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  • in reply to: GPJ’s ……. View From The Range #14903

    Played Leongatha the other day, which was another first for me. I’d long heard good things about it, and always meant to get over there to play it, so Sunday was a good chance to do it, alongside my usual playing partner and batman, Bradley..

    It comfortably sits in the top 100 public access courses I am reliably informed. (Just as well if Eynesbury can get a gig in the list)

    Tis a very nice country course, well designed and well thought out, and its been around for many a year now. It’s certainly tree lined, but its not overly penal or too tight. What does get you though is the holes twists and turns, so running out of the short stuff is on the cards unless you are careful when the holes shape one way or tother.

    Bunkering is pretty much old school, they are plentiful, they run up the greens edges, and impinge onto your line of play at times, (which is a good thing.)

    The greens are a good size, with plenty of pin positions to choose from for the groundstaff, and they roll nicely although a touch slower than the slick practice green.

    Overall, it was a fun course to play, and its a course to use a lot of different clubs from the bag, which is good. It is unfortunately, a bit of a hike from civilization, but one that I’m glad I did …. at least once.

    Back to Langy in the morning, so another chance to hit some good ones, and no doubt some bad ones . tis always good fun though.

    Oh, and in related news, the flies down at Langy are bloody ferocious, and have grown immune to things like Aeroguard and Bushmans over generations I reckon….. but I have a cunning plan to negate them.

    One of the locals we played with the other week had some repellent type stuff that they actually use on racehorses, no doubt to keep the horse flies away ……. and that seemed to work a treat on him, with them not even landing..

    So I called into Pakenham’s Produce and Saddlery Store the other day and picked some up for both Bradley and myself. I’ll give that a run tomorrow, and hopefully it will do the trick, cause the bastards can be annoying when pulling the trigger on a par saver putts, or just swinging a club in general.

    Oh, the stuff is called Natures Botanicals, and its got Rosemary and something else in it. The stuffs out in the golf bag and I’m too lazy to go find it ….. so you;ll have to wait to get the full ingredient list.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by GPJ.
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    in reply to: What should be in a beginner golfer’s bag? #14808

    My theory of what should be in a beginners bag is slightly different,

    Here’s three things I’d suggest, which would hold them in good stead going forward.

    1. An understanding of ball flght laws …. it makes it easier to diagnose issues such as swingpath/clubface .

    2. A basic understanding of golf clubs eg what to look for re forgiveness or workability in clubs, and shaft flex

    3. An idea of where they want their golf to progress to.
    eg If they are only ever going to be once a month social golfers their clubs don’t need to be the best around. If they plan on joining a club, getting a handicap, working their butt off to get to single figures, then the clubs they should get would be more advanced to allow them to grow into them.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by GPJ.
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    in reply to: GPJ’s ……. View From The Range #14807

    Thankyou Geoffrey for the warm welcome, which is a thing both Bradley and I have found since heading to Langy. Lots of friendly locals, no airs or graces and just good down to earth people, who call a spade a fuckin shovel .. and just as it should be!!

    As you know Geoffrey, I have always been a big fan of Langy and have loved playing down there each time, as you can play it so differently from one day to the next.

    And speaking of playing….,

    I played Stroke monthly medal on Saturday ….. 81 off the stick, which wasn’t too bad considering I cocked up more than a few holes quite royally. I think there were at least 3 or 4 scores of 7 written down along the way, oh, and three shots in a bunker is never going to be good for your score ….. on a par 3 hole.

    On the other hand I did manage 3 birdies amid the longer par 4’s, which was nice and showed that at least for a few minutes here and there, I can still play the game to some degree. Ah, we’re always hopeful aren’t we, us golfers???

    I’m still experimenting on what clubs to hit off the various tees, and having a ball doing it, (despite it adversely effecting my score), and am trying to work out the slopes on the greens. (That isn’t easy during comp play, but I’m trying to taken note of what I can going around), Back up at Beacy when i first joined I used to go out and muck around on a green for half an hour and putt balls all over it to work out the slopes and speed etc.

    I’m booked in to play tomorrow morning in the Tuesday comp and its a change of driver for the round. I picked up a bargain 2nd hand Titleist 917D2 at work the other day, so I’d best try it out, rather than just have it sit in the golf cupboards for the next 30 years.

