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  • in reply to: World Handicap System (WHS) #8977

    16.6 to 18….. rofl

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    in reply to: Song Title Game (L4G Version) #8611

    Belinda Carlisle – Heaven Is A Place On Earth

    in reply to: All I want for Christmas is some flocking rain #8543

    Yeah well, it did rain
    Not flocking much though…
    16.5mls of moisture…
    Not enough, but at least it was something

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    in reply to: All I want for Christmas is some flocking rain #8196

    Just looked back till April last year….. we have had 106.6mls of rain since the 1st of April…
    There is nearly that much forecast for next few days

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    in reply to: All I want for Christmas is some flocking rain #8190


    Well maybe Santa got his dates mixed up…..
    Time will tell

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    in reply to: Bandits Ahoy!! #7808

    Don’t know, but you would have to suspect it was new and played dead in the first few hçapping rounds. I think under the World Handicapping System it might be classed as an “exceptional nett score”.

    Ummm the current handicapping system has the same available

    Look at section 16
    It was used at my club, created a stir

    If it was a new player, with a new handicap and it was their 1st round for handicapping they wont be playing off 36 at the next outing…. Who knows allowing for DSR etc…. maybe 16 handicap or less

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    in reply to: Song Title Game (L4G Version) #7655

    Silence is golden – The Four Seasons

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    in reply to: What's everyone doing for Christmas? #7501

    Christmas….. been trying to think of a speech I made a few years ago at golfie after a rough year for some….. went something like this….

    “I would like to wish one and all a Merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year, to those who have a new face at the Christmas table this year enjoy the time with your new child, or extended family it is special. To those who this year have an empty chair at the table our thoughts are with you, it will be a very different and in some cases a very hard day to cope with and our thoughts are with you as you deal with day as best as you can. I am not going to name names as I will miss someone but I would like you all to be upstanding and have a toast to those we have lost in our community this year…….”

    My Christmas… I’ve got a good supply of prawns, ham, smoked salmon, avocado’s and fresh bread to go with a few Jameson Irish Whiskey Smooth Dry and Lime cans and some good vino….

    Merry Christmas to all, will have a quiet drink for PJ at some stage

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    in reply to: All I want for Christmas is some flocking rain #7443

    Very dry.

    What’s it costing to keep the greens … green? Must be buying in water?

    We have a bore and we can still pump some water from our waterhole in river…….
    It is getting really desperate though

    in reply to: All I want for Christmas is some flocking rain #7440


    So in a moment of what some might call madness, 56 hardened golfers ventured out in 43 degrees weather yesterday to play in a golf day sponsored by one of the golf clubs main supporters…….
    As can be seen from the drone that was up yesterday the course is as dry as the proverbial….
    Somehow me off 17 and my partner for the day off 25 managed to have 76 off the stick and ended up as runners up, we were lucky to end up in areas were you could take advantage of a preferred lie and combined well on the day…..

    The golf course looks like that…… just stop and think what the surrounding farms look like….. it is horrendous

    I really feel for those who have been smashed by the fires and what we all need is a couple of days of gentle soaking rain so if you can arrange it Santa it would be greatly appreciated …..

    And for those who have been lucky enough to have had rain and have a lush green backyard, not here I haven’t been able to use a hose for two years, and are wondering what they can do for a weekend…… take a trip to the bush and see how bad it is, talk to the locals, spend a couple of dollars it would be appreciated by all…..

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Pegasus2357.

    Wow that is dry!

    Yeah that is one word for it……. can think of others

    in reply to: Charlotte Dawson- "Dealing with Depression" #6642

    Thanks for bringing that thread across, Peg.

    Reading that old post of mine I have decided to join this new community.

    The last few years have been a real struggle for myself mentally, physically, emotionally and financially.

    I’m not going into all the details but things almost got too much too deal with a few times. If it wasn’t for my family, well I don’t know if I’d be here.

    I have sat around feeling sorry for myself and felt angry at the world. That has done nothing to help myself or anyone around me.

    Apart from a few mental demons most of my problems are a direct result of my poor decisions and behavior.

    I have been living a lie for a while, mostly out of pride. The fear of being judged and feeling embarrassed by letting people know that I had financially lost everything, I had been through a court case, I had gone from losing almost 30kg to putting it all back on, I had been in a mental health clinic and to admit that I had lied and misled a lot of people.

    There are some people on here who are like family and offered me nothing but friendship and support, I have shlt all over some of those people. I am truly sorry to those I have hurt and deceived. I have reach out to some of you and hope overtime I can rebuild the bridges I have burned.

    For those I haven’t been in contact with I don’t have a mobile or Facebook at the moment.

    There have been some other hard times that were out of my control, like losing two of my closest friends to cancer and suicide.

    I am responsible for the decisions I have made and while I wish I could change the past that can’t happen.

    I’m going to keep on moving forward and improving myself as a person. I want to be happy (I am getting there) and I want to make right the wrongs I have done to those close too me.

    Hi Slim

    Glad you are approving of me quoting that first post at the other place… gave it a lot of thought

    Keep ya head up bloke…. and remember easy does it, one day at a time, one step forward at a time

    One shot at a time, be in the moment

    Yeah did that on Saturday….. absolute crap front nine, brought the show home with 43 off the stick and ended up winning my grade Medal of Medals on countback…..

    3 users liked this post.
    in reply to: Charlotte Dawson- "Dealing with Depression" #6636

    Thanks for bringing that thread across, Peg.

    Reading that old post of mine I have decided to join this new community.

    The last few years have been a real struggle for myself mentally, physically, emotionally and financially.

    I’m not going into all the details but things almost got too much too deal with a few times. If it wasn’t for my family, well I don’t know if I’d be here.

    I have sat around feeling sorry for myself and felt angry at the world. That has done nothing to help myself or anyone around me.

    Apart from a few mental demons most of my problems are a direct result of my poor decisions and behavior.

    I have been living a lie for a while, mostly out of pride. The fear of being judged and feeling embarrassed by letting people know that I had financially lost everything, I had been through a court case, I had gone from losing almost 30kg to putting it all back on, I had been in a mental health clinic and to admit that I had lied and misled a lot of people.

    There are some people on here who are like family and offered me nothing but friendship and support, I have shlt all over some of those people. I am truly sorry to those I have hurt and deceived. I have reach out to some of you and hope overtime I can rebuild the bridges I have burned.

    For those I haven’t been in contact with I don’t have a mobile or Facebook at the moment.

    There have been some other hard times that were out of my control, like losing two of my closest friends to cancer and suicide.

    I am responsible for the decisions I have made and while I wish I could change the past that can’t happen.

    I’m going to keep on moving forward and improving myself as a person. I want to be happy (I am getting there) and I want to make right the wrongs I have done to those close too me.

    Hi Slim

    Glad you are approving of me quoting that first post at the other place… gave it a lot of thought

    Keep ya head up bloke…. and remember easy does it, one day at a time, one step forward at a time

    2 users liked this post.
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