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  • in reply to: How did you play? #18870

    It does seem that the forum has declined. If you want to feel better about your score, I hit a 27 last game. 4 double bogeys in a row. I put it down to struggling with asthma, giving me a very tight chest and inability to breathe. I just wanted the get the game over with. It is all new to me, developing asthma post Covid in my dotage. On the positive side I was playing with a very experienced player who is returning to golf after health issues. His fluid swing reminded me of long john Daly. He hit the ball a long way and mostly in control. My” ex hockey” player punch shot style is so ugly in comparison..

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by xrman.
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    in reply to: Two steps forward #18868

    Our course had the greens sanded and cored, so today we played the front 9 twice. My plan was to use a fade shape off the tee today. In retrospect , with a strong west wind blowing, it was a less than ideal plan. I hit a few tee shots that ended up in the right side trees with the wind assist.. Then when I adjusted my aim, I hit the left side trees. Sure, putting was a bit of a lottery, more akin to sand scrape greens, but we all putted fairly well. There must be a lot of pollen in the air as my asthma ( thanks to Covid) was really playing up. I ended up with 4 double bogeys in a row. not my best golf today 45/51.

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    in reply to: How did you play? #18867

    Stroke last Saturday, nett 76.
    Stroke today. Nett 81.
    Some nice sunny breaks, interspersed with rain and tiny hail. Putts wouldn’t drop. Heaps of lip-outs, three 3-putts, total 38.

    Why do I bother?

    Surely you hit that one shots that made you think that you can do it.? The “come back” shot. The one that lures you back for another humiliation session.

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    in reply to: Two steps forward #18866

    Today will be a test day. I want to find the clubs that I can hit well in the 120-140 m range. For me this is my 6 &7 iron clubs ( 29/ 33) I failed to perform in the last game. I was getting poor strike/ mainly fat shots. I am hitting my 8 iron well ( 110-115m)and the TS2 27 Hyrbid ( my 5 iron substitute) is working well ( 140-145m).

    Option A. persist with the Tour Edge E521 6 & 7 iron-hybrids. I had an issue with the head loosening on the 7 iron during the last game, which I think I have sorted.

    Option B. put my SL-7 Milford single length irons back in the bag

    Option C. Raid my wife’s bag and put her Cleveland HB Launcher 7&8 iron in my bag ( 30&34 degrees).

    The test;
    1) hit 5 balls with each and measure ow many I can get 120-125m and 130-135 m
    2) evaluate ease of use for each club.

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    in reply to: Two steps forward #18865

    Playing in 30-40 kph gusty NW winds wasn’t much fun. The course is drying out at last, so that is an improvement, but there is still very little roll of the ball unless the shot has a very low trajectory. I had spent some time practicing my Driver shots the day before and felt more confident. I managed to hit 8/14 fairways with my tee shots. I did lose a lot of distance into the wind, but managed to pull two tee shots into the weeds and had the wind catch another shot and push it into the trees on the right of the fairway. I was trying to ” swing easy” but I think my pull shots were the result of trying too hard. My intended line down the left side of the pines on hole 7 to allow for the wind was a great plan. In execution however, I managed to clip the edge of the trees and the ball stopped dead into a pile of pine needles, my least favourite lie!

    OTS 91; 5 pars, 8 bogeys, 5 doubles. All of the doubles were on holes that my tee shots were poor. I was having a struggle with my longer approach shots (outside 8 iron range) I hit about 5 fat and had the dreaded double pitch/chip shots to reach the green. In the end I changed strategy and rolled more of my shorter shots onto the green, keeping the ball low. My 7 iron-hybrid head came loose during the game too. Most disconcerting to feel it waggle at the top of the backswing!