    So, um bag contents, as its been a while, the aforementioned Titleist driver (bumping out my free Cobra driver)
    an old Cobra Fly 3 wood
    Titleist driving iron #2,
    4-LW Wilson blades and Wedges
    Wilson 8802 blade putter.
    Ball of choice, ProV1X,
    Bag of choice, I’m rocking a Mizuno staff bag at the moment

    Not sure if that is too many clubs or too few, but I’ll do a quick roll call when I drag the bag out the back of the jeep in the morning, just to ensure my bag is fully legal prior to tee off. Can’t wait for another chance to test my game at the Augusta of Gippsland …….

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    in reply to: GPJ’s ……. View From The Range #14761

    I recently played a course that I have enjoyed immensely over more than a few years now. One of the things that I take note of when playing a course for the first time (or when I’m evaluating it), is how many clubs I actually need to use going around there. The more clubs that I get to hit during a round, the better the course design I figure.

    Beacy was pretty much about an 8 or 9 club course for me, whereas playing St Andrews Beach I have used every club in my bag within the first 9 holes, which is why I rate that place so highly. (It rated at No 4 on the top 100 public access courses this year in Golf Australia mag,Barnbougle, Lost Farm and King Island’s course were ahead of it)

    Another thing I really love about a course are the presence of short par 4’s. They are some of the most interesting holes ever made I think, and every course should have a few of them.

    So, give me a course with a few short par 4’s and I’ll be very happy. I love teeing off with different clubs and not just reaching for the driver 14 times a round. If the driver is on, then its all good, but if that club is not working for the day, then you have no chance whatsoever on a course if you need to drag it out so many times.

    The course in question that I played recently … I teed off with Driver, 3W, 2 iron, 3 , 4 and 5 irons on its par 4’s and 5’s, and that to me is just bloody great fun.

    As I result of that one round I also found that I needed to change my wedge set up, so off to the workshop and about 5 degrees of bounce was ground off one of my 60 degree wedges, as I needed much less bounce on those short green side bunker shots.

    So, armed with a slightly modified wedge I went back and played it again on Sunday morning. My first bunker shot with my new wedge off a somewhat wet bunker floor, stopped the ball within a foot of the flag ………my 2nd shot with it off a very wet bunker floor a hole or two later stopped the ball within 2 feet of the flag ……… so my handiwork got a big tick.

    Despite it absolutely hosing down as well as thunder and the odd flash of lightening on the front half, I was loving it out there. I had to pull the pin on the round at the halfway point though, as the greens were by then a tad awash with the wet stuff . but it was really great fun.

    I should add that in between those two rounds I did sign up as a fully fledged 7 day member.I think the new place will do wonders for my golf game. Not only is it a change of scenery, but its a course that I can play differently from day to day, or week to week if I want to. The course is designed so that there are plenty of choices to be made going around and that will certainly keep my interest..

    The course also also sets up so that ideally, you will need to move the ball both ways through the air, plus in summer it allows the ball to be played a bit more on the ground, and I love those challenges. It also has great fairways which is something you never got up at Beacy so a bad lie at the new place is a real rarity, (unless you’re in the rough).

    So, my next game is bright and early tomorrow morning, it’s Par Comp apparently, and I’m looking forward to it.

    Hopefully the rain will stay away, or at least be bearable, but if not, I’ll get out there for as long as possible and enjoy myself ……….
    So, Ill head off to my new “home away from home” ……. The Augusta of Gippsland ….. otherwise known as Lang Lang Golf Club, and have another fun day out.

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    in reply to: GPJ’s ……. View From The Range #14760

    And thus 2020 brings to the end an era of the playing of Beacon Hills Invitational Classic, a great event on the ISG/L4G tour .
    I for one and probably most players who played in the BHIC, will remember the event for the gala breakfast gathering, rather than the course itself.

    enjoy your new golfing home GPJ.

    Yes, it will be a touch sad to not hold the breakfast event Geoffrey, but, I’d rather be somewhere enjoyable.

    And having said that …………..

    in reply to: GPJ’s ……. View From The Range #14759

    Gaz, I travelled up there yesterday with Marian and had a hit. Ended up having to hit off on the 10th and then played the Lakes nine. Greens were nice.

