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  • in reply to: Live4Golf NSW Events 2020 and Beyond #6674

    I’d suspect that you won’t be allowed to adopt the formula used for the Gravy Cup.
    Sorry, correction, I don’t think you’ll be able to understand the formula used for the Gravy Cup.
    Weets has got some brilliant black magic calculations happening there.
    And none of the calculations allowed me to win it so I am not in favour of that.

    But all means, use the OOM one that gets the bloke with the most NAGAs through the year can also win the overall prize for being the best….or whatever it was that Gaz kept on banging on about haha

    It’s a bit like TBPTHNWOOM Bump – the rules bend the very universe to ensure that you don’t take the biscuits

    Strangely enough I would also imagine that you would fit Gaz’s OOM concerns

    It’s like some sort of conspiracy or something

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    in reply to: Rocks, Diamonds and Ink #6662

    Fucking chopper

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    in reply to: Par in my sight (must be using a telescope) #6635

    Played Oxley today. 2 groups of us and we played so great that I won the pot with a 17 15 32 point round off 11 – 40 and 47 for 15 over off the stick

    Almost had my first hole in one – 8i hit the flag rolling but didn’t drop ?

    8 pars 5 bogies 5 doubles 

    6/14 fairways- dropped 3 shots from drives, a push into trees, a hook into a hazard, and a slight pull draw that managed to finish in a bush (aimed left edge)

    7 GIR + 4 Texas- dropped 2 shots from a 5i punch into a tree into a hazard, 1 1/2 from bad iron shots and 1 from a thin PW – so 4 1/2 all up

    4/11 up and downs – dropped 6 1/2:
    1/2 8i
    0/2 AW
    0/1 SWS
    0/1 LW – 1/2 a shot because the 5i off the tee before was a huge push to poor ground behind a bunker
    2/4 Texas 

    33 putts – 1 3 putt – putted ok but usually too soft on slow bumpy greens (which are getting cored tomorrow 

    Overall there was some good golf, a bit of bad luck (2 flags hit by rolling balls and neither dropped), and some rubbish including 4 doubles in a row from 11 to 14 which included 2 par 5s

    Next week BF at Gailes so hopefully play better

    Dropped 0.3 to 10.6

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    in reply to: Ready, here I come. #6633

    Welcome to the world of golf blogs Della

    Look forward to seeing you get down under 11

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    in reply to: Par in my sight (must be using a telescope) #6619

    Were you on your side when you took the selfie mate?

    For some reason that’s how they load after I shrink them

    So I’ve just gone with it

    Thanks. Well add to list but wonder why only yours?

    No idea

    Maybe the app I used to shrink it?

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    in reply to: Par in my sight (must be using a telescope) #6617

    Were you on your side when you took the selfie mate?

    For some reason that’s how they load after I shrink them

    So I’ve just gone with it

    in reply to: Par in my sight (must be using a telescope) #6611

    That’s the one!

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    in reply to: Site Navigation #6577

    What does reply do?

    in reply to: Site Navigation #6575

    Can’t see a delete but you can edit it to something not embarrassing

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Weetbix. Reason: Testing testing
    in reply to: L4G National Championship – Oct 20-25 2022 (NSW) #6543

    Who is that guy?

    Think I saw him on a bus once

    in reply to: L4G National Championship – Oct 20-25 2022 (NSW) #6523

    I’m in

    P/s: the BBQ is on again this year

    Do you think Sunday or Monday night?


    in reply to: Par in my sight (must be using a telescope) #6503

    My return to Queensland golf wasn’t too good yesterday. 17 over 88 at Surfers Paradise. Driver was off which wasn’t good on such a tight course – but it wasn’t on its lonesome by a long way.

    Got some unlucky breaks too which definitely cost me on the scorecard.

    Onwards and upwards though

    Or downwards rather

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    in reply to: Charlotte Dawson- "Dealing with Depression" #6501

    Everyone makes mistakes Maxx

    And most people – if you are sincere in owning them and where appropriate making amends – will give you another chance

    As a man feeling like you have failed your family and especially those who depend on you very much is extremely difficult to own and be open about – you want to protect them from your mistakes

    I understand

    Good to see you back

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    in reply to: The Nats #6385

    Haha – had to laugh

    I figured after 2 days in a row you were trying to forget!

    4BBB wasn’t a great defense hey! But the company and the course were awesome

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    in reply to: The Nats #6382

    Posted over on ISG for you Commish

    Added myself to the list of your playing partners too

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