    Stats in case anyone is remotely interested; 4 GIR, 2 up and down. 35 putts. 31 points.
    Two Steps
    1) My Driver was better although I missed a few fairways. I did hit my 7 Wood and 4 wood to effect
    2) The low short game shots worked. I three putted a few times, but the first one was very long ( 3 putt territory)

    One step back
    1) Strike on my 6,7 iron-hybrids was fat. Maybe I should put the single length 6&7 irons back in the bag?

    in reply to: Two steps forward #18864

    I had my first full competition round today. I hit 90 OTS / 31 points. I was happy with that. My hip was fine, but my shoulder is touchy. I am off to the doctor to see if I can arrange a scan to assess the problem.

    I scored 5 pars, 8 bogeys and 5 doubles ( missed the tee shots)

    Two steps ( other than finishing the round)
    1. Approach shots showed promise
    2. shots inside 70 m worked well.

    One Step back
    1. my tee shots were a bit erratic and short & my putter was not really firing

    in reply to: Two steps forward #18862

    A window of opportunity is what I would call the break in the atrocious weather pattern. Adriano and I braved the elements and avoided getting bogged on the course after the deluge of rain we had last night. The purpose of the practice was to see if I could play 18 holes and try out a another driver and a 4 Wood. The Driver was a Tour Edge HL3 ( their budget / non -adjustable) 10.5 loft. I hit it OK but Adriano is having a fit of the horrors again. He can still get an acceptable power fade with my HiBore driver about 40% of the time. The HL3 was no good to him. I also wanted to try a Ping G20 4 Wood that I borrowed from my neighbour .
    I was hoping that it would be better off the tee on an uphill par 4 hole, but in reality my Cobra SZ out performed it. I guess it should being considerably more modern. I did a few good shots with the Ping though. I managed he 18 holes.

    in reply to: Two steps forward #18861

    I am playing 9 holes with little discomfort afterwards. Maybe it is the counter irritation theory at work. My left should is pretty sore still, so I don’t notice my hip as much! We had glimpses of sun today and tomorrow promises some much needed blue sky, well at least until Saturday afternoon.

    What is working ? The Driver distance isn’t bad, but my start line is a bit wonky still. Maybe it is my shoulder? Good excuse I guess.

    Fairway shots? Yes, not bad at all. I am getting about 5-10 m longer with the 4W than I do with the 7 W. On a poor lie the 3Hybrid is working.

    Approach shots 125-145M out are not bad. I am getting more accurate with the 27 Hybrid . The iron -hybrid 6 and 7 are not bad if I avoid over drawing the shots.

    Iron shots: I am hitting more GIR so that is a good thing.

    Short game; chipping to target has improved. The putting practice has paid off.

    I am hoping that I will get back to competition in 4 weeks’ time. I wonder if I will actually play better than before my lay off.

    in reply to: Two steps forward #18838

    Spring has arrived at last! Adriano and I started at 7 a.m. Sunday, meeting for a 9 hole practice round. Typically for me I hit two horrible shots off the tee , but the third shot was beauty. I need to hit a few shots before I play.

    Tee shots are hitting the fairway. I am drawing the ball well, using the baseball grip. I have confidence in the shot now.
    Fairway shots are reliable with 7W and 3 hybrid.
    Approach shots from 120-135 m I am getting them pin high, but lateral dispersion is a bit wide.
    I hit the green with full shots with my GW and SW .
    Putting was good today with speed control ( not missing long ones by much)

    in reply to: Two steps forward #18836

    I entered the Thursday Stableford competition. Before we started play I explained to the other players that I possibly would only play half the game, pending on how comfortable I felt with my hip.

    I was happy with my performance off the tee, except for the hook shot on hole 9 with my 4 Wood. I had forgotten that I need a neutral grip for that club to avoid a hook. Fairway shots were fine. I mucked up the attempted escape from the trees on 9, despite taking my medicine with a low draw punch shot. The next shot using my 8 iron just clipped the overhanging branch and took the sting out of it. I decided that after that I should retire from the game, go home and take some pain relief meds.

