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Participantnice overcast day not to hot not to cold and it looked like my famous 8 points was nearly beaten..
Well done muffin and Wozz shooting 40 points
might 1 day return to a game if it doesnt fall on a brew day which took just as long as it would have playing golf
good to you all had fun
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ParticipantCould people in Victoria stop getting Covid. I’m booked on the Spirt of Tassie this week for some camping, wine tasting/drinking, and golf at Barny. Would hate for Tassie to shut the borders to us again.
mate Tassie your free to roam as you pleased which i am surprised as tassies premier is like W.a premier shut the borders yesterday..
as long as you have permit in place ya still would be good to go..
i cant wait till middle of feb as i havent seen none of my family now for nearly 2 years as i want to head home
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ParticipantAll Melbourne Metro golfers are eagerly awaiting the address, at midday today , from the Commandant to see if we get a remission of our sentence and whether golf be possible again.
no golf yet for metro , it would have good for metro even if it meant your nearest golf to you your home and in 2’s
and you dont have to be locked up after 9pm anymore after 5am tommorow
feel ya pain vic metro , i feel the golf should have opened up for ya’s
Participanti reckon i should be able to go where ever i please and when i want in victoria
i have had 6 covid tests in the past 6 weeks with 6 negative results not my choice to be tested either just something i have to do
to cross the S.A border.atleast i get to travel where i dont want to go
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ParticipantHave fun… I’ll just buy mine pre packaged. Enjoying ‘Hop Thief’ at the moment…. word is, it is being discontinued.
its most likely going to be rebadge as something else , its not the 1st time James Squire brews have changed there names
Participantcommon sense by the individual
if ya got flu like symptoms stay at home or the symptoms of corona virus show for that matter
show no symptoms then play golf
not rocket science
stupidity is spreading quicker then the corona virus
When we had the ebola virus a few years back that was suppose to wipe the world out did we carry on like sissies like we are to much a lesser virus?
or did we man up and get on with living?
feel crook stay home it is just that simple , you dont need your golf commitee to tell you that
do you get your golf committee to make up some plan for the common cold that also can kill you
Sorry , i am taking the virus seriously but i do not think we have to be told how bad this is, people should be thinking for themselves and not take the selfish road saying she’ll be right its only a flu i’m right to play
stay at home
ParticipantFigured his tablet would have been from the Moses era.
It’s a “2014 edition” which I bought in 2013.
So, quite new really.
actually quite old for a tablet now… its so back in last decade
Oldbogey for your PC you could look at an iptv service to watch ya tv