    Marian apparently had a free game for us but when she went to the Pro shop they made her pay? Nothing (gear wise) in the pro shop and a lot of poorly attired “players” wandering the course. We did manage to get through two groups ahead of us as the kindly allowed us through when we caught up with them. Got around the in just around 4 hours but it’s a little tougher walk – even though I was glad I had my MGI AT buggy – for this black duck and Marian was buggered too.

    Nice to re-visit but I’m happy at Southern. By the way…who are the “cohorts”. One of them doesn’t have the initials “TL”??

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Francie.

    TL? …….. no Frank, Its more the Donald Trump impersonator up there along with his underling, or should I say manager.

    in reply to: GPJ’s ……. View From The Range #14702

    Obviously every club is different but I’d imagine missing out on months of bar and pro shop takings while still needing to maintain the course would mean most haven’t come close to saving money during covid

    So I wouldn’t expect they have anything to pass back to members

    Funny you should say that Brendan, as a couple of clubs I know of, have indeed passed back to the membership. One has given money back on the members bar tabs, one suspended monthly payments during covid close down, and another has extended their memberships. Beaconhills meanwhile have chosen to adopt the Ostrich approach by saying that when the full extent of the covid situaton is clear, the board may review the financial situation…. or shit to that effect.

    As for maintaining the course …….. the few hardworking groundstaff were no doubt on job keeper, hence no outgoings in that regard. By “maintaining the course” I assume that you mean mowing the grass …… did that need to occur so often if no-one was there to complain about longer grass?

    Irregardless …… I have since left the joint, due in no small part to the attitudes of said Club Management who refused to answer my question for one, despite being asked directly on more than one occasion over the last couple of months. I have also, I should add, recently been threatened with legal action by the Club President should I talk down “the club” whilst in my day time employment, which of course is laughable.

    Interesting times up there as the joint is being “run” (into the ground), by a couple of Frank & Commish’s ex cohorts. Apparently they aren’t used to being either ignored, or treated as anything other than godlike, around the place, so I think I may have hurt their feelings by not treating them with any sort of deference. Oh well, not before time I figure.

    So, currently I am free to roam and play wherever Brendan, which I am enjoying. I’m not sure where I may end up yet in terms of being member, it could be Sandhurst now, or who knows, that could change by next week. I just know that I’m glad I’m out of that joint. I will miss some of the playing partners, but they could be along presently once myself and Bradley find a new home. elsewhere

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    in reply to: GPJ’s ……. View From The Range #14527

    Lang Lang $835 per year, for 7 day or $735 for 6 day member which is the best value course price wise that you will find. and 1/4 price of Cranbourne or Ranfurlie or any others you are considering,
    course playable all year round.
    lots of bunkers to get into.
    Fast sloping greens which are suitable for your blade putter.
    29 min from your house.
    flexible tee off times
    currently taking members.

    Hi Geoffrey,

    A quick one for you ……. what are the comp days for Langy?

    At the moment with my work roster, I’ve got Tuesdays and then rotating Saturdays and Sundays in which to play comp.

    in reply to: GPJ’s ……. View From The Range #14526

    Playing up at Beacy tomorrow and may call into the clubhouse post round, to find out what the fark they plan to do.

    Perhaps being there in person asking the question will make a difference. IF not, well I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.

    I could always just let it lapse completely . and then apply for a membership all over again.

    At the moment, they have a deal going on where “new members” get a $50 voucher for the pro shop or bar included in their membership. Rejoining might make me eligible for that and could be the only way to ever get anything out of the bastards.

    in reply to: GPJ’s ……. View From The Range #14438

    Played today … a crappy wipe, a couple of 1 pointers, and 38 points (or 3 or 4 over.)

    Loving the Wilson blades, the Wilson putter, the Wilson wedges, and the Cobra Driver and 3W.

    Not loving Beacy as a club however …….. My membership up at the home of flog has now run out, and I am awaiting some sort of positive action from the club re covid membership relief, before possibly rejoining.

    The board allegedly are awaiting the full financial picture before working out if there is going to be a fee relief for members, seeing as we were about 16 weeks or so without access, (about $500 or so that we paid for not having access to the course)

    Some clubs have given a couple of months free extension of membership, some have provided members with rebates, but Beacy are burying their head in the sand and offering fark all, and not even offering a date when a decision will be made.

