Why more women should take up golf

If there is one piece of advice I could give today’s emerging business woman, it would be to add golf as a skill set in her networking routine. The advantages are just too palpable – both for her and her employer.
Women still only represent about 20 percent of the U.S. golfing population – a number that has remained largely unchanged for decades. Getting more women to play and enjoy golf is critically important but equally if not more important for women and their companies is getting more women to play business golf. Why? 

Golf has been deemed the sport of business. Few, if any, activities can duplicate the power of golf to boost one’s career regardless of gender. The game provides unmatchable networking time with clients, prospects and colleagues, including coveted access to senior management. Also, if few women employees are playing golf, then their companies likely are missing out on key business opportunities.

via Why more women should take up golf – Yahoo7 Finance Australia.

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