuck. 13.4/13.2/11.0
    Upnin 8.2/10.5/12.5

    I got an extra 1.3 on my cap from WHG. But as someone whose scratch rating is almost always above par, the extra handicap shots are a real boost. I am hoping this might mean that our novelty mixed comps might show the women slightly more able to compete when they aren’t giving three handicap shots apiece away to the guys.

    Current task is to try and back up some flags at the top of the table so that I can start to see some real work on the handicap coming down. Just three in the oldest 10 so hopefully I will have a few shots at it before the pressure starts to build. Just about to lose that played to 28 from Ocean Grove, so it will be nice to see the back of that.

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    in reply to: Deege – Chasing 9.9 #9062

    The plan

    So apart from the round, the other stuff I have been working on. Chalked up a fail to the practice this week – I had the opportunity to get out to the range but just didn’t bother. I did purchase a copy of the Strike Plan by Adam Young, which is a really interesting approach to practice which works on actual skill improvement trying to improve your strike patterns rather than changing your swing. So I watched several of his videos and will plan to use that for my range practice, but need to watch a few more times to make sure that I understand the drills correctly.

    And I have been reading a couple of golf books. This week I read “Every Shot has a Purpose” which is about a mental approach to the game and practice. It actually lines up very closely with the practice plans I have purchased, so that’s good.

    There is a bit focus on pre-shot routines and the other sorts of things you can control in the round. One of the messages was that for each round you should be having a golf focus which is not a swing thought. So something that you are looking to achieve in the round. I think I already have a pretty good pre-shot routine, but I identified two places I want to improve. First, once I have decided on the shot, I spend too much time over the ball before I pull the trigger. They warn that once you are in the “play box” or the mental and physical place to play the shot, you should just move instinctively through the shot. Pausing over the ball allows other thoughts to come into the shot and ruin it.

    Secondly was the idea of a “post-shot routine”. This is the idea that you have a way of thinking about a shot afterwards and filing it away so that it doesn’t infect the rest of your game if it were bad, but taking a moment to enjoy and acknowledge it if it is a good shot. So yesterday my golf focus was only having positive or neutral reactions to shots. I did okay with it (except for on the 9th which was a real brain fade). And I don’t know if it was because of this or not, but I spent less time thinking about the score and more time just reminding myself that the only thing that I could control was the shot in front of me.

    Will be interesting to see how I go with it during a stroke round on Saturday.

    3 users liked this post.
    in reply to: Deege – Chasing 9.9 #9061

    So an interesting game at the Frogge yesterday. All in all I scored pretty well. Everything felt a bit off early – I wasn’t quite getting the contact or ball flight that I wanted to, which led to some messy one pointers on the second and third. All in all Dwayne behaved pretty well today. I kept the ball in play with reasonable distance, particularly when we made the turn and I started hitting the ball a bit better generally.

    I had three two shot holes. The first came on the 8th and I made a mess of it with a poor decision to go for it when I should have just laid up. I ended up in a fairway bunker, took two to get out of that and then scrambled to a seven for two which was a real missed opportunity.

    The real brain fade was on the 9th. I managed to get on in two which I never manage, and just couldn’t get the ball in the hole, leading to an ugly wipe.

    The back 9 turned out a bit better, helped by a par on the 11th which gave me 4 points. So weird at the Frog that I get extra shots on the par 5s which aren’t super long for the women, rather than the actually super long and difficult par 4s. I kept trundling on and finished the with 19 for that 9 and a grand score of 34. Replaced a flag and the cap stayed the same.

    Medal next Saturday and we will see how we go.

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