    Score 46/ 15 points

    Two steps forward.
    1) I kept the ball in play off the tee and in the fairway
    2) Some approach shots were good ( 7W onto the green from 165m out)

    One step back
    1) putting distance control was not great today; too timid
    2) approach shots needed one more club on several occasions for wind conditions.

    in reply to: Two steps forward #18835

    It poured rain and hail this morning. Any thoughts about playing the competition this morning were squashed.
    Later as the rain abated I went out for a practice. Whom should I meet there , but Adriano. He was working on hitting his Driver. He has a G425Max that he struggles with, hitting the ball low on the face and struggles to get a decent launch angle. He has reverted to using a 13 degree Cobra max. He asked if he could try my old Cleveland HiBore 10.5 Driver ( I had taken my travel half set ) and we were both surprised when he smashed the ball high and down the centre of the practice area. Go figure!

    We decided to play the practice loop; holes 1,2,3, 8 & 9. I walked for my daily exercise quota. Adriano hit his tee shots very well with my $90 Driver. It took me a few shots to get any performance out of the Ping ( stiff shaft). It sounded sort of dull/ hollow. I hit a few good shots and scored two pars. It was fun and my confidence is restored.

    in reply to: Two steps forward #18834

    I played a few holes ( 3.5) Adriano this morning before the weather changed. I started off hitting my 6 iron ( Tour Edge E521, a SGI style club/ iron-hybrid) off the tee. I have trouble getting the ball not to over draw when hitting that club, so I persisted until I go the setup right .Once I worked it out, I got some really good results. Eventually I decided that my hip was coping fine, so I tried a few Driver shots. I hit the first one into the dam! They did get better. I also tried a few 7 wood shots. Nice ones Cyril! It felt good to be back.

    in reply to: Two steps forward #18833

    I heard an expression, ” Those who cannot do; teach”. Maybe it applies to my caddie experience with Adriano last weekend. I gave him a 5 point plan to follow, which is just course management 101 really. He started using the Driver for 5 holes, then put it away to use his 22 Hybrid off the tee instead. Things took an upturn and he ended up with 37 points to come second on the day. I basked in his reflected glory, but maybe seeing he did it again next day without my help, I should say briefly basked instead.

    I drove myself to the course yesterday and played 9 holes, from 40 m out that is. I chipped on from the areas I usually come up short. Just for practice I used my LW only and putted trying to get down in 3. Mostly it worked, but I did hit a horrible thin shot on hole 4 and lost the ball. I think the ball was a tad too far forward in my stance.

    did you putt with LW,? try it its really good practice and you can really roll ball very well.

    Actually I did a few times when I was getting tired and didn’t want to walk back to my cart to get my putter. I am heading put again in the morning for the back 9, doing the same exercise 20–40 yard pitch shots and putting.

    in reply to: Two steps forward #18826

    I heard an expression, ” Those who cannot do; teach”. Maybe it applies to my caddie experience with Adriano last weekend. I gave him a 5 point plan to follow, which is just course management 101 really. He started using the Driver for 5 holes, then put it away to use his 22 Hybrid off the tee instead. Things took an upturn and he ended up with 37 points to come second on the day. I basked in his reflected glory, but maybe seeing he did it again next day without my help, I should say briefly basked instead.

    I drove myself to the course yesterday and played 9 holes, from 40 m out that is. I chipped on from the areas I usually come up short. Just for practice I used my LW only and putted trying to get down in 3. Mostly it worked, but I did hit a horrible thin shot on hole 4 and lost the ball. I think the ball was a tad too far forward in my stance.

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    in reply to: Two steps forward #18809

    One more week to go and I can drive again. I even mowed the grass yesterday.
    I went out for a practice session with Adriano again last night. We are working on his course management skills. With me watching, he feels pressure. I explain that is is simulating a game situation. Like many golfers he plays better when solo. At present he is playing off 21, but with his length of shot, he could be close to single figures if he could control the shots better, attempt less hero shots.
    Just for fun I used a putter with a Kotahi grip ( BJM) . I saw a video from BJM explaining how to best use this grip. Wonders! It worked so much better when I followed the instructions.

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