Who is your champion?

I’ve been fortunate over my career to work with a variety of facilities, companies, and people and in different countries. A question came to mind in recent times about all these experiences I had – why did some facilities and companies have huge booming businesses and programs and others did not?

The answer: There was a “champion for the cause” at the successful businesses and the others didn’t have anyone that was passionate enough to take the initiative and really make change or a difference.

I read about successful junior and beginner programs happening around the world all the time and they each have a common denominator, a great champion(s) behind it driving it from the grass roots up. Once this person leaves though the programs suffers dramatically unless someone else takes up the cause.

We each have to take personal responsibility for action to occur and cannot rely on the governing bodies or others to do it for us. They can give us the tools and direction, but without a champion at the course or grass roots- FORGET ABOUT IT!

Take the initiative

recent story about the golf equipment manufacturer TaylorMade-adidas’s recent strong operational performance really captured some of my thoughts on our golf industry as a whole and the challenges that face all organisations, big and small.  It shows how thinking BIG, breaking the mould and making massively swinging innovative changes to an operation can save your business.

During his closing keynote at the Winning Is Everything conference recently held in Las Vegas, TaylorMade-adidas Golf CEO Mark King told a story from 18 months ago to illustrate the corporate philosophy that transformed the golf equipment manufacturer from a “not really good company” into the industry leader in the span of a decade. Someone at the company suggested TaylorMade offer its traditionally black-coloured drivers in white. “To which I said, ‘That’s the dumbest idea in the world,’” King recounted. “I said, ‘You should be embarrassed and ashamed. We don’t do that stuff around here.’” Within a month, it was the craze of the industry.” Not only that, but the company’s market share went from 35 to 48 percent!

I ask each of you reading this story- have you ever had a crazy idea that you haven’t acted on yet, or you have acted and had some great results, or something you think the industry bodies should think about implementing? (Id love to hear your stories for an upcoming magazine article were writing along with receiving your “homemade” industry movies to publish on our website. Interview your boss or Board Member, do a How To video on something operational, talk to your Super regarding the quality of your course, etc)

Take the initiative, become a champion and make a difference!

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