    Beacy meanwhile, put their loans on hold, they also got grants, and the workers got jobkeeper etc.

    I originally emailed them about a month or so ago and got the same bullshit response.WTF are they waiting for as they have all the onfo they need as far as I can see.

    Meanwhile, I did mention to them, that I may go to a monthly membership (in case I want to leave the joint if I get no satisfaction from this covid ripoff), but get this …….. a “pay monthly” membership exists but you are locked into it for a total of … 12 months, and you pay an extra 10% over and above the full member cost for the privilege …. FFS.

    They really are trying to piss the members off, and me in particular it seems. Oh, and today I should also mention I’ve been invited to try out for the pennant team . and pretty much gave them a one fingered salute as a response.

    Well enough for today …. I’ll post again when there is something newsworthy to put down ……..

    in reply to: GPJ’s ……. View From The Range #13717

    I think the tide has definitely turned against the politicians now in terms of keeping us locked down for our own good, and even they are finally starting to realise ….. that they’d better let us out soon.

    The price Victorians, or rather, Melbournians are paying is way too high to be sustained, or even justified now, when only a select number of the population are seriously at risk.

    I think with all the stuff ups along the way those is power were in charge of, eg; cruise ships, hotel fiasco’s, and old folks homes etc, heads should roll, if not now, then at the next election.

    I will put my hand up though and say that I thought initially Dan was doing a good job, but these latest bouts of lockdown and subsequent amnesia now have me wishing I was on the electoral roll.

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    in reply to: GPJ’s ……. View From The Range #13700

    How is the new Wilson blade putter performing on the putting mat.

    Its going very nicely thanks Geoffrey. Perhaps one day soon I’ll get to test it out on grass.

    I’m starting to tire of playing indoor golf, and am more than ready to test my game back outside in amongst the elements.

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    in reply to: GPJ’s ……. View From The Range #13374

    What are you going to do with that now though?
    Will you just throw it in the bin or leave it at home? It’s not as though you can give it to anyone else…

    Watcha talkin’ about Willis??????????

    I’m first in line when he “bins it” during his changable times.

    NOICE by the way Gaz. 🙂

    But surely he won’t be using the nice looking putter cover.
    I wouldn’t imagine that he’s happy to use covers for his woods and a cover for his putter, but not the dearest things in his bag??
    That just doesn’t make any sense to me…
    I assumed he’ll just throw the putter cover away

    I reckon I’ll be rocking two head covers in the bag going forward, Bumpy.

    My Cobra Driver head cover, in order to stop it rattling against my bare headed 3W and irons, and the new 8802 putter cover, mainly just because its a great looking head cover (as opposed to any functional reason I can think of).

    in reply to: GPJ’s ……. View From The Range #13373

    just noticed that the model above has a milled face. Original versions used by Palmer didnt have milled face

    No, you are correct. They have slightly moved on with the times however, but have remained pretty true to the original style, but with slightly more of today’s technology in terms of both quality and performance.

    The 8802 is a design that has been well and truly copied throughout the years, in a similar mode to Ping’s Anser putter.

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    in reply to: GPJ’s ……. View From The Range #13372

    So its another midweek day off tomorrow, and it should be half decent conditions, so I’ll give my new electric buggy a run. I decided it was time try just walking the course and not pushing a cart through the slush, so I got myself a shiny new remote controlled MGI Navigator. Hopefully I can keep it from falling into bunkers or running off from me tomorrow, but it should be fun and something different. The heavy Wilson staff bag fits on it nicely, so its in for a good workout first up.

    Well Gaz, I’ve finally committed to an electric buggy myself. Beef kept telling me to use Zip and just get one….and pay it off. We were looking at some on Golfbox but ended up signing with Drummonds. Looks like when/if I ever get out on the course again I’ll be in your same boat….shit scared I’ll put it in one of Southern’s dams. One of our “older” members did that just before stage 4 came back in. He’s only used it twice. Our treasurer managed to salvage it and kept it going but now he hasn’t used it for over a month. Mine was going to be a 60th birthday present, so at least I managed to get it during my 60th year. Looking forward to something now….for a change.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Francie.

    Well I hope you got a good deal on it Frank ………… 60 hey, geez you’re old !!!

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