Forum Replies Created
ParticipantIn please. Been too long since I’ve seen you lot.
ParticipantFor what its worth….I am in too and looking to play 1-6
Participantguess it was a call that had to be made….. even if we do get to travel and play golf, one would imagine that most Nats festivities would be rendered difficult if not impossible by current restrictions…..
Stay safe peeps!!!1 user liked this post.
ParticipantUPDATE: Benney Lefty paid
Please let me know if you still can make it.The full rate schedule is attached below; the Early Bird rate has been extended, as well a full refund is available till 1 Oct. or if clubs dont charge me after that.
Direct message me with days attending, and options you are wanting a price for.
Thu 15 Oct 10:30am tee times Magenta Shores CC
Fri 16 Oct 9:30 tee times am Hunter Valley GC
Sat 17 Oct – 10:00am tee times The Vintage
*Dinner at Cypress Lakes- Accommodation special available
Sun 18 Oct – 8:00am Shotgun Cypress Lakes followed by lunch
Mon 19 Oct – 8:30 am tee times Elanora CC
Tue 20 Oct – 8:30 am Terrey Hills CCPaid:
1) Commish 1-6 (NSW)
2) Zookeeper 1-6 (NSW)
3) Madam 1-5 (QLD)
4) Panda 1-6 (QLD)
5) Dinner Box 1-6 (QLD)
6) Deege 1-6 (VIC)
7) Sandy 1-6 (QLD)
8) SnorkelGuru 3-6 (NSW)
9) Pyl 1-4 (NSW)
10) Benney Lefty 1-6 (QLD)Register interest here.
Peaksy 3-4
iRon Mick
jrg1166 1-6
Goldy 2-5
Francie 3-6
Keg 2-4, 6
Sisty (Reigning Nats champ)
Ghetto Golfer (raining NAGA Chump)
Bully 3-5
Kiwi 3-5
Big Brazillian 1-6
Not Naga
Can Break 80
DJ CraigQueensland
Weetie 1-6
Pigskin 1-6
The Real Nathan 1-4
Benno 1-6
Beard 1-6
Yarn 1-4
Ahab 1-6 (qld)NSW
Peppas 1-4, 6
Muffin Man
Schmuck 3-6
Barenski 3-6
The Great Egg
Birdie Killer 3-6
Peg 3-4
PMG001 3-4
Greywolfe 1-5
MrBluu 5-6Hey Mads, is there another muffin man in NSW? Or am I so nice that you counted be in twice?
ParticipantOn a more serious note: The mess in VIC could just as well happened in any other state.
Possibly… but probably not. If it is going to happen, it will happen in NSW due to the Vics who have successfully got into the State whilst infected. Send a message… Fine em $11K, isolate them and make them pay for the hotel they are placed into and then ship them back where they have to undertake a further 2 weeks monitored isolation at their expense. Give an average of what that will cost an individual (in the vicinity of $20K+) and I bet they stay at home.
sure, cannot force international travellers to get tested……but lets try and charge people for hotel quarantine… good luck with that
ParticipantOn a more serious note: The mess in VIC could just as well happened in any other state. And it probably will happen again before October comes around. Let’s just keep fingers crossed we can all catch up and drink beer. (And play golf.)
Near on 3 months for any messes to happen and settle down…. Hmmm… Touch and go….
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ParticipantPositive thoughts people. Come October, when you check in at the airport, if your temperature is within the prescribed range and you have no other symptoms, them you hop on a plane and head to NSW. If not, STAY THE FUCK AT HOME.
Or, you could opt to drive, just leave 2 weeks earlier than expected and keep to yourself on the way up.
I don’t know the suburbs where the hot spots in Vic are at the moment, so I can’t really comment on what may be causing the spike. But I will hazard a guess and presume they are total dumb fucks.
The best part is… I know that those of you in Vic who desire to attend the Nats are doing the right thing anyway because that is the type of people you are. It will happen and you will be there.
Let’s just call those suburbs ‘migrant’ suburbs. You should’ve seen the arrogant, young dumb fuck being interviewed on tv. There was no way he was going to keep his distance from others, wear a mask or even stay away from granny. If he catches the virus, he’ll survive because he’s young and tough. If he passes it to granny and she dies, bad luck.
Migrant suburb….wtf??? As opposed to where your trailer is parked, which is?
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Participantfeel like i might have jumped the gun in booking my tickets…..
ParticipantStill keen, early next year, let’s make it happen Mads
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ParticipantAnyone keen to help to hold up Victorian pride?? Seems like I am by myself from down south……..
ParticipantBtw, are guests welcome at the Nats??
your designated driver?
Think he’s ubering
Me or my designated driver?
ParticipantAre most people walking the day 1, 5,6 courses??
Magenta is a long walk, highly advise a cart there.
Elanora and Terrey Hills are a relatively easy walk.
From memory I’m making a list of those that want Electric Buggy hire ($10) at Elanora…aren’t you already on it?
yes, i remember now……been a while mate….
ParticipantBtw, are guests welcome at the Nats??
ParticipantAre most people walking the day 1, 5,6 courses??
Participant40 min limit with 3-100 peoples…unless you cough up money…not from this cheapskate!
It drops out after 40 mins but all you need to do to rejoin is simple click the link again…..